For those that have Nascar 2 with a Verite accelerator....HOW IS IT?
How does it compare to the ICRII Verite port in graphics and FPS?
Thanks fpr ANY information!
Dave Worley
For those that have Nascar 2 with a Verite accelerator....HOW IS IT?
How does it compare to the ICRII Verite port in graphics and FPS?
Thanks fpr ANY information!
Dave Worley
>How does it compare to the ICRII Verite port in graphics and FPS?
>Thanks fpr ANY information!
> >How does it compare to the ICRII Verite port in graphics and FPS?
> >Thanks fpr ANY information!
> Nowhere near as good as Indy from what I've seen. No re-textured tracks,
> anti-aliasing, no cool mirrors, etc. Overall it looks like a great sim,
> the rendition support is a dissapointment.
> David
I have P166 32mb Ram and Intergraph Reactor, and with all graphic
details turned on, the Rendition Version (I have run both N2REND.BAT
and RENDDMA.BAT) is pretty choppy. Plus there is no way to dsiplay the
frame rate. I have run from Win95 and from DOS. Running from DOS seems
a little better, but in no way as fast as Indycar 2 3D which I run
with full graphics, full mirrors, 8 cars heard, 28 drawn in front, 4
behind and get 25-30fps consistently. Did you do the install from
Win95 or DOS? Also do you know how to display frame rate? The manual
is incorrect.
Don Chapman
Carved In A Rock Productions, Inc.
Hmm, I think I either must have a problem with my system, or I didn't
write my first post very clearly <g>. I think the cars in the mirror
are textured, but there's no background scenary like in Rendition
Indycar (RICR). Also, the cars and scenary definitely seem to be more
jagged than RICR, and I ran them both one after the other on a common
track (pheonix) to compare.
Don't get me wrong, I still think it looks great, and being able to
run at full detail with shitloads of cars drawn ahead and behind is
cool. I just thought RICR made better use of the Rendition chip.
Either that, or I'm doing something wrong, but I tried it with both
n2rend and renddma. Or maybe I've just gotten spoiled <g>.
* You're only young once, but you can stay immature forever *
>How does it compare to the ICRII Verite port in graphics and FPS?
>Thanks fpr ANY information!
>Dave Worley
Dave (davids) Sparks
Late Night League
> > I disagree. Maybe you weren't running the rendition version.
> >Re-textured tracks are there....Anti-aliasing is used....and there are full
> >textures on the cars in your mirror. I have a P133 and run with All
> >graphics on (which includes Asphalt, Concrete, Grass, Clouds/Sky, Objects,
> >Crowd, Walls/Armco, Horizon, Car Decals, Painted Lines/Skid Marks, Trees,
> >Billboards, People, Fencing, Infield Objects, and Infield Vehicles) with no
> >slowdows...even on the first lap. Each of these graphics can be selected
> >individually so this sim should have the ability to run on many lower
> >systems.
> Hmm, I think I either must have a problem with my system, or I didn't
> write my first post very clearly <g>. I think the cars in the mirror
> are textured, but there's no background scenary like in Rendition
> Indycar (RICR). Also, the cars and scenary definitely seem to be more
> jagged than RICR, and I ran them both one after the other on a common
> track (pheonix) to compare.
> Don't get me wrong, I still think it looks great, and being able to
> run at full detail with shitloads of cars drawn ahead and behind is
> cool. I just thought RICR made better use of the Rendition chip.
> Either that, or I'm doing something wrong, but I tried it with both
> n2rend and renddma. Or maybe I've just gotten spoiled <g>.
> David
> *************************************************************
> * You're only young once, but you can stay immature forever *
> *************************************************************
- Mike Boich
I kind of felt the same way the first time I saw it. However, every time I
have to go back to MULTI to race on Hawaii, I learn to appreciate N2 just a
little more. <g>
Dave (davids) Sparks
Late Night League
Well, my system is a P5-120 w/24 meg, Rendition Card ( Reactor ) and
either I am doing something wrong, or the thing is just a lot slower than
the Rendition ICRII. The graphics are set to auto, and the keep popping
off and on, and every time I enter the tri-oval, the system pauses for
about 1/4 second. Strange. Still, the spotter is pretty cool, and the
ability to spin the wheels and actuall get out of you pit stall is pretty
nice. Still messing with it.
Don't set the details to auto, either turn them on or off.
Emory University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Nascar Setups Page:
>> > I disagree. Maybe you weren't running the rendition version.
>> >Re-textured tracks are there....Anti-aliasing is used....and there are full
>> >textures on the cars in your mirror. I have a P133 and run with All
>> >graphics on (which includes Asphalt, Concrete, Grass, Clouds/Sky, Objects,
>> >Crowd, Walls/Armco, Horizon, Car Decals, Painted Lines/Skid Marks, Trees,
>> >Billboards, People, Fencing, Infield Objects, and Infield Vehicles) with no
>> >slowdows...even on the first lap. Each of these graphics can be selected
>> >individually so this sim should have the ability to run on many lower
>> >systems.
>> Hmm, I think I either must have a problem with my system, or I didn't
>> write my first post very clearly <g>. I think the cars in the mirror
>> are textured, but there's no background scenary like in Rendition
>> Indycar (RICR). Also, the cars and scenary definitely seem to be more
>> jagged than RICR, and I ran them both one after the other on a common
>> track (pheonix) to compare.
>> Don't get me wrong, I still think it looks great, and being able to
>> run at full detail with shitloads of cars drawn ahead and behind is
>> cool. I just thought RICR made better use of the Rendition chip.
>> Either that, or I'm doing something wrong, but I tried it with both
>> n2rend and renddma. Or maybe I've just gotten spoiled <g>.
>> David
>> *************************************************************
>> * You're only young once, but you can stay immature forever *
>> *************************************************************
>I believe that there will be a version of Nascar2 available with
>antialiasing available. Stay tuned.
> - Mike Boich
Bill Clifton
Power Graphics Computers
Yeah, I have to agree. I was initially dissapointed at first because
I was comparing it to ICR2, but now that I've had a chance to compare
it to the standard VGA version, I can see how much better and smoother
it is. It should really rock once they add the anti-aliasing.
I wonder if we could persuade Papy to do a track pack with all
rendition redone tracks, like the 5 Indy tracks? I'd buy it in a
* You're only young once, but you can stay immature forever *
Don't use auto with the Rendition version, turning stuff on and off
slows it down a LOT. You should be able to run with all the graphics
on and quite a few cars drawn with a P120.
* You're only young once, but you can stay immature forever *
Since both ICRII and Nascar are by Papyrus, both are Rendition Ready, why
would I have to do this? The system really moves out when playing ICRII
with it all set to auto, and it keeps the frame counter pegged most of the
time. At no time does it slow down to where it has to turn off any
graphics. Why should Nascar be any different?