RASCAR: Weekly update


RASCAR: Weekly update

by Eldre » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 11:06:30

>That makes you scum of the earth. Real weasle slime stuff.

>It may mean nothing to you but it does to me.  I'll put it in a way your
>motivation can understand.  It's like saying since I can't race on RASCAR
>buy my own server time and steal it rather than try to work from within.

>Since you have no reputation that's probably all world to a sorry case like

[end of Act II]

* * * * * * * *   INTERMISSION   * * * * * * * *
(Smoke 'em if ya GOT 'em - please remember to tip the barmaids and waitstaff)

{Act III will be starting shortly...]

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David G Fishe

RASCAR: Weekly update

by David G Fishe » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 11:10:05

> >Just a few excerpts:

> >"Ya know what Dave, I'm thoroughly fed up with your bull-***in-shit
> >(RE: RASCAR - Almost Got Kicked Out of Practice Today).

> >I'm gonna lean on Eldred to kick your cry-baby it-wasn't-my-fault
> >nobody-knows-how-to-drive-but-me ass out of RASCAR. There, you've
> >succeeded in driving right past annoying and into outright pissing me
> >off. Consider yourself off the ***ing roster."

> Did you ever hear ME confirm that statement?!?  No - because it never
>  I didn't have a reason to kick you out, so I wasn't going to do it no
> WHAT John said.  The server belonged to me, I gave Mitch and Jan the
> list straight off the server - ask them if you were on it...

John was running things. He posted the above to ras saying I was out. You
never, until TODAY, almost two months later, said that you wouldn't of let
him. He said I was out. He was telling everyone that he was in charge that
it was his way or the highway (which some people chose to take). I can't
read minds from halfway across the country. Mitch, Jan, and I, along with
everyone else, thought I was out. Jan even said he would rent a server, put
John back in charge, and RASCAR would continue without me. He said it at the
RASCAR forum.

Mitch thought he was out to, based on a comment from Simmons at the forum.

I raced in the RASF1 race at Hungary *before* John made his announcement
that I was out.

You didn't let us know that. I actually think you missed his "Attention Dave
Fisher" thread, and are honestly confused now about the sequence of events.
Apparently (his own words in this thread) he asked you in private to kick us
out before the Bristol race and you refused. He then went ahead on his own
on Aug. 24th and announced I was out. You never reponded to that thread. I
even asked you to but heard nothing. Maybe you just never knew what he did
becasue you pulled the server immediately after that?

Mitch and Jan did think I was out. Mitch and I discussed it many times
(obviously) and as I said, Jan thought the same thing. Jan was going to get
a server, put John in charge, and leave me out. Ask Jan.

As I said, Mitch, Jan, and many others thought I was out. Fact is, if John
had continued with his RASCAR dictator duties after you pulled the server, I
would of been kept out.

No chip, just getting things straight so there's no misunderstanding.

David G Fisher

David G Fishe

RASCAR: Weekly update

by David G Fishe » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 11:36:19

I just explained this in another thread, but I'm going to make it crystal
clear right here.

1. Before the Bristol race (your server was not operating that weekend, so
we used John's for the official race), John apparently asked to have both
Mitch and I banned from RASCAR, and you refused. Apparently he didn't like
the fact that we wouldn't accept being told when, where, and what we could
say about RASCAR.

2. During the 1/2 hour Bristol practice before the official race started,
John was weaving and caused two incidents. He then (without a word form me)
threatend to kick me off the server before the race started, accusing me in
front of the group of deliberately trying to wreck him. I saiod nothing. It
was a pathetic, scumbag thing he did. Seemed orchestrated to me, especially
now that I know he asked you to remove Mitch and I BEFORE that race. I
posted replays for everyone to see how poorly he was driving, and how he was
racing me in a practice session and wouldn't let me by even though I was
significantly faster. Various ras readers like John Wallace and Mika Takala
cleared me of John's bullshit accusations (that I was being reckless), and
said he was wrong for threatening to kick me off the server. The thread can
be found here if you have 10 hours to waste.

3. Here's where you get confused. He then, on Aug. 24th, in the days AFTER
the Bristol race, announced to ras in the "Attention Dave Fisher" thread
that I was absolutely out of RASCAR. You never said a word in that long
thread. I never heard a word from you regarding this nonsense. Someone being
kicked out of RASCAR is a pretty major deal, and since you were silent on
the matter (two months now) and he was acting like a weak little dictator,
I, Mitch, Jan, and others thought I was out. If John had stayed in charge of
RASCAR but on another server, I would of been out. Ask Jan.

4. You soon afterward pulled your server.

I was banned by John. He or you never said anything to the contrary until
last night. I'm pretty sure now that you simply have got the timing of
things confused, and didn't actually know what happened. It should be clear
now. Dictator Johnny went over your head and kicked me out. Nothing new was
said on the matter until the past 24 hours. This whole mess is a perfect
example of how out of control he was.

David G Fisher

Don Burnett

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Don Burnett » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 11:47:42


Dang, this stuff is better than even the heated political debates on the
flight sim forum.


Don Burnette


RASCAR: Weekly update

by Eldre » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 13:44:10

>2. During the 1/2 hour Bristol practice before the official race started,
>John was weaving and caused two incidents. He then (without a word form me)
>threatend to kick me off the server before the race started, accusing me in
>front of the group of deliberately trying to wreck him. I saiod nothing.

So then it must have been true, and you were deliberately trying to wreck him.
Your silence confirms that.
Now that sounds silly, doesn't it?  But that's exactly what you've dropped on

I agree it was over the top.

Not worth reading again.  I already know that.

Nah, not me...

Probably.  You and John don't like each other.  Jan knew that John would not
let you race, and was willing to go along with that.  How the hell is that MY
fault?  I don't have any control over John's feelings for you, no Jan's
willingness to follow John's rules.  You seem to think otherwise, though.

No, what is clear is that you *assumed* you were out, based on John's threats.
Do not presume to know who or what was allowed on MY server.  From my point of
view, John's rant was a harmless statement.  He had no control over the server
whatsoever.  PERIOD.  Therefore, I didn't even need to justify his comments.
Had I decided that you and Mitch would be removed from RASCAR, I would have
posted it here, as I did with your suspension and Tim's, and also Mitch's last
season.  If you were so worried about being eliminated, why didn't you ask me?
If you had, I would have told you no, you were still a member - come have fun.
You could have sent an e-mail if you didn't want to risk public embarrassment.

Yes, the whole situation was out of control.  I won't deny that John's
abrasiveness was a major part of it.  But several people here kept egging him
on, and continue to do so.  I think you guys *enjoy* ***ing at each other.
I'm not sure why, but it doesn't really matter...

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Screamers Racing League
IICC League
GPLRank -2.4    MoGPL rank +302.38
ChallengeRank +54.48   MoC +743.77
Hist. +82.82  MoH in progress
N2k3 rank:in progress

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Ruud Dingeman

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Ruud Dingeman » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 14:46:07

> I can't even give tips on optimizing frame rate in the sims we love.

Just on a side note, maybe I've got a useful one here:

Michael S. on Racesimcentral has posted a reduced-size mirror.mip that
improves GPL by about 4 to 8 fps, depending on size.

Mirror image is a bit (or lot) fuzzier but I suppose that's realistic,
since the mirrors would be vibrating the whole time.

Regards, Rudy
(GPLRank -11)

John Simmon

RASCAR: Weekly update

by John Simmon » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:20:44

> > I was banned by John.

I sent Eldred a message to have you excluded, but he didn't do it.
You weren't even banned from the practice server (the server that *I*
controlled). I have at least one witness that saw you log onto it
(besides myself), which you probably did just to see if you could.

I even said right here that anyone that was on the official invite
list in RASCAR at the time that you threw your tantrum over Bristol
was eligible to race on my server, and I even made it a point to say
that you and Mitch were not excluded from that list.

Get a grip Dave, and stop being a child over this.

John Simmon

RASCAR: Weekly update

by John Simmon » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:26:41

> > > I was banned by John.

> I sent Eldred a message to have you excluded, but he didn't do it.
> You weren't even banned from the practice server (the server that *I*
> controlled). I have at least one witness that saw you log onto it
> (besides myself), which you probably did just to see if you could.

> I even said right here that anyone that was on the official invite
> list in RASCAR at the time that you threw your tantrum over Bristol
> was eligible to race on my server, and I even made it a point to say
> that you and Mitch were not excluded from that list.

> Get a grip Dave, and stop being a child over this.

And just so you know, here's the original newsgroup messages
concerning the practice server:


Subject: JUNTACAR: New Hampshire at 4pm eastern
This is the only article in this thread  
Date: 2003-09-07 11:29:47 PST

Anyone that was in the rascar invite list as of bristol is invited to
attend.  There's room for about 20.

All I ask is that you drive well.

And then...


Subject: Surprised Dave?
Date: 2003-09-12 17:56:02 PST

Message 2 in thread

Subject: Re: Surprised Dave?
Date: 2003-09-12 18:27:15 PST

Well this oughta be good :) Could this mean.......... :)

Message 3 in thread

Subject: Re: Surprised Dave?
Date: 2003-09-13 02:21:48 PST

No, it doesn't mean that at all.

He connected to the JUNTACAR server last night. I think it was to see
if he was in the invite list...


RASCAR: Weekly update

by Race15 » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 20:37:38

Just letting everyone know that I am a first -time Grandfather!  She was born
October 4th 2003 at 3:38 am.  Name - Gianna. 20-inches long and 7.4 oz

I would like to put her on the invite list for RASCAR.  Although she might have
a tough time reaching the pedals, I'm sure she has the intellectual maturity to
join in the discussions.


Grampa Michael

Tim Paulli

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Tim Paulli » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 21:01:24

and Congrats!


Steve Whitt

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Steve Whitt » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 21:09:59

Maybe I can put my 4 year old on the invite list.  Only problem, he hears
what your saying, but isn't listening!!!
gee, that sounds familiar around here.
<said with tongue firmly planted in cheek>

Maybe, just maybe, can the people concerned in this thread please agree to
disagree, shake hands(so to speak) and move on.


RASCAR: Weekly update

by Race15 » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 21:32:29

Tim, Steve, Thanks!

Ah well, the longer it goes, the more comedic it becomes.  And really, the
sillier it is the more difused it is. Now it's just entertainment!

Thanks again,
Grampa Michael

Don Burnett

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Don Burnett » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:06:27

> Just letting everyone know that I am a first -time Grandfather!  She
> was born October 4th 2003 at 3:38 am.  Name - Gianna. 20-inches long
> and 7.4 oz

> I would like to put her on the invite list for RASCAR.  Although she
> might have a tough time reaching the pedals, I'm sure she has the
> intellectual maturity to join in the discussions.

> <VBG>

> Grampa Michael

Congratulations!! I have one on the way, due in about a month, and then I
will be a first time Grandfather as well. I am still trying to adjust to the
thought :).

Don Burnette


RASCAR: Weekly update

by Race15 » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:09:58

will be a first time Grandfather as well. I am still trying to adjust to the
thought :).

Don Burnette>>

Congrats right back at ya!  Don, you are going to have the time of your life!
It is so much different than when you held your own.  You look at that tiny
human being and know that they will see things, and learn things and experience
things that we will never know.  It's truly humbling.  And of course when they
get older, after baby sitting we get to send them back to their parents on a
sugar high...  I bought it in cube form!  :)

Grampa Michael

Jan Verschuere

RASCAR: Weekly update

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 23:56:11

Hmmm... <g>

Very true...

Remember what I posted to this thread a week ago and in reply to whom that
was? <vbg>

I think it would be a good idea to move this general statement up a couple
levels in the thread.

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