Hello, just barging in...
"Eep2" <eepNOS...@tnlc.com> wrote in message
> JM wrote:
> > Eep2 <eepNOS...@tnlc.com> wrote in news:3CF9879D.9B04AA61@tnlc.com:
> > > JM wrote:
> > >> Eep2 <eepNOS...@tnlc.com> wrote in news:3CF921F3.DB5F4E54@tnlc.com:
> > >> >> Wasnt the Amiga designed by the same people who did the Atari
> > >> >> 400/800?
> > >> > No, Atari makes Atari; Commodore made Amigas (and Commodore 64s).
> > >> Incorrect. elements of the original atari team were involved in the
> > >> development of the amiga. "same people" not "same company"
> > > <shrug> "Commodore" isn't "Atari".
> > Shrug nothing, you were wrong, simple as that.
> Relatively wrong...and relatively right. :) <shrug> Get over it, low
self-esteem boy.
One may argue that giving the correct answer, but not to the question posed
is absolutely wrong in itself.
The statement you made was absolutely correct in itself, but meaningless to
the question.
Obviously, JM knew pretty much about Atari and Commodore.
Or maybe, to use your view of things: "Commodore" is relatively "Atari", but
not absolutely...
> > > Uh, Doom was hardly the game to spark PC game superiority. Perhaps you
> > > heard of Wolfenstein 3D? And this is just referring to the beginning
> > > of mainstream 3D on the PC; 2D games were a bit hit during the
> > > previous decade!
> > Yes, I've heard of Wolf3d, but Wolf3d was not the catalyst for the PC
> > gaming revolution, Doom was. That is the fact of the matter. Before then
> > (and still today) 2d games were, in their entirety, shite on the PC.
> > Christ, the PC didn't even have hardware sprites, it stood no chance vs
> > consoles and amigas pre 3d era.
> And yet the PC was FAR more popular than the Amiga. Obviously the PC DID
stand a chance (winning, even) vs. the Amiga. Consoles are another matter,
but since 3D came onto the scene, PCs have kicked their asses too. ;) But,
of course, PC games were always much more revolutionary than console games
even in the pre-3D era, so...
Your first statement means nothing, unless you can provide some evidence
that *gaming* PCs were more popular than Amigas!
You can, by the same token, prove that pen and paper are better for gaming
than PCs, since they are more popular. Naturally, you can play games using
pen and paper, but that's hardly the main use for them!
Note: I'm not saying you're wrong, but you're making a statement without a
proper proof.
> > >> I got my first ZX Spectrum in 1981, since then, I've had three more
> > >> speccy's, a Commodore 64, a SNES (super famicom), playstation (PSX),
> > >> Atari Lynx, an Amiga 1200, and currently a PC. There is nothing in
> > >> PC games that isn't already in "console" games.
> > > Where is Thief for consoles? Oh, right, it doesn't exist. <snicker>
> > Thief is a great game. Why should it be available for consoles? It
> > sold any copies on the PC. There's nothing in Thief that couldn't be
> > in a console, and there are console stealth based games (Tenchu for one,
> > but it's no thief).
> Indeed...it IS no Thief--and that's my point.
If Thief hasn't sold among "REAL" players, why should it sell with the
What point ARE you making? Present a game which succeeded with PC gamers and
failed with console gamers to illustrate your point.
Again, I'm not saying you're wrong. But you're just making empty statements.
> > >> I don't see the PC as a superior gaming
> > >> machine because I can run Excel 2000 or Visual Studio 6 on it. It's
> > >> a much more versatile tool than my PSX, and I'll admit my current PC
> > >> is better at games than the PSX, but my old Cyrix 200 16mb system I
> > >> had when I bought my PSX was nowhere near as good as the PSX.
> > > Silly JM, Cyrix crap isn't better than ANYTHING (except, perhaps,
> > > other Cyrix crap). Regardless, like I said, the consoles have the lead
> > > for a SHORT while before the PC overtakes them and leaves them in the
> > > dust for YEARS.
> > OK, now we've established that you're ingorant as well as ill informed.
> > Fact is the best 3d card out when I got my first PC was the Orchid
> > Righteous (voodoo1).
> Uh, so what? That's you. The PSX can't even fucking do bilinear texture
filtering! Even 1st-generation PC 3D accelerators could do that!
Please elaborate. When were those cards available when compared with the
If the PSX sold prior to those cards, then it would only be natural why *at
the time* the PSX was better, no?
At any rate, what does bilinear texture filtering have to do with anything?
It might make the game look better, sure. What about the frame rate? What
does a "REAL" player have to do with the crop of games coming every few
months? If I recall well, there was a discussion not long ago about
Morrowind. Someone said something about having to replace his old "256" with
a newer GeForce card. That someone wasn't able to understand how come the
game required such high-end specs. Sounds familiar? This doesn't happen with
consoles. Sure, the graphics can hardly evolve using the same hardware, but
at least you can rest assured everything will run well. It is by design. Who
cares about graphic quality when the framerate stalls? Who cares about
trilinear-z-buffered-LOD using multi-dimensional-rotating-frustrums when
good ol' windows gives you the "Blue Screen"?
> > The XBox and PS2 both look capable of presenting
> > graphics just as well as my geforce2 based card in this PC. This is
> > you tell me that the XBox and PS2 have nothing on the top end geforce4
> > cards, so let me save you the bother by reminding you that the card
> > costs more than either entire console (excepting the cheap version
> > out, which only costs slightly less than an XBox- bargain!)
> See standard default PC vs console debate. PCs blow away consoles in terms
of versatility and cost-effectiveness.
Please elaborate! Cost-effectiveness in terms of what, exactly? You're
willing to pay a lot of money in order to get the newest games running on
your system. That doesn't sound like a cost-effective decision to me...
Buying an older computer with low-end hardware and older software versions
will get you those "Office"-like applications running smoothly. It will also
leave you with enough cash to buy a console and play games. That sounds more
cost-effective to me, since you wouldn't have to upgrade neither to enjoy
the best of both worlds.
I bought a used Dreamcast for 50$. A new one costs about 80$. Please explain
(even briefly) why a PC is more cost-effective.
There are points to be made for PCs. Heck, I play a lot more on my PC, and I
love using it. But I think you're barking up the wrong tree, here.
> > > <shrug> It's still all fruit. PCs do far more than consoles, while
> > > they don't cost that much more (and don't forget the TV price for
> > > consoles!).
> > Of course I forget the cost of my TV, I didn't buy it to play games on,
> > that's just an added bonus. You cannot buy a new PC today for the same
> > money as a PS2 or XBox that will play equivalent games to the same
> > (eg GTA3). As I said, even though you have a talent for ignoring the
> > laid before you, I'll repeat. My PC is a much better piece of equipment
> > than any current console, because I use it for more than games. I also
> > accept that it cost me a hell of a lot more money than an XBox. If I
> > purely wanted to play games, and had no other consideration, a 200
> > is a much better proposition than a 500 PC.
> For kiddie gamers and immature adults, perhaps. For REAL gamers, PCs are
the only way to go. :)
Umm, that would be *relatively* REAL gamers. Or maybe REAL gamers with
VIRTUAL (girl) friends...
(Don't take it personally - I don't know you...)
> > You'll be telling me the PC is a great games PC because you can play the
> > Sims on it, next.
> Among many other unique games unavailable on consoles, yes. :)
Now you're actually saying something! This is a good point. Although, I
think very few people will bother to buy a PC just to play the Sims. But I
may be wrong here. There is such thing as a killer application. Strangely, I
believe it has worked primarily for consoles, when it comes to games...
Oh, and BTW, the same can be said for text-only adventures! (are we drooling
> > Feel free to join in the discussion when you have some actual facts to
> > up your opinion.
> Facts? I've been slamming them into your arrogant little face the entire
time, sport. "Open your fucking [eyes], jackass!"
Is that a movie quote?
BTW, you're slamming statements, with very little figures and facts behind
them. This means that if you're right, it is by pure luck, although luck
happens, you know.
All the best,
p.s. What does REC.AUTOS.SIMULATORS have to do with this discussion?
Don't mind your make-up,
Make your mind up!
(Frank Zappa)