GTA3 - my take


GTA3 - my take

by Magnulu » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 19:35:23

  It's funny you like games like Tresspasser or Tomb Raider, yet your are
badmouthing consoles.  You are more likely to find those type of games
(platformer and action/adventure) on a console.  PC games for the next year
or so (except maybe for Deus Ex 2) are going to not be your cup of tea,
mostly they are going to be rehashes of yet another shooter with plenty of
floating powerups.  The sad part is, you are missing out some good console
games, but it's your loss, not ours.

3rd-person, Nick. You're an odd one indeed.
consoles games (at least PS2 anyway) are better: faster and
visually/graphically. Just look at Grand Theft Auto 3 for an example.
according to
is a good explanation of the differnences between the PS2 and Xbox. Besides
FSB (frontside bus) speeds are up to, what, 533MHz now? That's plenty fast
to easily compete with the PS2.
developers truly take advantage of it and understand HOW to harness that
potential, the PS2 will be a lame duck while the "brute force" mentality of
PCs (but not the Xbox since it's hardware is locked) will advance beyond
what the PS2 can do.
whenever I want. I am in COMPLETE control of my *** experience; consolers
are not.

> > Your arguments are flawed. It is understandable that people prefer one
> > of system over another - it creates a friendly rivalry. But when
> > blindly refuses to accept that their beloved system is in any way
> > to another one, even when it is, there is cause for concern. If you
> > looked at the hardware side of the PS2 (and probably GC as well,
although I
> > don't know very much about it) and compared it to a PC or xbox, then you
> > would realise just how bad PCs really are. They are dark ages machines,
> > built under the paradigm of 'anything you can do, I can brute-force'.
> > entire architecture of a PC is fatally flawed. Each and every bit may
> > nice big numbers to fool the average moron on the street (I include Eep2
> > this), but there are so many bottlenecks that a PC can only compare to a
> > real *** console (ie not an xbox) if it has at least four times the
> > power. I am not saying that a PS2 is better than a PC/xbox, all I am
> > is that the hardware is beautiful, rather than clunky, slow and

> > The PS2 graphics chip has a huge bus (2,560 bits) running to a simple
> > cache. The PC has a tiny bus (which was 'upgraded' minimally to the AGP
> > standard), running to 64Mb/128Mb Video RAM. What is the difference, you
> > might ask. Well, here is an analogy I read somewhere which sounds really
> > weird, but illustrates the principle perfectly:

> > Imagine you have 2 buckets of water (barrels of water for animals to
> > which are serving elephants. To keep these full, you have a pipe which
> > more water into the buckets. The pipes are the graphics buses, and the
> > buckets are video memory. The PS2 has a huge pipe and a tiny bucket, so
> > the elephant (which symbolises the output to the screen) comes and
> > the water, it sucks it up really quickly - but the pipe is big enough to
> > pump more water than the elephant drinks, so the elephant can keep
> > all year and the bucket will never run dry of water (data). On the other
> > hand, the PC has a huge bucket and a tiny pipe, so while the elephant
> > take a while to empty the bucket, the pipe cannot replenish the water
> > enough so eventually it will run dry. Thus, the PS2 graphic synthesizer
> > keep the throughput much higher than the PC. Yes, even if you have a
> > 9 with 72 Gigs of Video Memory. At least until buses are improved
> > dramatically on the PC. It doesn't matter how many cars can leave town A
> > minute, or how many can enter town B per minute, if the road between
them is
> > a single-carriageway, but if it is a six-lane motorway then it is using
> > full potential.

> > Of course, it is harder to program the PS2 to take advantage of this
> > properly, but then why spend your time making decent, fast code when you
> > just throw some shit code at a PC and bump up the minimum specs? Why
> > all that time and effort making a properly integrated machine when you
> > just bump up the clock speeds and brute force it? Why spend your time
> > a lean, perfectly balanced and fast Lotus Elise with a modest power
> > when you can stick a Formula 1 engine in a knackered Volvo and get the
> > top speed?

> > Why bother arguing the point when you will all (especially Eep2) come
> > at me with random shit like 'I don't know anything about hardware, but
> > PC is better coz I say so' and refuse to accept there are other, better
> > alternatives out there at a cheaper monetary outlay?

Phil Le

GTA3 - my take

by Phil Le » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 21:12:46


<huge snip>

Whilst all that you say about PC, Xbox and PS2 hardware may well be true
your arguments do not address the real reason why the vast majority of
people on this newsgroup prefer PC's over the PS2.

To put it simply, the PC platform is the only one that offers high quality
racing simulations together with high quality controllers. If there was a
console version of GPL or NR2002, and if there was support for online racing
and if the console could support wheels of the quality of the TSW or BRD
ones then I'm sure more of us would consider it as a serious simming
platform. As it stands the PS2 does not offer any of these. It therefore has
to play second fiddle to the PC.

It is important to remember that the software is far more important than the
hardware it runs on.

Racesim Central Administrator


GTA3 - my take

by JM » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 21:00:59

Nick, just want to say that everything you've said is spot on the money.  I
know some people won't listen to the FACTS when they're read to them, but
at the end of the day, some no-name usenet poster's opinion means nothing
to anyone.  For the record, I play games on my PC, I don't own a PS2 or an
XBox, nor am I going to.  I know that there are some damn good games
available for them, but I'm content with my racing sims and simple RPG
games (Dungeon Siege) on the PC, so I'll live with it now.  I didn't buy it  
for games originally, but that's what the upgrade money went on.  I do a
fair bit of programming and graphics work, and never got the chance at a
net yaroze ;o)  So while I'm a PC gamer, I never disrespect consoles,
except the XBox, because if it wasn't for it, I'd be able to play HALO on
my PC :o)

I still read Edge magazine every other month or so, to keep up with
developments in consoles, I'm still waiting for the next quantum leap games
machine though.



GTA3 - my take

by JM » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 21:05:46

I don't know about that- with "only" 256mb of RAM under win98se, my 1.4
tbird system chugs with disc access driving through the second island.  Is
the PS2 version similarly jerky and slow? It's not the graphics (only GF2 I
admit, but well up to the job of 800x600x16) it's the memory.  The PC
version still features the same quirks that GTA original did on my PSX-
cars and pedestrians wink out of existence almost as soon as you turn you
back, only  about 6 different vehicle types ever in existence at any one
time. I'm enjoying GTA3 on my PC, but I also enjoyed GTA and GTA london on
my PSX.  I can't see the PS2 version of GTA3 being inferior to the PC
version running on 800 worth of PC.


PS2 is number

GTA3 - my take

by PS2 is number » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 22:27:19

No maybe of hadful of time I've seen a slight drop in frame rate but other wise
perfectly smooth


GTA3 - my take

by Nick » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 22:46:43

Indeed, that is all true. I have been a PC gamer for many, many years, and
still play racing sims and FPSs mostly on the PC. But nobody is looking
likely to make a real racing sim on a console, because the market there is
even more restricted than it is on the PC. By the way, the consoles do
support online *** - I have been playing Tony Hawk 3 online using my
current 56k connection for a while now.


GTA3 - my take

by Nick » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 22:56:35

according to (which
is a good explanation of the differnences between the PS2 and Xbox. Besides
FSB (frontside bus) speeds are up to, what, 533MHz now? That's plenty fast
to easily compete with the PS2.

The 128bit bus is inside the actual processing units, for example - there is
a 128bit bus connecting the main processing unit and one vector unit (unlike
the xbox/PC which has different bus speeds all over the place - the biggest
I think is 32bit but I might be wrong). 533 FSB connects the RAM to the
processor through the North bridge (that is a frontside bus). BUT the bus
was concerning the graphics chip/card, which in a PS2 is a dedicated
2,560bit bus, whereas in a PC is is a tiny AGP bus (or an even smaller PCI
bus - which is shared between a number of slots).


GTA3 - my take

by Nick » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 23:00:57

whenever I want. I am in COMPLETE control of my *** experience; consolers
are not.

By the way, you sound like a control freak, so why not take the next step
and make your own *** machine? Somebody who wants 'COMPLETE control' of
their *** experience must get right pissed off with hard disk caching,
blue screens of death, random framerates and even sitting at a desk or table
during your mammoth '*** experiences'. You might either A) Come up with
something that blows PCs and consoles away, or B) realise just how ugly the
PC design really is. I bet at least your system would have a RISC processor
(if you know what that is, of course).


GTA3 - my take

by Haqsa » Mon, 10 Jun 2002 00:16:01

The PS2 is certainly a capable machine, but you are forgetting a couple
of things.  First, the PC and Xbox do not have the same architecture.
They share many components and technologies, but they are not the same.
The closest you can get on a PC would be with the nForce chipset, but
even that is a generation behind what is in the Xbox.  Without going
into detail, just consider the fact that the Xbox manages to do all the
things it does with only 64 meg of RAM total.  You couldn't do that on a
PC.  (Yes I know the PS2 manages with less, but the PS2 has an unfair
advantage here - it can't use high res textures so it doesn't need as
much RAM).  If you really look at the Xbox system design, it too is a
thing of beauty, IMO.  Secondly, it is an easily verifiable fact that
many games that have been ported from the PS2 to the Xbox have had
graphics features added.  Also with many games that are simultaneously
being developed for both both platforms the Xbox version has added
graphics effects.  At the very least, as previously mentioned the PS2 is
incapable of using texture resolutions as high as the Xbox.  But on top
of that the Xbox shaders are allowing effects that have never been done
in games before anywhere.  Animals with "real" fur.  Individual blades
of grass on the ground.  Self-shadowing models.  Depth of field effects.
Developers are only just beginning to figure out what to do with all of
this power.  The latest Xbox game previews I have seen are starting to
look like real time CGI.  Games that are just now coming to market are
already an order of magnitude better than most of the games that were
available at the Xbox's introduction.  I used to think Project Gotham
Racing looked incredible, then I bought Rallisport Challenge.  Now I
can't look at Project Gotham Racing.  And it is continuing to get
better.  The Xbox version of Pro Race Driver will probably blow both of
those away, at least graphically.

I know I probably shouldn't get involved in these kind of arguments,
because they tend to get as heated and emotional as a religious
argument.  I have nothing against you, I'm glad you are happy with your
PS2, and I agree it is good hardware.  But I don't think you are very
well informed about what the Xbox really is or what it is capable of, so
I felt compelled to comment.

Nitz Wals

GTA3 - my take

by Nitz Wals » Mon, 10 Jun 2002 00:24:50

Absolute nonsense.  I have a PS2 and GTA3, it is far from "perfectly
smooth".  Generally under 30fps most of the time.  The PC version is
definitely superior.

Nitz Wals

GTA3 - my take

by Nitz Wals » Mon, 10 Jun 2002 00:46:52

Of course - it's Eep.  Unfortunately, your arguments are not exactly
spotless either, and demonstrate you have a lack of understanding of both
the PS2 and PC's architecture.

Since when is bus speed (and internal only at that) the sole measure of
graphics power?  Yes, the PS2 has a very wide graphics bus to a _very_ small
segment of internal ram, which is one of the reasons many games for it
display washed out, blurry textures.  You may hold the systems graphics
prowess in high regard, but the fact is in most games available for the
console, I'm not seeing this wizardry translate itself onto the screen.

It's also interesting you would lament the PC's "brute force" approach, when
the PS2's graphics unit is the very definition of "brute force".  Frankly,
the PS2's graphics synthesizer is an incredibly _dumb_ chip.  No mipmapping.
No anti-aliasing.  No multitexturing (!).  Cripes, it takes two passes just
to apply bilinear filtering!  It's like an incredibly fast Voodoo1 in many
aspects, the very definition of "brute force".  Techniques that other
consoles and PC graphics cards can do in one pass require several on the PS2
as the underlying feature set of the graphics chip is so feeble, assuming
the techniques can be accomplished with multipass rendering at all (Dot3
bumpmapping anyone)?

So of course the internal bus bandwidth is fantastic, it *has* to be as the
PS2 has to resort to such "brute-force" tactics.  Nothing is free here, the
PS2 takes a different approach that will help in some cases, but be a
detriment in others.  No doubt you chose to focus on the very wide internal
bus, but that speed absolutely plummets when it has to go outside the chip
for streaming textures, which it has to do considering how small that
internal memory bank is.  Graphics prowess is dependent on many factors,
including the capabilities of the graphics chip themselves, the bandwidth
that connects the components, and even the CPU to keep the frame rate high
when you have to process AI from many enemies (and AI that is expected to be
more and more complex by a more demanding *** public).   While it's hard
to directly compare titles on both platforms, the PC versions of two
PS2-originated games (GTA3 and Starfighter), the PC versions are undoubtedly
smoother and with superior graphics, although they're limited by the PS2's
source art.

It serves no purpose to just mimic Eep's zealotry with some of your own.

David Butter

GTA3 - my take

by David Butter » Mon, 10 Jun 2002 05:54:11

<big snip>

This is the first post I've seen in this thread (I'm in, so maybe I've missed summat. But it seems to
me this is yet another "my system's better than your system, nah nah
nah-nah naaahh!" arguments that get no-one anywhere. I have a PC
because it's the best all-round machine - by which I mean that games
aren't all it can do - and because there is no equivalent to Grand
Prix Legends on any console. (Incidentally, are there any really good
force feedback wheels - say up to MSFF standard - available for
consoles? It's a big plus if so.)

It all boils down to this: if all you want to do is play the type of
games at which consoles excel - arcadey ones, basically - then it's
silly buying a PC costing five times as much. But if you want ot be
able to do other things, including non-gamey ones, then you'll need a
computer anyway, and if a big range of games is something you need
it'll be a PC. Simple, really.

England 1 Argentina 0! Yyyyeeeessssss! :-D


GTA3 - my take

by Eep2 » Mon, 10 Jun 2002 07:37:11

Uh, hardly. I'm looking forward to quite a few upcoming PC titles: Deus Ex 2, Thief 3, Hitman 2, Tomb Raider 6 (begrudgingly anyway), NOLF 2, Gothic 2, Arx Fatalis, IGI 2, Neverwinter Nights, SimCity 4, Simsville, etc. Lots of variety in these games...variety consoles can't even BEGIN to touch.

>   It's funny you like games like Tresspasser or Tomb Raider, yet your are
> badmouthing consoles.  You are more likely to find those type of games
> (platformer and action/adventure) on a console.  PC games for the next year
> or so (except maybe for Deus Ex 2) are going to not be your cup of tea,
> mostly they are going to be rehashes of yet another shooter with plenty of
> floating powerups.  The sad part is, you are missing out some good console
> games, but it's your loss, not ours.

> > Funny how you address a post to me yet refer to be in the 1st- AND
> 3rd-person, Nick. You're an odd one indeed.

> > Anyway, my arguments aren't flawed for the simple fact that PC versions of
> consoles games (at least PS2 anyway) are better: faster and
> visually/graphically. Just look at Grand Theft Auto 3 for an example.

> > Oh and the PS2 bus is only 128-bit, not 2560-bit (odd amount anyway),
> according to
> is a good explanation of the differnences between the PS2 and Xbox. Besides
> FSB (frontside bus) speeds are up to, what, 533MHz now? That's plenty fast
> to easily compete with the PS2.

> > While the PS2 MAY have a lot of potential to beat PCs and the Xbox, until
> developers truly take advantage of it and understand HOW to harness that
> potential, the PS2 will be a lame duck while the "brute force" mentality of
> PCs (but not the Xbox since it's hardware is locked) will advance beyond
> what the PS2 can do.

> > Me, I'm sticking with hardware I have control over and can upgrade at will
> whenever I want. I am in COMPLETE control of my *** experience; consolers
> are not.


GTA3 - my take

by Eep2 » Mon, 10 Jun 2002 07:54:42

PC versions of consoles games (at least PSX/PS2 anyway) are often (if not always) "enhanced": higher resolution textures, more polys, more detail, higher quality sounds/music, etc. to see how the PC Grand Theft Auto 3 is better than the PS2 version.

> > Funny how you address a post to me yet refer to be in the 1st- AND
> > 3rd-person, Nick. You're an odd one indeed.

> > Anyway, my arguments aren't flawed for the simple fact that PC
> > versions of consoles games (at least PS2 anyway) are better: faster
> > and visually/graphically. Just look at Grand Theft Auto 3 for an
> > example.

> I don't know about that- with "only" 256mb of RAM under win98se, my 1.4
> tbird system chugs with disc access driving through the second island.  Is
> the PS2 version similarly jerky and slow? It's not the graphics (only GF2 I
> admit, but well up to the job of 800x600x16) it's the memory.  The PC
> version still features the same quirks that GTA original did on my PSX-
> cars and pedestrians wink out of existence almost as soon as you turn you
> back, only  about 6 different vehicle types ever in existence at any one
> time. I'm enjoying GTA3 on my PC, but I also enjoyed GTA and GTA london on
> my PSX.  I can't see the PS2 version of GTA3 being inferior to the PC
> version running on 800 worth of PC.

Hans Jense

GTA3 - my take

by Hans Jense » Mon, 10 Jun 2002 16:07:14

BlaBlaBlaBlaBla, Instead of arguing which is better why don't you all just
go out and buy both a PS2/X-box and a decent pc, I did. The bottom line here
is they all have their advantages, ehm if you have a decent setup with your
PS2 like my self 46" Sony TV 5.1 digital receiver, an old Sony ES receiver
2x110watts running my 10" passive dual voicecoil sub, GT3 is pretty cool, +
PS2/X-Box is a dedicated *** console which doubles as a DVD player, My pc
consist of a athlon xp1700 64mb geforce2 mx/400, 60gig IBM HD, SB Live 5.1
w/ creative 5300 series speakers and sub, and a 19" LG Flatron 915FT plus,
So not the top of the line system's but decent, well you all know the
advantages of pc's you can do so much more than just ***, and as far as
online play well we'll just have to wait and see how well the PS2/X-box
stacks up when it becomes available, Just my cents, and please do not take
it the wrong way wouldn't want to step on anybody's toes your all entitled
to your own opinion's although opinions don't change fact's and here's a
little secret for some of you: A man convinced against his will is of the
same opinion still!!  Just a little something I learned :o)

> >Imagine you have 2 buckets of water (barrels of water for animals to
> >which are serving elephants. To keep these full, you have a pipe which
> >more water into the buckets. The pipes are the graphics buses, and the
> >buckets are video memory. The PS2 has a huge pipe and a tiny bucket, so
> >the elephant (which symbolises the output to the screen) comes and drinks
> >the water, it sucks it up really quickly - but the pipe is big enough to
> >pump more water than the elephant drinks, so the elephant can keep
> >all year and the bucket will never run dry of water (data). On the other
> >hand, the PC has a huge bucket and a tiny pipe, so while the elephant
> >take a while to empty the bucket, the pipe cannot replenish the water
> >enough so eventually it will run dry. Thus, the PS2 graphic synthesizer
> >keep the throughput much higher than the PC. Yes, even if you have a
> >9 with 72 Gigs of Video Memory. At least until buses are improved
> >dramatically on the PC. It doesn't matter how many cars can leave town A
> >minute, or how many can enter town B per minute, if the road between them
> >a single-carriageway, but if it is a six-lane motorway then it is using
> >full potential.

> >Of course, it is harder to program the PS2 to take advantage of this
> >properly, but then why spend your time making decent, fast code when you
> >just throw some shit code at a PC and bump up the minimum specs? Why
> >all that time and effort making a properly integrated machine when you
> >just bump up the clock speeds and brute force it? Why spend your time

> Ahem. Nick, you are being illogical here. First going on how great PS2
> is with its big bandwidth, and then complaining PC architecture is
> based on "brute force"? Come again?

> Like someone else already pointed out, PS2 architecture is not
> "beautiful" nor really that advanced. There's a reason why Carmack was
> not terribly e***d about the graphics prowess of PS2.

> About the best thing you can say about PS2 architecture is that it is
> different, but that's about it. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.