> Well, I've pretty much decided to get a 3D card now. This way I can
> enjoy 3D games while I'm waiting for the Voodoo2. Here's the dilemma:
> Stealth II or Canopus Pure3D? The Stealth II is cheaper (remember, this
> is a temporary fix), and got good reviews as far as D3D games go, but do
> I want to sacrifice the 2D from my Millennium (BTW, I have no idea how
> the Millennium compares to current cards)? The Pure3D looks to be the
> pick of the Voodoo litter, but costs $80 more than the Stealth II. Have
> the other chipsets (in this case the Verite 2100) caught up with the
> Voodoo to make them viable as a temporary fix until the Voodoo2 comes
> out?
and capability. Since you are looking for a stop-gap, why choose the Canopus?
It's extra 2 MB aren't *that* important. My Monster cost me 98 (UK alert),
and that was a while ago - if that is significantly cheaper than the Canopus
and not far off the Stealth II, I should choose that one. Or any other cheap
4MB 3dfx cards; there are others which are OEM and don't come with bundled
software, and so are much cheaper.
Well that's my advice, for what it's worth,