> I suggest you go look at a Deja.com message not more than 2 days ago, to see what tracks I went saw racing and/or F1.
Car" series?
I've spectated, walked, driven, run, and bicycled Watkins Glen in all
it's incarnations since 1962, and I wouldn't *begin* to think I knew the
physics of the place. You must be one great engineer/programmer -- BTW,
you still haven't talked about THAT aspect of your fascinating short
life -- I'd really like to know more about the dynamics of game engines
from the perspective of an expert. Please tell us more.
Ah, yes -- Montreal, with its dramatic elevation changes and many
off-camber turns.
Well, I'm sorry about your accident, but I've been through the CASC
archives and have yet to see you listed as a competitor in any year or
any class -- what "Touring Car" series? What vehicle(s)?
No, it's not an "anti-ymenard" crusade; it's an anti-bullshit crusade,
and it started for good reason five years ago. And allow me to take back
what I said about your English skills -- when you get your shorts in a
bunch, your English goes straight to hell.
Yeah, I've often suspected that, too.
No, *I* don't take it seriously, and as far as I know *you're* the only
person who does -- though I notice that when you post in other
newsgroups (rec.arts.sf.starwars, alt.music.pink-floyd), you never use
the main ouvre:
As Lincoln said of McLellan, "there's too much tail to that kite"
Killfile? What fun would THAT be?