If the problem only happens online, you can ignore any suggestions you
may have read about memory, graphics cards, etc. Well, try more
memory, anyway... but the problem most likely has to do with your
modem and/or network settings.
I haven't used a modem for a long time, so I dont really have any
specific information for that part of the equation other than making
sure you aren't using error-checking. You might fiddle around with
various settings for your transmit and receive buffers and see if that
makes a difference. SE has the latest updates to the TCP and DUN
software, I think, but you might check that too. Verify that your
modem driver is up to date. I notice your reply-to address is AOL...
if you are playing through them, that *could* be a big problem right
there. Some modems (often called "Win-Modems") use the resources of
the operating system to perform communication operations that are
normally performed by the modem microchips. This can be especially
detrimental to CPU
intensive programs.
There are some registry settings that impact performance as well. MTU:
(maximum transmission unit) windows sets this to 1500 by default,
ideally with a V90/56k modem it should be set to 576, IIRC. RWIN:
(receive window) should be set to 8x. You can probably find multiple
utilities that will do all this for you, if you dont want to edit the
registry directly.
Do you have problems with GPL online? Other games? If not, maybe all
you need *is* more memory. It's dirt cheap and can't hurt. Come to
think of it, Win98SE eats up about 60MB with nothing else loaded.
Ironically, my problem seems to be the reverse. Online, N4 runs
great, but with only a P4-800, it runs like a dog with much more that
20 AI cars in single player. All them little bug brains is thinking
WAY too hard...
Lastly, if you don't have any other broadband solutions, ISDN might
(or might not) be a viable alternative, depending on where you live.
In TN, it is only a little more expensive than DSL or CABLE, is WAY
more robust than either, and gives excellent performance for online
Gerald Moore
> It runs at 37fps or so offline. Online, I get stuttering. The framerate keeps
> switching from 33 to 37 to 40 and back. It's undriveable. I'm sure this has
> been discussed, but of course I didn't pay attention... :( What's the fix?
> I have the patch, but I only have a modem for connection. Is that the problem,
> maybe? I'd hate to think that I won't be able to race online until I get a
> cable modem, because I have *no* idea when that will be.
> Specs:
> Athlon 1.3G
> 128MB ram
> Voodoo5
> SBLive
> win98se
> Eldred