That's exactly what I said... <g>
Probably not the right question, but it was all I could think of at the
time. It's got to be something I can type lefthanded in 14-odd seconds.
Uncalled for in hindsight and probably at the time as well. I was on edge as
the succession of yellows was a) denying me any benifit from my approach to
the track and b) kept putting me in a dangerous situation with regard to
the leaders at the restarts.
As I'm doing the reviews I have to be twice as carefull not to start a wreck
or get involved in one, so you can probably imagine, having dropped the laps
due to
having to reconnect early in the race, that was quite a stressfull
All good points, but it was not that kind of situation. I was holding up
Neil and Mark a little, but I don't think either was "enough" quicker to
simply pass at will. Seeing as I was 3 laps down and they were on the lead
lap, however, I did the right thing, moved high in T1 and lifted to allow
Neil through. I could see Mark following suit so I held off mashing the
accellerator again for just a tick and let him go too. While he was not
quite up to the wall starting the turn (he could have been if he wanted to
tho'), I expected him to get through the turn at normal speed. Instead it
appeared as if my courtesy was rewarded with a brake check.
I say "appeared" as a a comparison between my replay and the server replay
shows up some serious weirdness.
In the server replay I appear to barrel into the turn way too hot, jump the
kerb/lock up the brakes, barely miss Mark and start to spin; Robert Huggins
just about squeezing though as I come down the track again. I my replay I
drive the turn as I normally would, brake because of what I thought was Mark
slowing abruptly, lock up the right front (77% front brake bias?? -Sheesh!)
which starts the car rotating, aggravated by the left front going up on the
curb a little. I lose it spinning down into the side Robert Huggins(*),
which explains the odd behaviour of my car in the server replay (bouncing
off thin air). Also, in my replay, Mark's car slows to 134mph compared to
143mph in the server replay. At that point I'm usually at 146-148 mph...
still faster but not a lot faster. I probably could have managed slowing
5mph without a panic reaction/losing control, but not 14 mph.
It's pretty obvious my game was seriously out of step, possibly enough to
warrant a clock smash. Perhaps one occurred during the incident, I don't
know. I wasn't exactly looking at the comm. meters before/during/after.
But that's no excuse, so: humble pie... my fault entirely, got spooked by a
connection glitch. My snipe and subsequent terse remarks aimed at Mark were
totally uncalled for, my apologies.