
Peter Ive


by Peter Ive » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 05:01:37

>> There's no need to "fear" racing in RASCAR because you
>> might make a mistake

>> Percentage of racetime run under yellow: 70.61

>I see you're right! Looks like me and my "do I turn right now?" skills
>would fit in nicely :-)

>To be serious though, I have nowhere near enough laps in N2003 to risk
>messing up anything other than the most low-key of pickup races. I
>applaud your collective efforts to improve RASCAR standards though.

I dunno, I've just bought the game 2 days ago and am hoping for
broadband pretty soon.  This sounds like fun.  ;-)
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
Remove ALL_STRESS before replying via email
If you know what's good for you, don't listen to me :)
GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -21.77


by Larr » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 05:13:43


For what it's worth, I'll be your wingman any time :)


> > >> Somebody better do something about you because I better not see you
> one
> > >> mother ***ing thing on the track around me that looks even slightly
> > >> suspicious.

> > >So you slammed it into T1, risking everyone else, beside us, behind us,
> just
> > >cause your lame ass can't grasp squat.

> > Ok, I hate to do this, because I think both of you guys are good racers.
> But
> > this is way out of hand.  Both of you guys get a 1 race suspension.
> > Discussion(even heated) is one thing.  But threats(which both of you
> done)
> > are over the line.
> > See you both at Watkins Glen, August 9th.

> > Eldred

> Why the hell am I getting a suspension because someone threatens to wreck
> on the track and then in this newsgroup?

> An incident happened that didn't even bring out a yellow flag, and all of
> sudden TIM messages a threat which said "watch your back 19".

> That's a threat to wreck me. You and JS said nothing in response. WTH do
> expect me to do? Just sit there, say nothing in response, and wait for him
> to waste my Sat. afternoon and wreck me the next chance he gets?

> TIM then comes here after the race, BEFORE I've made any posts at all, and
> threatens to wreck me again with the line, "If John doesn't kick your
> ass out for that, I'll make it my mission to move you each and every time,
> until I get kicked out."

> No why the hell am I getting suspended. HE threatens to wreck me in the
> FIRST, then he comes here and threatens to wreck me again if I show up at
> THE NEXT RACE. How the hell do you expect me to react? Especially when JS
> had replied to his post an hour and a half before I had read it, and done
> NOTHING. Neither of you said a word about his threat during the race (I
> waiting for you two to say SOMETHING), and JS did nothing when he read his
> threat here.

> I have never once in all the RASCAR races said a negative word to any
> individual during a race about their driving. Not once. I never dreamed of
> threatening to wreck someone no matter how pissed I got at them for
> dumb move they made which screwed up my race. I've never come here and
> complained about anyone's driving after a race either. I've only talked
> about other people's driving when they've criticised me first (like Tim).

> This suspension is pure bullshit.

> David G Fisher

John Simmon


by John Simmon » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 05:48:33

I didn't say anything because

1) I can't dive and type at the same time since i'm only racing one-

2) I didn't know why it was said, or whether it was being said as a
smart-ass or because he was mad.


I can't kick him (or anyone else) out for implying they're going to
wreck someone on purpose. I have to wait for it to happen.  
Intentional contact is a no-no.

David G Fishe


by David G Fishe » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 06:05:14

> > That's a threat to wreck me. You and JS said nothing in response. WTH do
> > expect me to do? Just sit there, say nothing in response, and wait for
> > to waste my Sat. afternoon and wreck me the next chance he gets?

> I didn't say anything because

> 1) I can't dive and type at the same time since i'm only racing one-
> handed.

> 2) I didn't know why it was said, or whether it was being said as a
> smart-ass or because he was mad.

He threatened to wreck, and either you or Eldred (or both) should of said
something. I responded becasue neither of you did.

What are you talking about? Tim and I are suspended. You and Eldred run
RASCAR.Why the hell are Tim and I both suspended if neither of us have
broken any rule??

You and Eldred are apparently making these rules up as you go along. If
that's how you are going to do things, then at least hand out the
suspensions to those that deserve them. The one who deserves it is the one
who threatened to wreck another driver first over nothing more than a
"racing incident" (as you described it), and then came here and made another
threat to wreck that same driver if he showed up to any more RASCAR races.

David G Fisher

David G Fishe


by David G Fishe » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 06:06:28

Thanks Dog Boy. Same here. :-)

David G Fisher

> Dave,

> For what it's worth, I'll be your wingman any time :)

> -Larry

> > > >> Somebody better do something about you because I better not see you
> do
> > one
> > > >> mother ***ing thing on the track around me that looks even
> > > >> suspicious.

> > > >So you slammed it into T1, risking everyone else, beside us, behind
> > just
> > > >cause your lame ass can't grasp squat.

> > > Ok, I hate to do this, because I think both of you guys are good
> > But
> > > this is way out of hand.  Both of you guys get a 1 race suspension.
> > > Discussion(even heated) is one thing.  But threats(which both of you
> have
> > done)
> > > are over the line.
> > > See you both at Watkins Glen, August 9th.

> > > Eldred

> > Why the hell am I getting a suspension because someone threatens to
> me
> > on the track and then in this newsgroup?

> > An incident happened that didn't even bring out a yellow flag, and all
> a
> > sudden TIM messages a threat which said "watch your back 19".

> > That's a threat to wreck me. You and JS said nothing in response. WTH do
> you
> > expect me to do? Just sit there, say nothing in response, and wait for
> > to waste my Sat. afternoon and wreck me the next chance he gets?

> > TIM then comes here after the race, BEFORE I've made any posts at all,
> > threatens to wreck me again with the line, "If John doesn't kick your
> sorry
> > ass out for that, I'll make it my mission to move you each and every
> > until I get kicked out."

> > No why the hell am I getting suspended. HE threatens to wreck me in the
> race
> > FIRST, then he comes here and threatens to wreck me again if I show up
> > THE NEXT RACE. How the hell do you expect me to react? Especially when
> > had replied to his post an hour and a half before I had read it, and
> > NOTHING. Neither of you said a word about his threat during the race (I
> was
> > waiting for you two to say SOMETHING), and JS did nothing when he read
> > threat here.

> > I have never once in all the RASCAR races said a negative word to any
> > individual during a race about their driving. Not once. I never dreamed
> > threatening to wreck someone no matter how pissed I got at them for
> whatever
> > dumb move they made which screwed up my race. I've never come here and
> > complained about anyone's driving after a race either. I've only talked
> > about other people's driving when they've criticised me first (like

> > This suspension is pure bullshit.

> > David G Fisher

Kyle Robert


by Kyle Robert » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 07:07:16

So why exactly were you still wasting your time?

Jan Verschuere


by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 07:35:02

Because Eldred says so (and if I were Eldred your current reaction would
cast that decision in stone).


Tony Rickar


by Tony Rickar » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 07:41:27

> I have never once in all the RASCAR races said a negative word to any
> individual during a race about their driving. Not once. I never dreamed
> threatening to wreck someone no matter how pissed I got at them for
> dumb move they made which screwed up my race. I've never come here and
> complained about anyone's driving after a race either. I've only talked
> about other people's driving when they've criticised me first (like Tim).

From my limited experience with Rascar in the early days I would agree with
you 100%, David.

Whoever is right or wrong this has been a pretty major bust up on RAS.
Although not the first, it is probably the biggest. Most leagues will not
tolerate a public airing, hence the suspension IMHO.

It may seem a bit like getting sent off in soccer or ice hockey cos the
other guy started hitting you! It will seem unfair but if the ref sees two
guys trading punches there is little alternative, both have to go...

IMHO any serious allegations such as threats of future track behaviour
should be kept to private mail with the league organisers. Otherwise they
just get out of hand.

Maybe a suspended one race ban may be more appropriate though, to make it
clear that any animosity between drivers will not be tolerated?


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Jan Verschuere


by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 07:42:17

I think you'll like the game, Pete. I can assure you it really is fun.

Online can be done on a 33k6 modem, just like GPL. I'm resorting to one now
for racing as my broadband is not stable enough at the moment.


Jan Verschuere


by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 08:32:44

That's exactly what I said... <g>

Probably not the right question, but it was all I could think of at the
time. It's got to be something I can type lefthanded in 14-odd seconds.

Uncalled for in hindsight and probably at the time as well. I was on edge as
the succession of yellows was a) denying me any benifit from my approach to
the track and b) kept putting me in a dangerous situation with regard to
the leaders at the restarts.

As I'm doing the reviews I have to be twice as carefull not to start a wreck
or get involved in one, so you can probably imagine, having dropped the laps
due to
having to reconnect early in the race, that was quite a stressfull

All good points, but it was not that kind of situation. I was holding up
Neil and Mark a little, but I don't think either was "enough" quicker to
simply pass at will. Seeing as I was 3 laps down and they were on the lead
lap, however, I did the right thing, moved high in T1 and lifted to allow
Neil through. I could see Mark following suit so I held off mashing the
accellerator again for just a tick and let him go too. While he was not
quite up to the wall starting the turn (he could have been if he wanted to
tho'), I expected him to get through the turn at normal speed. Instead it
appeared as if my courtesy was rewarded with a brake check.

I say "appeared" as a a comparison between my replay and the server replay
shows up some serious weirdness.

In the server replay I appear to barrel into the turn way too hot, jump the
kerb/lock up the brakes, barely miss Mark and start to spin; Robert Huggins
just about squeezing though as I come down the track again. I my replay I
drive the turn as I normally would, brake because of what I thought was Mark
slowing abruptly, lock up the right front (77% front brake bias?? -Sheesh!)
which starts the car rotating, aggravated by the left front going up on the
curb a little. I lose it spinning down into the side Robert Huggins(*),
which explains the odd behaviour of my car in the server replay (bouncing
off thin air). Also, in my replay, Mark's car slows to 134mph compared to
143mph in the server replay. At that point I'm usually at 146-148 mph...
still faster but not a lot faster. I probably could have managed slowing
5mph without a panic reaction/losing control, but not 14 mph.

It's pretty obvious my game was seriously out of step, possibly enough to
warrant a clock smash. Perhaps one occurred during the incident, I don't
know. I wasn't exactly looking at the comm. meters before/during/after.

But that's no excuse, so: humble pie... my fault entirely, got spooked by a
connection glitch. My snipe and subsequent terse remarks aimed at Mark were
totally uncalled for, my apologies.


David G Fishe


by David G Fishe » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 09:18:04

> > I have never once in all the RASCAR races said a negative word to any
> > individual during a race about their driving. Not once. I never dreamed
> of
> > threatening to wreck someone no matter how pissed I got at them for
> whatever
> > dumb move they made which screwed up my race. I've never come here and
> > complained about anyone's driving after a race either. I've only talked
> > about other people's driving when they've criticised me first (like

> From my limited experience with Rascar in the early days I would agree
> you 100%, David.

> > This suspension is pure bullshit.

> Whoever is right or wrong this has been a pretty major bust up on RAS.
> Although not the first, it is probably the biggest. Most leagues will not
> tolerate a public airing, hence the suspension IMHO.

> It may seem a bit like getting sent off in soccer or ice hockey cos the
> other guy started hitting you! It will seem unfair but if the ref sees two
> guys trading punches there is little alternative, both have to go...

> IMHO any serious allegations such as threats of future track behaviour
> should be kept to private mail with the league organisers. Otherwise they
> just get out of hand.

> Maybe a suspended one race ban may be more appropriate though, to make it
> clear that any animosity between drivers will not be tolerated?

> Cheers
> Tony

Yes, it is ridiculous. The thing is, I didn't bring this to this newsgroup
and make it a public airing. Tim did. I showed up and found a post with my
name in it, with a threat to wreck me attached. Others had already jumped in
by the time I got here.

David G Fisher

David G Fishe


by David G Fishe » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 09:21:53

I didn't know Eldred was God, and didn't have to explain himself when he
decides to ban people from OUR (meaning all of RASCAR ) group.

I'm glad you think it's ok that I was threatened to be wrecked on the track,
and then threatened again to be wrecked here in this group in following

David G Fisher



by Bamada » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 09:48:40

Well here I go sticking my nose where it doesn't belong again. In answer to the
question is there anyone who has improved  from running RASCAR.yepme.
Tolerance among the lessons learned. IMO there is a learning curve just
adjusting to the fast setup. The first year it seemed I couldn't run a race
without hitting Jan in one fashion or another but instead of demeaning he chose
to instruct. Recently at PMP I had an incident with Brian O in which we had
differing views but it turned into a no problem racing deal with discussion.
And NO RASCAR driver is perfect. Some faster than others but they still make
mistakes. Everyone knows I'm no threat to win but I do have fun. I actually
prefer RASCAR's laid back approach to racing as opposed to the strict rules
applied in a couple of leagues that I ran in. I for one hope that it stays the
same as it was started.. to race with familiar people and to have fun doing so.
I guess it could be worselast Saturday night there was a shooting at a short
track hereafter a bumping incident a father pulled a gun on the other driver
and was shot dead by the driver who was bumped. Guess that's justice huh?

Jan Verschuere


by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 10:06:37

He's a saint, that's close enough. <g>

Seriously, the man *is* a saint for putting with this ***and, yes, I do
consider Eldred and John's words to be law in RASCAR. I would expect to be
called to order and possibly be penalized for blatant defiance.

Eldred controls the invite list, so I wouldn't bet against him. Also, John
may be brash, but he's smart enough not to publicly overrule Eldred either.
Think about it Dave... you just put your foot in it big time.

My official suggestion: take your lumps and practise your ***off in order
to take sporting revenge at The Glen.

<private mode on>
Between you and me (and the rest of RAS <g>), Eldred is a big softie and if
you work him right, i.e. grovelingly, he might let you in at IMS. You're
good there, remember? -It'd be worth eating some humble pie to be in that
If, on the other hand, you go about arguing with him and calling his
authority into question, then eh... well...
<private mode off>

There two sides to this...

One: it is indeed completely unthinkable to entertain the notion of on track
vendettas in environment like this. Therefore I think you should treat Tim's
comments with the appropriate disdain. It's language unworthy of a driver of
his calibre and I'd tackle him on that, calmly and politely, if not
sarcastically. I would not shout "wolf" at the top of my voice before
anything happened.

Two: privately, I would think about what led an accomplished driver like Tim
to lash out at me in such a manner. Perhaps an evaluation of my driving
style and tactics are in order.

PS.: I consider this doing my bit to smooth things over in RASCAR. Apologies
to the group for flaunting this in your faces.



by Mitch_ » Tue, 29 Jul 2003 10:53:12

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