RASCAR: Weekly update


RASCAR: Weekly update

by jon » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 04:57:30



RASCAR: Weekly update

by spar » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 06:13:49

RASCAR posts on RAS are beginning to resemble a sequel to one of the works
of George Orwell.


Goy Larse

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Goy Larse » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 06:41:49

> >Don Wilshe

> >PS.  Let the snipping stop especially by those that dont race so therefore
> >dont have a clue as to what RASCAR now is all about.

> Didn't you make comments about it when you weren't racing?  That's fine, but
> now you're espousing a standard that you yourself didn't follow...  Just be
> consistent, man...

You do know who you're talking to Eldred ? :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--

John Simmon

RASCAR: Weekly update

by John Simmon » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 06:41:12

I don't understand the connection...

David G Fishe

RASCAR: Weekly update

by David G Fishe » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 06:46:19

I don't dislike you. You always seemed like a nice person to me. I did not
like the way you let John turn his volunteer position into a dictatorship,
and that you let him kick me out of RASCAR by taking me off the invite list.
That was complete bullshit. I also didn't like it at all when you said on
this newsgroup that I dive bombed you. I don't do that. I'm a very safe
driver. I went six races recently without bringing out a yellow. When I
finally did, it was becasue of connection problems on my end. It was
actually nine races before I just plain screwed up and caused a yellow.
Saying I dive bomb people without anything to back it up really pissed me

Although you and John kicked me out of RASCAR,  I still was fine with having
you on the new server because I do not dislike you. If you dislike me,
that's fine.

David G Fisher

David G Fishe

RASCAR: Weekly update

by David G Fishe » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 06:49:31

> > I looked at the rules on the website.  Seems to me that you still have
> > least) of the rules that John put into place.

> I think that's more of a lack of web page updates.  Afterall, our
> cars are still shown in the roster.  Ed isn't as aggressive with web
> page updates as I was.

> > It sounds like you're trying to
> > say that the reason everyone is a better racer now is because John and I
> > admins anymore.

> No, he's saying it's better because *I'm* not an admin any more. They
> hadn't reckoned on you yanking the use of the server.

Didn't matter.

More garbage from the usual source.

David G Fisher

John Simmon

RASCAR: Weekly update

by John Simmon » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 06:49:11

How many races did you race in last year Don? Two, maybe three?  You
sure do have a lot of experience where RASCAR is concerned. I'm
envious.  The only reason you're racing there now is because *I'm*
not running the roster any more (and probably as much for the fact
that we don't get along, so you have buddies to snuggle up with now).

Dancing around not naming me is pretty ***in' funny Don, even for a
slope-foreheaded open-mouth breather like yourself...

Pot = kettle = black

You're pathetic, Wilshe...

John Simmon

RASCAR: Weekly update

by John Simmon » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 06:52:11

He quit because Dave is an ***, and for no other reason.

I was gonna say because he *thought* Dave was an ***, but since I
can verify that Dave is in fact a walking, talking, breathing
browneye of a human being, I figured that was all the verification
that was required.

John Simmon

RASCAR: Weekly update

by John Simmon » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 06:59:57

I can believe that he believes he's doing what he thinks is best.  I
don't have to agree with it, but I can believe it. :)

Eldred ain't swinging at that ball - I've tried to get him interested
a few times, and he's pretty much said he ain't gonna do it. That's
too bad too because I have (had) a great connection to his server. :(

I may have to resort to more drastic measures - I was thinking about
sending him to the same college that all of the Hooters waitresses
claim to be attending in exchange for him running the server again.

Me and Eldred started it, but everyone that drove (yes, even Dave and
Mitch) made it into something worth stealing.


RASCAR: Weekly update

by spar » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 07:04:37

It's like Animal Farm 2


RASCAR posts on RAS are beginning to resemble a sequel to one of the works


RASCAR: Weekly update

by McWho » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 07:09:55

> Now that I think of it didnt Tim quit before the blowup?


Yes, he quite when he and Dave had a  blow up over an on track incident.
That seems to have been the beginning of the end for that incarnation of
RASCAR.  I believe he was going to try driving again with the *new* RASCAR
but I don't know if he ever did.

Pretty damn funny!  I had not even read RAS for some time and was just
curious what was going on here.  Kinda like a soap opera isn't it, seems I
haven't missed much.


Don Wilsh

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Don Wilsh » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 07:45:16

I ran  three (3) and won 2 i believe..

 > sure do have a lot of experience where RASCAR is concerned. I'm

Thanks John......

Not true John we have always been tight.  your just such a kidder!!

You must of been going to night school lately.  Leaned some words longer
4 characters...

I apologize to John Simmons I forgot he was part of RASCAR.  I didnt
really name any names.  I just mentioned RASCAR.  It wasnt one person
John but it was a team and you were just part of it.   I think your problem
john that explains why you arent there was you thought you were RASCAR.

But, You John most of all deserve all the credit for where RASCAR has risen

Without You.. hehe

Don Wilshe

David G Fishe

RASCAR: Weekly update

by David G Fishe » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 07:49:58

We din't take control of anything. People weren't forced to come racing on
the new server. When a certain person who acts a lot like you kicked me out
of RASCAR, and made up lies along the way in order to justify it (Bristol
practice), Mitch and I had really had no choice but to start something new.
If people didn't like what we were doing, then the races would be empty.

Oooh. Can't wait. BTW, are you the Tim White who people say is a cheater, or
the one who threatens to wreck people during and after races?

He quit all on his own. Simmons kicked people out for bullshit reasons. If
Simmons had treated people politely and hadn't acted like such a jerk,
Eldred wouldn't have gotten frustrated by the turmoil Simmons created, and


All volunteer work. Neither of us will ever say that "it's our way or get
the f**k out".


We had already planned on getting a server. Some jerk kicked us out of the
old RASCAR, people didn't like how it was being run. Only option we had.

Absolutely, positively, 100% true. That's what we both want, and things are
working well now, minus the dicator garbage that we all had to put up with
before. It's run by the group now. One person does not own RASCAR.

Tears are welling up in my eyes.

You think so? Eldred is a nice guy, but I doubt very much that people want
to go back to the old ways of doing things. I also doubt they want to race
with someone like you who threatens to wreck people, and has a reputation as
a cheater.

Lol. Bitter little turd.

David G Fisher

Don Wilsh

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Don Wilsh » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 07:50:58

> He quit because Dave is an ***, and for no other reason.

> I was gonna say because he *thought* Dave was an ***, but since I
> can verify that Dave is in fact a walking, talking, breathing
> browneye of a human being, I figured that was all the verification
> that was required.

Two losses to RASCAR that can  never be replaced.

Very Sad day...



Goy Larse

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Goy Larse » Sat, 25 Oct 2003 08:09:28

> I also doubt they want to race with someone like you who threatens to
> wreck people, and has a reputation as a cheater.

LOL, you've been talking to Wilshe again haven't you

Here's a piece of advice for you David, most people don't really care
one way or the other about what went on between you and Tim in that
RASCAR race and afterwards, but repeating allegations from Don Wilshe
about Tim White being a cheater makes you look *really* stupid

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
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