GTA3 - my take


GTA3 - my take

by JM » Wed, 05 Jun 2002 05:47:39

>>> Unless you count adventure games, of course.

>>I don't, as it happens.  Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle did not
>>make the PC a viable *** option in 1991.

> You are grazy. Sierra, Dynamix and LucasArts adventure games of the
> time were true gems.

but without the added advantage of lotus-123, you wouldn't buy a PC to play
them, would you? I mean, seriously.  Monkey Island 1 & 2 were certainly
available on other computer platforms, if not consoles.


Eric VanHees

GTA3 - my take

by Eric VanHees » Wed, 05 Jun 2002 05:50:40

I remember a friend of mine had a PC and a King's Quest game or two; I
really wanted one of those machines :)  Of course, the machines were
ludicrously expensive at the time (or maybe I just remember it as such),
so I never did get one.


GTA3 - my take

by JM » Wed, 05 Jun 2002 06:11:51

I didn't start it :p
In 1995, I had an Amiga 1200, a SNES, and an Atari Lynx (all for a combined
price of significantly less than a contemporary PC, I might add).  There
was still nothing on the PC that made me want to spend the outrageous
amount of money to buy one.

Are you saying the PC version of Wing Commander wasn't a scabby sprite
based pile of crap? I know the amiga version was :D  Red Baron had analogue
stick support.  Still, there were hundreds more games (of good quality) on
the consoles, and alternative computer platforms, than the PC.  In an era
when cross platform development was rife, the PC was truly left out in the
cold.  I don't know anyone today who'd use the Wing Commander series as an
arguemt for how PC games are *good* ;)

I beg to differ. Much more playable on the Amiga- I've played both
versions. Likewise Frontier Elite 2.

I'm saying people would have to be crazy to buy a PC in those days, solely
on the basis of the *** software. Costs were astronomical.  Besides,
some other nonce started this whole thing saying nothing can ever compare
to a PC for ***.  Surely if I can buy, eg, three *** platforms
combined for the same cost as a PC, then in terms of ***** potential, I
can justifiably compare all three against it.  You're forgetting how
outrageously expensive "IBM compaitble" was in those days.  I bought my own
first PC in may 1998 when the cyrix 200 systems were dropping under 500.  
If you want to commant on what 500 will buy you today, I'll say one
cracking PC for games, as long as you stick to the pre-directx8. but 500
would buy you, an XBox, a PS2 and a GB advance- if games are your only
interest, surely it's a viable proposition to leave the beige box aside?

PCs couldn't do parralax, or hardware sprites :p

The SNES version was spot on, for me.  SNES= 50 from Dixons, including
Aladdin (cheesy game) SF2- 15 from the games shop. even if I could beat
the software price for the PC (by pirating for example) I couldn't buy a PC
that would do streetfighter2 as well as a SNES. 50 was well worth it.
especially when you could buy absolute classics like Secret of Mana.  Now,
of course, I play Secret of Mana on my SNES emulator on my PC- what goes
around comes around :D

Yes, I missed the boom, me and everybody else in my town.  I know because
when I got my amiga in 1992, and my housemate at the time with his 486sx25
could not find a decent game to play on his pc, which cost a lot more (he'd  
bought it to program pascal allegedly), and those of us with 400 or less
computers, were rolling in quality games.  It was accountants buying
"leisure software" for the kids to play with at the weekend on the PC.  I
don't know anyone on my CompSci degree who'd bought a PC for the games

It wasn't viable, it cost too much. Unless "daddy" bought one for the
office, most people could not afford to even sit in front of a PC about 10
years ago. Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, and
probably had a BBC micro before it :D

I don't mind PCs at all, I wonder what else I would have spent the thick
end of a grand on (1.4athlon, 19inch monitor, gf2 graphics, steering wheel
and pedals) having a blast with GTA3 on the PC right now- sod the PS2.  
XBox and PS2 are not viable for me, because I have a piece of electronics
that can equal them, today, in games.  If I had to start from scratch, I
couldn't justify spending 1000 on just games.  This PC has "evolved" still
has the original floppy drive from that cyrix 200 in it- a true "woodsman's

There's nothing like Tekken 3 on my PC though, unless I fire up EPSXE...

My argument is, PCs were not a viable option for purely playing games on
for the vast majority of people, both in terms of the cost of the
equipment, and the variety and quality of games available, say ten years


Rikard Peterso

GTA3 - my take

by Rikard Peterso » Wed, 05 Jun 2002 06:48:13

>> You are grazy. Sierra, Dynamix and LucasArts adventure games of
>> the time were true gems.

> but without the added advantage of lotus-123, you wouldn't buy a
> PC to play them, would you? I mean, seriously.  Monkey Island 1 &
> 2 were certainly available on other computer platforms, if not
> consoles.

I wouldn't buy a PC *today* only to play games.



GTA3 - my take

by Eep2 » Wed, 05 Jun 2002 08:17:21

> >> >> Wasnt the Amiga designed by the same people who did the Atari
> >> >> 400/800?

> >> > No, Atari makes Atari; Commodore made Amigas (and Commodore 64s).

> >> Incorrect. elements of the original atari team were involved in the
> >> development of the amiga.  "same people" not "same company"

> > <shrug> "Commodore" isn't "Atari".

> Shrug nothing, you were wrong, simple as that.

Relatively wrong...and relatively right. :) <shrug> Get over it, low self-esteem boy.

And yet the PC was FAR more popular than the Amiga. Obviously the PC DID stand a chance (winning, even) vs. the Amiga. Consoles are another matter, but since 3D came onto the scene, PCs have kicked their asses too. ;) But, of course, PC games were always much more revolutionary than console games even in the pre-3D era, so... IS no Thief--and that's my point.

Uh, so what? That's you. The PSX can't even ***ing do bilinear texture filtering! Even 1st-generation PC 3D accelerators could do that!

See standard default PC vs console debate. PCs blow away consoles in terms of versatility and cost-effectiveness.

For kiddie gamers and immature ***s, perhaps. For REAL gamers, PCs are the only way to go. :)

Among many other unique games unavailable on consoles, yes. :)

Facts? I've been slamming them into your arrogant little face the entire time, sport. "Open your ***ing [eyes], jackass!"

Eric VanHees

GTA3 - my take

by Eric VanHees » Wed, 05 Jun 2002 11:52:38

Eep is relatively useless.

Ajay Tanwa

GTA3 - my take

by Ajay Tanwa » Wed, 05 Jun 2002 20:51:55

>> Relatively wrong...and relatively right. :)

> Eep is relatively useless.

But absolutely annoying.


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people
in large groups."

Peter Cowdero

GTA3 - my take

by Peter Cowdero » Thu, 06 Jun 2002 02:12:30

> >I don't know anyone today who'd use the Wing Commander series as an
> >arguemt for how PC games are *good* ;)

> My you are silly. You know, I wouldn't use any 1990 game on any
> platform as an example _today_ about how good the game is. SF2 on SNES
> looks crappy nowadays.

But you'd be far more likely to use it and its sequels and derivatives as
an example of what's good in console ***. Despite the twin advantages
of modding and more than two players, multiplayer FPS is still but
beginning to match the variety and execution available to true devotees of
the genre.

It did when you took into account the SNES's blending abilities. At the
time of its release, Final Fantasy 6 would not have been doable on a PC,
even ignoring the fact you'd need either a TV-out card or some serious
trickery to make the same set of pixels look as good on the PC.

Uh, no. It was the worlds that those games had over the SNES, not their


I'm supposed to put a quote here?


GTA3 - my take

by ph7 » Thu, 06 Jun 2002 06:39:08

Hello, just barging in...

"Eep2" <> wrote in message

> JM wrote:

> > Eep2 <> wrote in

> > > JM wrote:

> > >> Eep2 <> wrote in

> > >> >> Wasnt the Amiga designed by the same people who did the Atari
> > >> >> 400/800?

> > >> > No, Atari makes Atari; Commodore made Amigas (and Commodore 64s).

> > >> Incorrect. elements of the original atari team were involved in the
> > >> development of the amiga.  "same people" not "same company"

> > > <shrug> "Commodore" isn't "Atari".

> > Shrug nothing, you were wrong, simple as that.

> Relatively wrong...and relatively right. :) <shrug> Get over it, low
self-esteem boy.

One may argue that giving the correct answer, but not to the question posed
is absolutely wrong in itself.
The statement you made was absolutely correct in itself, but meaningless to
the question.
Obviously, JM knew pretty much about Atari and Commodore.
Or maybe, to use your view of things: "Commodore" is relatively "Atari", but
not absolutely...

> > > Uh, Doom was hardly the game to spark PC game superiority. Perhaps you
> > > heard of Wolfenstein 3D? And this is just referring to the beginning
> > > of mainstream 3D on the PC; 2D games were a bit hit during the
> > > previous decade!

> > Yes, I've heard of Wolf3d, but Wolf3d was not the catalyst for the PC
> > gaming revolution, Doom was. That is the fact of the matter. Before then
> > (and still today) 2d games were, in their entirety, shite on the PC.
> > Christ, the PC didn't even have hardware sprites, it stood no chance vs
> > consoles and amigas pre 3d era.

> And yet the PC was FAR more popular than the Amiga. Obviously the PC DID

stand a chance (winning, even) vs. the Amiga. Consoles are another matter,
but since 3D came onto the scene, PCs have kicked their asses too. ;) But,
of course, PC games were always much more revolutionary than console games
even in the pre-3D era, so...

Your first statement means nothing, unless you can provide some evidence
that *gaming* PCs were more popular than Amigas!

You can, by the same token, prove that pen and paper are better for gaming
than PCs, since they are more popular. Naturally, you can play games using
pen and paper, but that's hardly the main use for them!

Note: I'm not saying you're wrong, but you're making a statement without a
proper proof.

- Show quoted text -

> > >> I got my first ZX Spectrum in 1981, since then, I've had three more
> > >> speccy's, a Commodore 64, a SNES (super famicom), playstation (PSX),
> > >> Atari Lynx, an Amiga 1200, and currently a PC.  There is nothing in
> > >> PC games that isn't already in "console" games.

> > > Where is Thief for consoles? Oh, right, it doesn't exist. <snicker>

> > Thief is a great game.  Why should it be available for consoles? It
> > sold any copies on the PC.  There's nothing in Thief that couldn't be
> > in a console, and there are console stealth based games (Tenchu for one,
> > but it's no thief).

> IS no Thief--and that's my point.

If Thief hasn't sold among "REAL" players, why should it sell with the
What point ARE you making? Present a game which succeeded with PC gamers and
failed with console gamers to illustrate your point.
Again, I'm not saying you're wrong. But you're just making empty statements.

- Show quoted text -

> > >> I don't see the PC as a superior gaming
> > >> machine because I can run Excel 2000 or Visual Studio 6 on it.  It's
> > >> a much more versatile tool than my PSX, and I'll admit my current PC
> > >> is better at games than the PSX, but my old Cyrix 200 16mb system I
> > >> had when I bought my PSX was nowhere near as good as the PSX.

> > > Silly JM, Cyrix crap isn't better than ANYTHING (except, perhaps,
> > > other Cyrix crap). Regardless, like I said, the consoles have the lead
> > > for a SHORT while before the PC overtakes them and leaves them in the
> > > dust for YEARS.

> > OK, now we've established that you're ingorant as well as ill informed.
> > Fact is the best 3d card out when I got my first PC was the Orchid
> > Righteous (voodoo1).

> Uh, so what? That's you. The PSX can't even fucking do bilinear texture

filtering! Even 1st-generation PC 3D accelerators could do that!

Please elaborate. When were those cards available when compared with the
If the PSX sold prior to those cards, then it would only be natural why *at
the time* the PSX was better, no?
At any rate, what does bilinear texture filtering have to do with anything?
It might make the game look better, sure. What about the frame rate? What
does a "REAL" player have to do with the crop of games coming every few
months? If I recall well, there was a discussion not long ago about
Morrowind. Someone said something about having to replace his old "256" with
a newer GeForce card. That someone wasn't able to understand how come the
game required such high-end specs. Sounds familiar? This doesn't happen with
consoles. Sure, the graphics can hardly evolve using the same hardware, but
at least you can rest assured everything will run well. It is by design. Who
cares about graphic quality when the framerate stalls? Who cares about
trilinear-z-buffered-LOD using multi-dimensional-rotating-frustrums when
good ol' windows gives you the "Blue Screen"?

> > The XBox and PS2 both look capable of presenting
> > graphics just as well as my geforce2 based card in this PC.  This is
> > you tell me that the XBox and PS2 have nothing on the top end geforce4
> > cards, so let me save you the bother by reminding you that the card
> > costs more than either entire console (excepting the cheap version
> > out, which only costs slightly less than an XBox- bargain!)

> See standard default PC vs console debate. PCs blow away consoles in terms

of versatility and cost-effectiveness.

Please elaborate! Cost-effectiveness in terms of what, exactly? You're
willing to pay a lot of money in order to get the newest games running on
your system. That doesn't sound like a cost-effective decision to me...
Buying an older computer with low-end hardware and older software versions
will get you those "Office"-like applications running smoothly. It will also
leave you with enough cash to buy a console and play games. That sounds more
cost-effective to me, since you wouldn't have to upgrade neither to enjoy
the best of both worlds.
I bought a used Dreamcast for 50$. A new one costs about 80$. Please explain
(even briefly) why a PC is more cost-effective.

There are points to be made for PCs. Heck, I play a lot more on my PC, and I
love using it. But I think you're barking up the wrong tree, here.

- Show quoted text -

> > > <shrug> It's still all fruit. PCs do far more than consoles, while
> > > they don't cost that much more (and don't forget the TV price for
> > > consoles!).

> > Of course I forget the cost of my TV, I didn't buy it to play games on,
> > that's just an added bonus.  You cannot buy a new PC today for the same
> > money as a PS2 or XBox that will play equivalent games to the same
> > (eg GTA3).  As I said, even though you have a talent for ignoring the
> > laid before you, I'll repeat.  My PC is a much better piece of equipment
> > than any current console, because I use it for more than games.  I also
> > accept that it cost me a hell of a lot more money than an XBox.  If I
> > purely wanted to play games, and had no other consideration, a 200
> > is a much better proposition than a 500 PC.

> For kiddie gamers and immature adults, perhaps. For REAL gamers, PCs are

the only way to go. :)

Umm, that would be *relatively* REAL gamers. Or maybe REAL gamers with
VIRTUAL (girl) friends...
(Don't take it personally - I don't know you...)

> > You'll be telling me the PC is a great games PC because you can play the
> > Sims on it, next.

> Among many other unique games unavailable on consoles, yes. :)

Now you're actually saying something! This is a good point. Although, I
think very few people will bother to buy a PC just to play the Sims. But I
may be wrong here. There is such thing as a killer application. Strangely, I
believe it has worked primarily for consoles, when it comes to games...

Oh, and BTW, the same can be said for text-only adventures! (are we drooling

> > Feel free to join in the discussion when you have some actual facts to
> > up your opinion.

> Facts? I've been slamming them into your arrogant little face the entire

time, sport. "Open your fucking [eyes], jackass!"

Is that a movie quote?
BTW, you're slamming statements, with very little figures and facts behind
them. This means that if you're right, it is by pure luck, although luck
happens, you know.

All the best,

p.s. What does REC.AUTOS.SIMULATORS have to do with this discussion?

Don't mind your make-up,
Make your mind up!
(Frank Zappa)


GTA3 - my take

by Eep2 » Thu, 06 Jun 2002 10:31:30

ph7 wrote:
> "Eep2" <> wrote in message
> > JM wrote:

> > > Eep2 <> wrote in

> > > > JM wrote:

> > > >> Eep2 <> wrote in

> > > >> >> Wasnt the Amiga designed by the same people who did the Atari
> > > >> >> 400/800?

> > > >> > No, Atari makes Atari; Commodore made Amigas (and Commodore 64s).

> > > >> Incorrect. elements of the original atari team were involved in the
> > > >> development of the amiga.  "same people" not "same company"

> > > > <shrug> "Commodore" isn't "Atari".

> > > Shrug nothing, you were wrong, simple as that.

> > Relatively wrong...and relatively right. :) <shrug> Get over it, low
> self-esteem boy.

> One may argue that giving the correct answer, but not to the question posed
> is absolutely wrong in itself.
> The statement you made was absolutely correct in itself, but meaningless to
> the question.
> Obviously, JM knew pretty much about Atari and Commodore.
> Or maybe, to use your view of things: "Commodore" is relatively "Atari", but
> not absolutely...
> ;-)

<shrug> It's all relative.

- Show quoted text -

> > > > Uh, Doom was hardly the game to spark PC game superiority. Perhaps you
> > > > heard of Wolfenstein 3D? And this is just referring to the beginning
> > > > of mainstream 3D on the PC; 2D games were a bit hit during the
> > > > previous decade!

> > > Yes, I've heard of Wolf3d, but Wolf3d was not the catalyst for the PC
> > > gaming revolution, Doom was. That is the fact of the matter. Before then
> > > (and still today) 2d games were, in their entirety, shite on the PC.
> > > Christ, the PC didn't even have hardware sprites, it stood no chance vs
> > > consoles and amigas pre 3d era.

> > And yet the PC was FAR more popular than the Amiga. Obviously the PC DID
> stand a chance (winning, even) vs. the Amiga. Consoles are another matter,
> but since 3D came onto the scene, PCs have kicked their asses too. ;) But,
> of course, PC games were always much more revolutionary than console games
> even in the pre-3D era, so...

> Your first statement means nothing, unless you can provide some evidence
> that *gaming* PCs were more popular than Amigas!
> You can, by the same token, prove that pen and paper are better for gaming
> than PCs, since they are more popular. Naturally, you can play games using
> pen and paper, but that's hardly the main use for them!

> Note: I'm not saying you're wrong, but you're making a statement without a
> proper proof.

Uh, you want evidence/proof? YOU hunt down the sales figures. Me, I KNOW PCs were more popular because of my experience with them. I saw one Amiga at ONE (1) high school (not even my own had one). It was never used, but I gave it a try one time--blech! The resolution was way too big and clunky and SimCity looked like shit on it compared to the Mac SE next to it (even though it was only in black and white). One (1) friend had an Amiga because he was older, ran a BBS, and into video stuff (of which Amigas were actually good at). Later on I had another friend who had an Amiga, but it was crap compared to my then 386/40.

- Show quoted text -

> > > >> I got my first ZX Spectrum in 1981, since then, I've had three more
> > > >> speccy's, a Commodore 64, a SNES (super famicom), playstation (PSX),
> > > >> Atari Lynx, an Amiga 1200, and currently a PC.  There is nothing in
> > > >> PC games that isn't already in "console" games.

> > > > Where is Thief for consoles? Oh, right, it doesn't exist. <snicker>

> > > Thief is a great game.  Why should it be available for consoles? It barely
> > > sold any copies on the PC.  There's nothing in Thief that couldn't be done
> > > in a console, and there are console stealth based games (Tenchu for one,
> > > but it's no thief).

> > IS no Thief--and that's my point.

> If Thief hasn't sold among "REAL" players, why should it sell with the
> "kiddies"?
> What point ARE you making? Present a game which succeeded with PC gamers and
> failed with console gamers to illustrate your point.

Uh, are you SERIOUSLY asking this question? Civilization, MechWarrior 2, Half-Life, etc--all suck on consoles.

> Again, I'm not saying you're wrong. But you're just making empty statements.

No, you're making empty observations.

- Show quoted text -

> > > >> I don't see the PC as a superior gaming
> > > >> machine because I can run Excel 2000 or Visual Studio 6 on it.  It's
> > > >> a much more versatile tool than my PSX, and I'll admit my current PC
> > > >> is better at games than the PSX, but my old Cyrix 200 16mb system I
> > > >> had when I bought my PSX was nowhere near as good as the PSX.

> > > > Silly JM, Cyrix crap isn't better than ANYTHING (except, perhaps,
> > > > other Cyrix crap). Regardless, like I said, the consoles have the lead
> > > > for a SHORT while before the PC overtakes them and leaves them in the
> > > > dust for YEARS.

> > > OK, now we've established that you're ingorant as well as ill informed.
> > > Fact is the best 3d card out when I got my first PC was the Orchid
> > > Righteous (voodoo1).

> > Uh, so what? That's you. The PSX can't even fucking do bilinear texture
> filtering! Even 1st-generation PC 3D accelerators could do that!

> Please elaborate. When were those cards available when compared with the
> PSX?

Around the same time. Pick when the Voodoo came out and do the math.

> If the PSX sold prior to those cards, then it would only be natural why *at
> the time* the PSX was better, no?

Perhaps for a month or so, as usual.

> At any rate, what does bilinear texture filtering have to do with anything?

Everything, since it perfectly illustrates why PC hardware at the time was better than the PSX.

> It might make the game look better, sure. What about the frame rate?

Hardware-accelerated bilinear texture filtering is faster that software non-filtering.

> What does a "REAL" player have to do with the crop of games coming every few
> months? If I recall well, there was a discussion not long ago about
> Morrowind. Someone said something about having to replace his old "256" with
> a newer GeForce card. That someone wasn't able to understand how come the
> game required such high-end specs. Sounds familiar?

<shrug> I had a GF 256 and its performance is practically the same as a GF3 Ti 200 with Morrowind.

> This doesn't happen with consoles. Sure, the graphics can hardly evolve using the same hardware, but
> at least you can rest assured everything will run well. It is by design. Who
> cares about graphic quality when the framerate stalls? Who cares about
> trilinear-z-buffered-LOD using multi-dimensional-rotating-frustrums when
> good ol' windows gives you the "Blue Screen"?

Who cares about being stuck with the same hardware for 3 years while PCs overtake consoles by leaps and bounds in the mean time? Kids and immature adult gamers don't, obviously. :) REAL gamers do, however.

- Show quoted text -

> > > The XBox and PS2 both look capable of presenting
> > > graphics just as well as my geforce2 based card in this PC.  This is where
> > > you tell me that the XBox and PS2 have nothing on the top end geforce4
> > > cards, so let me save you the bother by reminding you that the card alone
> > > costs more than either entire console (excepting the cheap version coming
> > > out, which only costs slightly less than an XBox- bargain!)

> > See standard default PC vs console debate. PCs blow away consoles in terms
> of versatility and cost-effectiveness.

> Please elaborate! Cost-effectiveness in terms of what, exactly? You're
> willing to pay a lot of money in order to get the newest games running on
> your system. That doesn't sound like a cost-effective decision to me...
> Buying an older computer with low-end hardware and older software versions
> will get you those "Office"-like applications running smoothly. It will also
> leave you with enough cash to buy a console and play games. That sounds more
> cost-effective to me, since you wouldn't have to upgrade neither to enjoy
> the best of both worlds.
> I bought a used Dreamcast for 50$. A new one costs about 80$. Please explain
> (even briefly) why a PC is more cost-effective.

> There are points to be made for PCs. Heck, I play a lot more on my PC, and I
> love using it. But I think you're barking up the wrong tree, here.

Man, you are SO out of touch with hardware prices. I bought my P3/533 w/Soyo motherboard for ~$200 a couple years ago or so. The GF256 was $125, and I had existing components. Even still, if I hadn't upgraded and just bought a completely new system (which is ludicrous if you already have one--you just upgrade modularly--duh) it would have cost me $1000 max and would still handle most current games without a problem. The trick is to not buy whole systems and simply buy in parts and upgrade modularly. PC cost-effectiveness blows away consoles for what PCs can do--PERIOD.

> > > Feel free to join in the discussion when you have some actual facts to back
> > > up your opinion.

> > Facts? I've been slamming them into your arrogant little face the entire
> time, sport. "Open your fucking [eyes], jackass!"

> Is that a movie quote?

Jerky Boys

> BTW, you're slamming statements, with very little figures and facts behind
> them. This means that if you're right, it is by pure luck, although luck
> happens, you know.

YOU do the research if you want facts and figures. Me, I already know the results--I just don't have the nitty gritty details--and I don't need 'em. <shrug>

> p.s. What does REC.AUTOS.SIMULATORS have to do with this discussion?

"GTA3" is in the subject. Trace the thread back to find out why it was crossposted.
Ajay Tanwa

GTA3 - my take

by Ajay Tanwa » Thu, 06 Jun 2002 11:16:32

>> Uh, so what? That's you. The PSX can't even ***ing do bilinear
>> texture filtering! Even 1st-generation PC 3D accelerators could do
> Please elaborate. When were those cards available when compared
> with the PSX?
> If the PSX sold prior to those cards, then it would only be
> natural why *at the time* the PSX was better, no?

The Playstation was launched in Japan in 1994, US launch was in 1995.
The Rendition Verite V1000, the first viable PC 3d *** card, was
launched in 1996.

Remember this when Eep claims he never attacks first. Also remember,
arguing with Eep is like wrestling a pig. You both get dirty, but the
pig likes it.


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people
in large groups."

Gerry Qui

GTA3 - my take

by Gerry Qui » Thu, 06 Jun 2002 17:57:13

>I bought a *** PC in 1991 or so, so your experience is not of
>course the only "right one". Amiga as a serious *** or computing
>platform was dead long before 1995. All it was getting at that point
>was poor PC ports, even if that.

Utter inane rubbish.

Gerry Quinn                                  
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GTA3 - my take

by ph7 » Fri, 07 Jun 2002 04:58:16

"Eep2" <> wrote in message
> ph7 wrote:

> > "Eep2" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > JM wrote:

> > > > Eep2 <> wrote in

> > > > > JM wrote:

> > > > >> Eep2 <> wrote in

> > > > >> >> Wasnt the Amiga designed by the same people who did the Atari
> > > > >> >> 400/800?

> > > > >> > No, Atari makes Atari; Commodore made Amigas (and Commodore

> > > > >> Incorrect. elements of the original atari team were involved in
> > > > >> development of the amiga.  "same people" not "same company"

> > > > > <shrug> "Commodore" isn't "Atari".

> > > > Shrug nothing, you were wrong, simple as that.

> > > Relatively wrong...and relatively right. :) <shrug> Get over it, low
> > self-esteem boy.

> > One may argue that giving the correct answer, but not to the question
> > is absolutely wrong in itself.
> > The statement you made was absolutely correct in itself, but meaningless
> > the question.
> > Obviously, JM knew pretty much about Atari and Commodore.
> > Or maybe, to use your view of things: "Commodore" is relatively "Atari",
> > not absolutely...
> > ;-)

> <shrug> It's all relative.

Relatively silly, actually.

- Show quoted text -

> > > > > Uh, Doom was hardly the game to spark PC game superiority. Perhaps
> > > > > heard of Wolfenstein 3D? And this is just referring to the
> > > > > of mainstream 3D on the PC; 2D games were a bit hit during the
> > > > > previous decade!

> > > > Yes, I've heard of Wolf3d, but Wolf3d was not the catalyst for the
> > > > gaming revolution, Doom was. That is the fact of the matter. Before
> > > > (and still today) 2d games were, in their entirety, shite on the PC.
> > > > Christ, the PC didn't even have hardware sprites, it stood no chance
> > > > consoles and amigas pre 3d era.

> > > And yet the PC was FAR more popular than the Amiga. Obviously the PC
> > stand a chance (winning, even) vs. the Amiga. Consoles are another
> > but since 3D came onto the scene, PCs have kicked their asses too. ;)
> > of course, PC games were always much more revolutionary than console
> > even in the pre-3D era, so...

> > Your first statement means nothing, unless you can provide some evidence
> > that *gaming* PCs were more popular than Amigas!

> > You can, by the same token, prove that pen and paper are better for
> > than PCs, since they are more popular. Naturally, you can play games
> > pen and paper, but that's hardly the main use for them!

> > Note: I'm not saying you're wrong, but you're making a statement without
> > proper proof.

> Uh, you want evidence/proof? YOU hunt down the sales figures. Me, I KNOW

PCs were more popular because of my experience with them. I saw one Amiga at
ONE (1) high school (not even my own had one). It was never used, but I gave
it a try one time--blech! The resolution was way too big and clunky and
SimCity looked like shit on it compared to the Mac SE next to it (even
though it was only in black and white). One (1) friend had an Amiga because
he was older, ran a BBS, and into video stuff (of which Amigas were actually
good at). Later on I had another friend who had an Amiga, but it was crap
compared to my then 386/40.

I never made that statement. The burden of proof is on your shoulders... You
claim to know your logic fairly well, but you should know that anecdotal
stories do not serve as evidence. That is, if you want to be taken
seriously... I'm sure even people who actually agree with you, that the PC
is better for gaming, cannot rely on your personal stories as any "proof"
for its validity.

- Show quoted text -

> > > > >> I got my first ZX Spectrum in 1981, since then, I've had three
> > > > >> speccy's, a Commodore 64, a SNES (super famicom), playstation
> > > > >> Atari Lynx, an Amiga 1200, and currently a PC.  There is nothing
> > > > >> PC games that isn't already in "console" games.

> > > > > Where is Thief for consoles? Oh, right, it doesn't exist.

> > > > Thief is a great game.  Why should it be available for consoles? It
> > > > sold any copies on the PC.  There's nothing in Thief that couldn't
be done
> > > > in a console, and there are console stealth based games (Tenchu for
> > > > but it's no thief).

> > > IS no Thief--and that's my point.

> > If Thief hasn't sold among "REAL" players, why should it sell with the
> > "kiddies"?
> > What point ARE you making? Present a game which succeeded with PC gamers
> > failed with console gamers to illustrate your point.

> Uh, are you SERIOUSLY asking this question? Civilization, MechWarrior 2,

Half-Life, etc--all suck on consoles.

Yes I was. You listed a few games, that's great. You may also explain why
they suck (I never saw the console versions).

> > Again, I'm not saying you're wrong. But you're just making empty

> No, you're making empty observations.

Such as?

- Show quoted text -

> > > > >> I don't see the PC as a superior gaming
> > > > >> machine because I can run Excel 2000 or Visual Studio 6 on it.
> > > > >> a much more versatile tool than my PSX, and I'll admit my current
> > > > >> is better at games than the PSX, but my old Cyrix 200 16mb system
> > > > >> had when I bought my PSX was nowhere near as good as the PSX.

> > > > > Silly JM, Cyrix crap isn't better than ANYTHING (except, perhaps,
> > > > > other Cyrix crap). Regardless, like I said, the consoles have the
> > > > > for a SHORT while before the PC overtakes them and leaves them in
> > > > > dust for YEARS.

> > > > OK, now we've established that you're ingorant as well as ill
> > > > Fact is the best 3d card out when I got my first PC was the Orchid
> > > > Righteous (voodoo1).

> > > Uh, so what? That's you. The PSX can't even fucking do bilinear
> > filtering! Even 1st-generation PC 3D accelerators could do that!

> > Please elaborate. When were those cards available when compared with the
> > PSX?

> Around the same time. Pick when the Voodoo came out and do the math.

Other people did this for me, see other replies.

> > If the PSX sold prior to those cards, then it would only be natural why
> > the time* the PSX was better, no?

> Perhaps for a month or so, as usual.

> > At any rate, what does bilinear texture filtering have to do with

> Everything, since it perfectly illustrates why PC hardware at the time was

better than the PSX.

> > It might make the game look better, sure. What about the frame rate?

> Hardware-accelerated bilinear texture filtering is faster that software

I am impressed! Who would have believed... This statement is on par with "
"Commodore" isn't "Atari" ". LOL

> > What does a "REAL" player have to do with the crop of games coming every
> > months? If I recall well, there was a discussion not long ago about
> > Morrowind. Someone said something about having to replace his old "256"
> > a newer GeForce card. That someone wasn't able to understand how come
> > game required such high-end specs. Sounds familiar?

> <shrug> I had a GF 256 and its performance is practically the same as a

GF3 Ti 200 with Morrowind.

I think this makes your case even worse. You actually upgraded your system
with nil results. What a waste of $$$...

> > This doesn't happen with consoles. Sure, the graphics can hardly evolve

using the same hardware, but
> > at least you can rest assured everything will run well. It is by design.
> > cares about graphic quality when the framerate stalls? Who cares about
> > trilinear-z-buffered-LOD using multi-dimensional-rotating-frustrums when
> > good ol' windows gives you the "Blue Screen"?

> Who cares about being stuck with the same hardware for 3 years while PCs

overtake consoles by leaps and bounds in the mean time?

You're making a logical fallacy here. In the mean time, the PC hardware
changes as well. This means you can't be stuck with the same hardware for 3
years, otherwise the PCs will be "leaps and bounds in the meantime" for your
PC, as well !

> Kids and immature adult gamers don't, obviously. :) REAL gamers do,


Let me see if I understand correctly. Since you make of console gamers "kids
and immature adults", and PC gamers as "mature adults", would you say that
gamers who have both are, on average, teens (the average of both), or old
folks (the sum of both)?

- Show quoted text -

> > > > The XBox and PS2 both look capable of presenting
> > > > graphics just as well as my geforce2 based card in this PC.  This is
> > > > you tell me that the XBox and PS2 have nothing on the top end
> > > > cards, so let me save you the bother by reminding you that the card
> > > > costs more than either entire console (excepting the cheap version
> > > > out, which only costs slightly less than an XBox- bargain!)

> > > See standard default PC vs console debate. PCs blow away consoles in
> > of versatility and cost-effectiveness.

> > Please elaborate! Cost-effectiveness in terms of what, exactly? You're
> > willing to pay a lot of money in order to get the newest games running
> > your system. That doesn't sound like a cost-effective decision to me...
> > Buying an older computer with low-end hardware and older software
> > will get you those "Office"-like applications running smoothly. It will
> > leave you with enough cash to buy a console and play games. That sounds
> > cost-effective to me, since you wouldn't have to upgrade neither to
> > the best of both worlds.
> > I bought a used Dreamcast for 50$. A new one costs about 80$. Please


read more »


GTA3 - my take

by Nick » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 09:38:15

Your arguments are flawed. It is understandable that people prefer one type
of system over another - it creates a friendly rivalry. But when somebody
blindly refuses to accept that their beloved system is in any way inferior
to another one, even when it is, there is cause for concern. If you actually
looked at the hardware side of the PS2 (and probably GC as well, although I
don't know very much about it) and compared it to a PC or xbox, then you
would realise just how bad PCs really are. They are dark ages machines,
built under the paradigm of 'anything you can do, I can brute-force'. The
entire architecture of a PC is fatally flawed. Each and every bit may have
nice big numbers to fool the average moron on the street (I include Eep2 in
this), but there are so many bottlenecks that a PC can only compare to a
real *** console (ie not an xbox) if it has at least four times the
power. I am not saying that a PS2 is better than a PC/xbox, all I am saying
is that the hardware is beautiful, rather than clunky, slow and illogical.

The PS2 graphics chip has a huge bus (2,560 bits) running to a simple 4Mb
cache. The PC has a tiny bus (which was 'upgraded' minimally to the AGP
standard), running to 64Mb/128Mb Video RAM. What is the difference, you
might ask. Well, here is an analogy I read somewhere which sounds really
weird, but illustrates the principle perfectly:

Imagine you have 2 buckets of water (barrels of water for animals to drink)
which are serving elephants. To keep these full, you have a pipe which pumps
more water into the buckets. The pipes are the graphics buses, and the
buckets are video memory. The PS2 has a huge pipe and a tiny bucket, so when
the elephant (which symbolises the output to the screen) comes and drinks
the water, it sucks it up really quickly - but the pipe is big enough to
pump more water than the elephant drinks, so the elephant can keep sucking
all year and the bucket will never run dry of water (data). On the other
hand, the PC has a huge bucket and a tiny pipe, so while the elephant will
take a while to empty the bucket, the pipe cannot replenish the water fast
enough so eventually it will run dry. Thus, the PS2 graphic synthesizer can
keep the throughput much higher than the PC. Yes, even if you have a GeForce
9 with 72 Gigs of Video Memory. At least until buses are improved
dramatically on the PC. It doesn't matter how many cars can leave town A per
minute, or how many can enter town B per minute, if the road between them is
a single-carriageway, but if it is a six-lane motorway then it is using its
full potential.

Of course, it is harder to program the PS2 to take advantage of this
properly, but then why spend your time making decent, fast code when you can
just throw some shit code at a PC and bump up the minimum specs? Why spend
all that time and effort making a properly integrated machine when you can
just bump up the clock speeds and brute force it? Why spend your time making
a lean, perfectly balanced and fast Lotus Elise with a modest power plant
when you can stick a Formula 1 engine in a knackered Volvo and get the same
top speed?

Why bother arguing the point when you will all (especially Eep2) come back
at me with random shit like 'I don't know anything about hardware, but the
PC is better coz I say so' and refuse to accept there are other, better
alternatives out there at a cheaper monetary outlay?


GTA3 - my take

by Eep2 » Sun, 09 Jun 2002 12:44:26

Funny how you address a post to me yet refer to be in the 1st- AND 3rd-person, Nick. You're an odd one indeed.

Anyway, my arguments aren't flawed for the simple fact that PC versions of consoles games (at least PS2 anyway) are better: faster and visually/graphically. Just look at Grand Theft Auto 3 for an example.

Oh and the PS2 bus is only 128-bit, not 2560-bit (odd amount anyway), according to is a good explanation of the differnences between the PS2 and Xbox. Besides FSB (frontside bus) speeds are up to, what, 533MHz now? That's plenty fast to easily compete with the PS2.

While the PS2 MAY have a lot of potential to beat PCs and the Xbox, until developers truly take advantage of it and understand HOW to harness that potential, the PS2 will be a lame duck while the "brute force" mentality of PCs (but not the Xbox since it's hardware is locked) will advance beyond what the PS2 can do.

Me, I'm sticking with hardware I have control over and can upgrade at will whenever I want. I am in COMPLETE control of my *** experience; consolers are not.

> Your arguments are flawed. It is understandable that people prefer one type
> of system over another - it creates a friendly rivalry. But when somebody
> blindly refuses to accept that their beloved system is in any way inferior
> to another one, even when it is, there is cause for concern. If you actually
> looked at the hardware side of the PS2 (and probably GC as well, although I
> don't know very much about it) and compared it to a PC or xbox, then you
> would realise just how bad PCs really are. They are dark ages machines,
> built under the paradigm of 'anything you can do, I can brute-force'. The
> entire architecture of a PC is fatally flawed. Each and every bit may have
> nice big numbers to fool the average moron on the street (I include Eep2 in
> this), but there are so many bottlenecks that a PC can only compare to a
> real *** console (ie not an xbox) if it has at least four times the
> power. I am not saying that a PS2 is better than a PC/xbox, all I am saying
> is that the hardware is beautiful, rather than clunky, slow and illogical.

> The PS2 graphics chip has a huge bus (2,560 bits) running to a simple 4Mb
> cache. The PC has a tiny bus (which was 'upgraded' minimally to the AGP
> standard), running to 64Mb/128Mb Video RAM. What is the difference, you
> might ask. Well, here is an analogy I read somewhere which sounds really
> weird, but illustrates the principle perfectly:

> Imagine you have 2 buckets of water (barrels of water for animals to drink)
> which are serving elephants. To keep these full, you have a pipe which pumps
> more water into the buckets. The pipes are the graphics buses, and the
> buckets are video memory. The PS2 has a huge pipe and a tiny bucket, so when
> the elephant (which symbolises the output to the screen) comes and drinks
> the water, it sucks it up really quickly - but the pipe is big enough to
> pump more water than the elephant drinks, so the elephant can keep sucking
> all year and the bucket will never run dry of water (data). On the other
> hand, the PC has a huge bucket and a tiny pipe, so while the elephant will
> take a while to empty the bucket, the pipe cannot replenish the water fast
> enough so eventually it will run dry. Thus, the PS2 graphic synthesizer can
> keep the throughput much higher than the PC. Yes, even if you have a GeForce
> 9 with 72 Gigs of Video Memory. At least until buses are improved
> dramatically on the PC. It doesn't matter how many cars can leave town A per
> minute, or how many can enter town B per minute, if the road between them is
> a single-carriageway, but if it is a six-lane motorway then it is using its
> full potential.

> Of course, it is harder to program the PS2 to take advantage of this
> properly, but then why spend your time making decent, fast code when you can
> just throw some shit code at a PC and bump up the minimum specs? Why spend
> all that time and effort making a properly integrated machine when you can
> just bump up the clock speeds and brute force it? Why spend your time making
> a lean, perfectly balanced and fast Lotus Elise with a modest power plant
> when you can stick a Formula 1 engine in a knackered Volvo and get the same
> top speed?

> Why bother arguing the point when you will all (especially Eep2) come back
> at me with random shit like 'I don't know anything about hardware, but the
> PC is better coz I say so' and refuse to accept there are other, better
> alternatives out there at a cheaper monetary outlay? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.