Well, Mitch, you were a fierce competitor for me last year and I will be the
first to appolize for adding to your mental grief with my stupid verbal
shots. I guess the grub tasted a little ***, and nobody wants to miss out
on a good fight.
You know we all can learn to be 'slow to speech'. Maybe I dont want roger
wilco after all.
And then, when we do say something, it probally needs to be with sincere
thought and goodwill intent. Maybe we should have a prayer at the beginning
of each race to encourage this goodwill. Just like on tv.
I volunteer to sing dixie before the start.
"oh i whished i wuz, in the lands of cottin, old tymes there are not
fergottin, "
I can't do it. I would never make it past the first stanza. Too emotional.
I'm just a ham.
> Yea it was last year just as we began RASCAR. I lifted on a yellow at
> Bristol (not avoiding anyone just being cautious) and John didnt think
> about taking the spot. I didnt know guys in non-pickups raced this way as
> the last pickup I had done was hawaii, maybe a couple on TEN. I was
> pissed, I bumped him from behind under caution lightly to let him know I
> wasnt happy. At the restart I *TOOK* the spot comin outta 2 which didnt
> make John all too happy. I was on the apron as I made the pass BTW. We
> musta had a warp, next thing I knew were in a shouting match similar to
> this. I felt totally wronged and was just going to quit but John pissed
> off so bad I wouldnt let him have the satisfaction hehe. We made up and
> has been much better 'tween us since. At least from my perspective. IIRC
> Dan or even you Grub took a few verbal shots at me as well which didnt
> my mental state all to much either <g>. As Ive said before, I won't start
> it but Ill sure try to finish it. Meybe some day Ill grow up, althought I
> very much doubt it hehe.
> Mitch
> > I think Mitch got into it with someone last year and got a one race
> > suspension. Or was that two years ago?
> > I cant seem to remember. too much grub.