Looking through a mountain of positive response, I haven't found anyone
that has a problem with having all the frequently modified GPL settings
available in a single screen.
With regard to use of VROC/Spy Boy, GPaL will certainly not prevent you from
enjoying either. In fact, if you're hosting a VROC race, GPaL will make that
process a lot easier and much more flexible.
*Many* of the options that GPaL provides will not be in the GPL 1.1
interface. Several of the great new GPL 1.1 features, in the absence of
GPaL, will be accessible only through initialization file or command line
modifications. GPaL tries to bridge the gap by providing a friendly, fast,
familiar Windows interface to all this great functionality and adds some new
twists of its own. And you've only seen the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
But, of course, everybody is certainly entitled to an opinion. Personally, I
find it a little strange that you choose to complain about a product that:
1) represents a considerable amount of work, 2) is being offered for free,
and 3) you won't be compelled to use.
In the interest of equal time for GPaL, I'll close by sharing a piece from a
very nice unsolicited e-mail that I received from Tom Pabst just today. If
you are unfamiliar with Tom, he's a two-time SCCA National Champion, former
BMW factory team driver, a SCCA competition license instructor, sim racing
instructor, sim racing league organizer, and self-confessed GPL ***.
Here's what Tom had to say...
"let me say this about GPaL. Including all of my experience and years in
real racing....with my sim racing of the past two years....I've not
previously run into a 'racing accessory' that is as 'innovative, completely
useful and utterly needed' as your GPaL creation."
Thanks, Tom! Exceptionally kind.
Believe me, I'm uncomfortable sharing this kind of feedback, but I guess I
feel a little compelled to offset the potential damage done by a few
reckless comments made by individuals who haven't really gained a sufficient
understanding of a product but nonetheless choose to publicly lambaste it.
Makes me understand why companies like Papyrus are reluctant to talk about
product details prior to release. My goal was, and is, to make the GPL
community part of the design process.
Jack Rambo