RASCAR: Weekly update


RASCAR: Weekly update

by ZZ » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:02:08

John Retorted:
Disclaimer: There's really no good retort for this without implying
that I am equally familiar with the girth of his worth. I would like
to state, for the record, that I have never to my knowledge seen
Dave, *** or otherwise, nor do I believe the rumors concerning his
own severely lacking mass in the area of male ***ia (something to
the effect that if he were search for his ***, he'd have to cut his
pubic hairs one at a time until he found one that bleeds, and then
assume he hit pay dirt).  I suppose that some may make sport of him
over it, but not me.


An instant classic.

Richard "ZZ" Busch

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David G Fishe

RASCAR: Weekly update

by David G Fishe » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:07:01

I said "go right ahead" once and "do what you like" twice. Timmy can't read?

I'll enjoy it all. Won't make a bit of difference to me.

Oh no.

David G Fisher


RASCAR: Weekly update

by McWho » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:11:29

<Big ol' snip>

Jan, did you get out your junior college lawyer textbook for that??  :-)


<another Big ol' snip>


RASCAR: Weekly update

by Tim » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:15:19

John kicked you off the server not out of RASCAR.
John then removed you from the invite list, unknowing to Eldred.
Eldred then pulled his server.

That was all in one week.

You were not kicked out since Eldred did not stick around long enough to resolve
it.  You can lie to yourself that you were out of RASCAR for good but really you
just like the way it sounds more than it being actually consistent with what was
really happening at the time.  Convenient.

But SAY you were ... Your reaction was to bully your way into control by buying
server time for an already established user base.  How wuss is that?  What does
that cost, like $50 a month? lol

And you still cannot offer your reputation up to the public.

Tim White


RASCAR: Weekly update

by McWho » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:20:40

<snip lots of crap>

As I recall Dave, the consensus was pretty non-comittal.  Several people saw
it each way and I believe that just about everyone of them conceded that it
could have been either of you at fault and both of you had the power to
avoid the situation.  Consensus being that you guys were fighting and
carried it onto the track by neither of you being willing to give an inch to
the other.



RASCAR: Weekly update

by Tim » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:18:19

You know, you're getting pretty good at that lol

Maybe it's just me, but Jan's just going to wait until the current regime self
destructs then make another offer.
Remind me to never***off Jan :))))

Tim White


RASCAR: Weekly update

by Tim » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:37:35


***up that you are you can't even grasp what is pissing me off right now.

I put up that if anyone wants to vote on you and wilshe, or me, than I'm up for
it.  All you're able to mumble is for me to go ahead and put up a vote?

Why would I put up the vote.  I know this is all over your head but my point was
to respond to you implying I cheat by making it clear to anyone that would
listen I was confident enough that the average Joe would rather have me around
than you and wilshe.

What you cannot grasp, most likely cause you suck so bad who would want your
help on a track, is that reputations online are as difficult to build as they
are easy to destroy.  As far as online racing goes you could label someone
anything you like, but when you cast someone as a cheater you are attempting the
worst damage you can inflict.

That makes you scum of the earth. Real weasle slime stuff.

It may mean nothing to you but it does to me.  I'll put it in a way your
motivation can understand.  It's like saying since I can't race on RASCAR I'll
buy my own server time and steal it rather than try to work from within.

Since you have no reputation that's probably all world to a sorry case like you.

Tim White

> > I don't see anywhere in this post where your willing to let the public
> decide on
> > our reputations.

> I said "go right ahead" once and "do what you like" twice. Timmy can't read?

> I'll enjoy it all. Won't make a bit of difference to me.

> > The problems Mitch and I have are solvable.  You and I are history.

> Oh no.

> David G Fisher


RASCAR: Weekly update

by Mitch_ » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 08:56:23

Without going into the details again Jan you do have a few things right on
and a few things clearly slanted towards your political view on the entire
situation.  I wouldnt say what youre saying is purely unbiased or the
responses would have been from a broader spectrum.  We disagree about the
semantics, SO WHAT?  Do I HATE you because of a disagreement?  No way man.
Its all about the racing and youre a smart racer whom I truly enjoy racing
:)   If a few key guys would just swallow their pride and get over it
already or come back racing we wouldnt still be having this discussion

This really is a no win situation for RASCAR in the long run.  We ALL know
how each other feels about this whole thing so why keep re-hashing it?  What
we have now doesnt EXCLUDE anyone.  Those that wish to participate do those
that dont won't, simple as that.   We've done everything we can to get as
many involved as possible.  We've changed little in RASCAR and what changes
were implemented were decided on within the committee.  If you remember
correctly we did WANT you Jan to be the mouthpeice for RASCAR (Like Im now
doing and not having any fun in doing)  If guys continue to tear RASCAR
apart from the inside then we really don't have a chance.  If you don't want
to be involved in RASCAR fine but quit FN ***in (not directed at you
personally) about what RASCAR was and help make changes you want instead.
The continuation of this thread is nothing more than a single guy trolling
for reactions from me.  He got it and what did it accomplish?  Not cool imo
but Im not going to throw HIM out of RASCAR now am I?  I don't know why you
don't understand the correlation I'm making because it seems so claer to me.


John Simmon

RASCAR: Weekly update

by John Simmon » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 09:05:28

Actually, I sent an email asking Eldred to remove him and Mitch from
the invite list before the Bristol race.  They were not removed from
the invite list (I think Eldred didn't see the email in time).
Instead, Eldred killed the server altogether and washed his hands of
the whole thing after the Bristol race.

Technically, they were never kicked out of RASCAR, but I had made a
formal request to make it happen.


RASCAR: Weekly update

by elrik » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 09:21:34

> > Please explain to everyone how you know the size of another man's***.
> > Please.

> Maybe he just assumes that everyone is as pitifully endowed as he
> is...

> Disclaimer: There's really no good retort for this without implying
> that I am equally familiar with the girth of his worth. I would like
> to state, for the record, that I have never to my knowledge seen
> Dave, *** or otherwise, nor do I believe the rumors concerning his
> own severely lacking mass in the area of male ***ia (something to
> the effect that if he were search for his ***, he'd have to cut his
> pubic hairs one at a time until he found one that bleeds, and then
> assume he hit pay dirt).  I suppose that some may make sport of him
> over it, but not me.


There you go again John.   Always taking the high road.  ;o)



RASCAR: Weekly update

by Eldre » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 10:11:24

>He just said last night he never even knew I was kicked off his server by

Think about that.  How could John kick you off MY server?!?  Impossible...

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RASCAR: Weekly update

by Eldre » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 10:11:24

>You more than once said I dive bombed you on multiple occasions. No one else
>ever accused me of being that type of driver. As I just pointed out, I don't
>cause yellows. Either I'm the world's greatest dive bomber, or the
>accusation simply isn't true. BTW, where was this video posted? I never saw

I only said it once, after an incident with you.  You made what *I* thought was
an overly aggressive move that sent me into the wall.  The video was just the
standard race replay.  Some agreed with me, others didn't - So I didn't even
worry about it.  It didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things.
Truthfully, I'd forgotten all about it until you brought it up again.

Did you ever hear ME confirm that statement?!?  No - because it never happened.
 I didn't have a reason to kick you out, so I wasn't going to do it no matter
WHAT John said.  The server belonged to me, I gave Mitch and Jan the invite
list straight off the server - ask them if you were on it...

He also wanted Mitch out.  Did I kick him out?  No - same reason.  If I was
going to get rid of someone for an incident that involved me, why wouldn't I
have booted Sean?  I was a *lot* more pissed off at THAT incident - so mad I
left the race.  And again - if I was so dead set on not racing with/against
you, why the hell would I let you race in RASF1?!?

No, I did NOT give him *full* control.  I vetoed several rules he wanted to
add.  I also vetoed him kicking you and Mitch out of RASCAR.  I don't give a
shit WHAT he said.  I'm also starting not to give a shit what you say, because
you don't seem to see things for what they are.  I know I didn't kick you,
Mitch and Jan know I didn't kick you.  Hell, even John knows I didn't kick you.
 You must be the only one who didn't know I hadn't kicked you out...  Geez,
David - what's the chip on _your_ shoulder for?

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RASCAR: Weekly update

by Eldre » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 10:23:05

I'm not trying to GET any status(or even "cred").  I just want to help the
community.  I can't make setups, I can't give driving tips, I don't know how to
create tracks, car sounds, or extra graphics.  I can't even give tips on
optimizing frame rate in the sims we love.  I provide servers to leagues and
groups - that doesn't require anything but a spare machine.
As much assistance(and fun) as I've gotten here over the years, it's the
*least* I can do.

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RASCAR: Weekly update

by Eldre » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 10:38:47

Is THIS what you've been ***ing about?!?  Ah, *now* I get're
confused.  John was running a practice server.  You guys had a incident(or
three), then had words, and he kicked you off.  Fact - that was HIS server, not
mine.  I have no control over how he runs HIS machine, or who he does or does
not allow to race.  That's between you and him - it's none of my damn business.
 But I *did* tell him that I thought he over-reacted...

Sure, I knew about it.  It was another in a long line of blow-ups between
various drivers.  It was also an incident totally removed from RASCAR, except
the fact that John named the server RASCAR so that the drivers could find it
and practice.  That personal incident between you two had nothing to do with
the server I ran.  It was an unofficial practice on an unofficial server.  I'll
say it YET again - I *never* had any intention of dropping you OR Mitch from
RASCAR.  Got it now???

You owe me an apology, David.

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RASCAR: Weekly update

by Eldre » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 10:44:07

Fact #1 - John kicked him off HIS server, not mine.  
Fact #2 - He also *wanted* to remove David and Mitch from RASCAR, but he lost
that argument.  Can we get those two facts straight, please?

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