> >I just find it hard to accept that this could be the "best" were going to
> >get. Papy has shortcomings that I just cna't accept any longer and EA sims
> >(although they have failings also) are a step in the right direction,
> >especially the Physics. The Papy tracks are nearly perfectly flat. The
> >bumps that are there feel as though they were just stuck onto this perfectly
> >flat track, the grahics and physics seem dated and most importanly it can be
> >exploited way to easily.
> I dunno, I've driven on professional racing circuits. They aren't
> littered with high amplitude oscillations, just a lot of high
> frequency bumps. When I see posts about the tracks being too flat, I
> wonder if you're comparing them to streets in Pittsburgh or something,
> because that's about the only thing I can think of that could be
> bumpier.
> Surely you don't think the rollercoasters at Monza and Silverstone
> represent reality in any way?
> Jason
Don't forget that this is fundamental to the design of the N4+/GPL
engine - it's actually on of the things that Papy did "right" (from
one way of looking at it).
I don't see that there's any resolution to the argument - both sims
have fundamental strengths and flaws. Papy did a good thing in
decoupling the graphics engine from the underlying physics engine -
the tracks are modeled at a higher resolution than diplayed on the
monitor (rather than 'riding the polygons' like you do in F1C), and
36fps with alot more feel than you can in F1C). I'd imagine this is
also a big factor in why Papy's multiplayer is so much better.
OTOH - F1c has it *all over* Papy on the modability side. Thank
goodness ISI at least saw what mods have added to all sorts of ***
genres. I bought F12k1/2 only because of GTR, discovered there was a
good game there, and picked up F1C without any particular mod driving
the sale (but knowing good mods would be on the way).
If Papyrus had made the N2k3 engine as open and modifiable as ISI's,
they could have potentially owned the sim market (and we'd have GPL2
by now!).
Just means the the Holy Grail of sim racing is still out there - I
certainly don't feel cheated by any of what we already have.
Just think what's coming - GPL65 - various F1C mods, N2k3 mods from
the cracked .exe, Simbin's GT sim, RBR. Why the hell are we all
whining ;)?