I would take that quote to mean that Schumacher retracts his previous
suggestion that it was a deliberate "take-out", not that Montoya did
nothing wrong at all. I watched the race, and unless the Williams team
submits telemetry data to support a fault in the car theory, Montoya was
trying too hard.
He'd failed to block Schumacher's charge out of the previous turn, and
out-braked himself trying to stop Schumacher getting a sweep round the
outside of the turn. Montoya was already off line, as Schuey had took it for
himself. That left Montoya without the usual braking area- less grip and
less road to do it in.
It is obvious that Montoya made a mistake. David might choose to call it a
"dumb move" but most mistakes are "dumb moves".
Almost all "racing incidents" are caused by incautious driving, not by
aliens hurling cars at each other with tractor beams.
Online race adjudications often award "racing incident" and no penalty when
the problems related to net latency, and "warp" cause a collision. I know
real F1 cars are just computers now, but I don't think they have such lag
problems to excuse bad driving... yet ;o)
FWIW, I think Montoya has the potential to be a great F1 driver- we have
seen some flashes of his talent (eg Brazil) but we also see he needs to
learn some self control, still.
He has the raw talent, the rest will come with experience.