> > To be honest Joachim, I'd bet my right arm that if you took a random
> > of GPL drivers and had them compete against a random sample of 4x4 Evo2
> > drivers (follow up to MTM2) in a new, third sim with a controlled amount
> > practice time, the 4x4 Evo2 drivers would put the GPL drivers to shame.
> > could just take the top 20% of both and the results would be the same.
> > Having competed against both, that's my opinion.
> But by your own admission you got bored of GPL after six short weeks,
> then installed because you weren't interested! Are you basing your
> appraisal of the quality of GPL drivers on six weeks?!
> I have a point, Dave, so there's not a chance in hell that you'll answer
> me!
Actually, you don't.
First of all, The best way to judge a driver(s) is to see how well they do
with a new sim that they have no or little time with. Not after they've had
tons of practice with it.
Secondly, I've raced with familiar names online with POD, CPR, MTM2, GPL,
N2002, LFS, and probably a few others that I forget right now.
Finally, I've seen replays of GPL races, and read race reports where it's
crash after crash after crash from people who've been racing the same cars
on the same tracks for years. Hardly any different from what you see from
the general crowd in most online racing games.
POD drivers would kick your ass Gerry.
David G Fisher