open wheel sim in recent interviews.
2.) The F1 license is seemingly very profitable, and also easier to get than
in years past. (or so it seems)
3.) Papyrus has historically released an open wheel sim between MAJOR Nascar
releases. (Apparently to market test new physics engines with *** sim
crowd before releasing a "mistake" into the cash cow Nascar series.)
Indycar 1, then Nascar 1.
Indycar 2, then Nascar 2.
GPL 1 :), then Nascar 4.
Ignoring Nascar 99 and 3 as intermediately releases, the pattern seems
to point towards a new open wheel sim from Papy in the next few years.
4.) They're getting tired of making new patches for GPL. :)
Any thoughts on this line of reasoning?