>Well, what are you complaining for? You just said you went there to
>buy some more XBox games. People like you are to blame for the demise
>of PC ***. Enjoy your candy ass arcade XBox games though.
Er, yeah, Splinter Cell and Panzer Dragoon are pretty candy ass, as
are all 3 of the xbox-versions of the Tony Hawk series. Halo is
pretty ***as are NFL/NHL/NBA 2k3. And don't get me started on Fatal
Frame, what a ***game that was...there are tons of better horror
games on the PC. And really, it's a good thing Jet Set Radio never
came out for the PC because it's so horrible.
I've sunk thousands of dollars into computer *** in the past 20
years. I'm the last person who wants to the see PC *** die,
especially when I'm trying to justify spending $2000 on a new PC to be
used strictly for *** so I can relegate my current system to my
recording studio.
I mean come on, my Ti4400 alone was $300. My x-box was $200 and came
with one of my all-time favorite games (JSRF). I bought a
high-quality 20" flat screen TV for my x-box/dreamcast for about $140.
I don't even want to consider what that's going to get me in terms of
monitors. I'm seriously considering buying a PS2 and Gamecube instead
of new PC hardware because it will cost me far far less money and I
know I'll be able to get good games for both systems. For what a new
PC and high-quality 20" monitor would cost, you can buy all 3 major
consoles and a 30" HDTV. That is sick.
There has been so little of value coming out for the PC that it's
genuinely sad. There are basically 3 games I can think of right now
that I'm looking forward to, N2002/Deus Ex2/Thief 3 and I wouldn't be
surprised if the latter of those didn't comt out until Christmas 2004.
Besides all of that, Tiger Woods 2003 is the only good non-text sports
game that has come out on the PC since PGA 2000 (and Front Page Sports
Baseball 98 before that). I love racing, but I also love
baseball/football/basketball/hockey, and the only decent action
renditions of those sports are console only.
All of that said, I would certainly welcome more conole games being
released on the PC. I would love a PC Jet Set Radio game, any kind of
racing game with a rewarding career mode (how consoles have the
monopoly here is beyond me), PC versions of the Sega Sports series, a
PC Panzer Dragoon game, etc. PC games don't sell now quite simply
because most of them suck. I'd give my left leg for a good PC game
that actually took full advantage of the Geforce 4 and DX8 (not to
mention the FX or 9700 and DX9) but apparently it's not happening.
Until something changes, I guess it will be another year of playing
GPL, N2003, the Simbin mods, Out of the Park 5, Civ 3, and Thief/Deus
Ex/NOLF over and over. I'll also buy the 2 or 3 titles of value that
PC publishers decide to release this year, assuming any stores decide
to stock them.