Well, I've got some good news and some bad news...
First, the bad news (and it's not *too* bad)...
The GPaL delivery date (May 15) is going to slip just a bit.
Now the good news...
The reason it's slipping is because GPaL is going to provide complete
support for GPL 1.1! GPL 1.1 provides a wealth of exciting new features and
virtually all are going to be supported in the GPaL interface.
The wonderful folks at Papyrus have been kind enough to allow me to post
updated screenshots of GPaL that, with a little scrutiny, will reveal some
of the great new GPL 1.1 enhancements. With luck, those GPaL screenshots
will be up in the next 24-36 hours...so stay tuned! (www.RaceLive.com/GPaL)
GPaL...now "The Essential Companion to Grand Prix Legends 1.1". I think
you'll find them to be quite a team!
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support!
Jack Rambo