add to GPaL!
My question:
Does anybody have a problem with/thoughts on my growing GPaL from it's
current 640 x 480 to 800 x 600 screen size?
Doing so will allow me to maintain the design concept of "everything we need
on one screen" and avoid the use of tab controls which consume additional
resources and increase download and program load times.
One *exciting* thing that I'm adding...
A simple dropdown for "Communication Settings"!
Yippee! No more online races tainted by drivers who don't have the correct
comm settings! You know...the guys with the great pings but lousy
connections that ruin it for the rest of us! Now they'll be able to make a
single simple selection from GPaL and "Bingo! Good-bye hopping Lotus". What
a treat!
The Communications Settings dropdown will work the same way the Graphic
Settings dropdown works. You'll be able to define your own collection of
settings and select any one at any time from the dropdown. A few standard
sets will be included, including the accepted 84/3 core settings. Neat?
If you haven't seen the Sneak Preview take a look...
Thanks to all those who have completed the GPL driver survey!
( The data really helps and the survey
is quick and easy (so far, the average GPLer takes 2:03 to complete a lap of
the survey...but that includes the time you took to add all those nice
compliments and suggestions. :)) The survey indicates that only 2.4% of GPL
drivers have 640 x 480 desktops, by the way.
Take the survey and get on the mailing list for instant notification of when
GPaL is ready for downloading!
Thanks for you enthusiasm and help!
Jack Rambo