love btw) and am having trouble with it in F1 2001.
1) I seem to have alot of trouble with calibration. When I start the
game and go to drivers school, I usually have no pedals whatsoever.
Steering works, but the accelerator and brakes are "non-existent."
I've tried going back to the controller settings and using the "USB
MOMO" setting as well as a custom one, but neither seems to do the
The only way that I seem to be able to get it to work is to go back to
the custom axis mapping and manually go through and assign the axes to
the pedals and steering. Funny thing is that the axis are always
shown correctly, but for some reason going through this excercise
seems to fix things. Anyone else experienced this?
BTW - I've run GPL and everything works fine, so I'm pretty sure its
something specific to F1 2001.
2) Can someone with a Momo please post their entire plr file. I've
tried cutting and pasting the FF advanced settings, but the file
always seems to get wiped out when I exit the game and check to see if
the settings stayed. I'm thinking it might have something to do with
the way I cut and pasted the text.
3) I'm thinking of installing the "squashball" and I've seen many
reference a squashball.reg file or some additional settings that need
to be changed to re-calibrate the pedals after this modification.
I've looked everywhere but can't seem to find this file. Can someone
please direct me to it?
Thanks in advance.
Dell Dimension R350
Intel P3 1 Ghz
Windows XP
GeForce 2 GTS Pro