Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

Cowen Wilso

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Cowen Wilso » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Ok I must throw in my 2 cents here..  I have been waiting for the perfect
subject and did not want to start it myself..  Here in this news group we
all see the nice and good side of ymenard..  I have been in chat rooms with
him and seen the self centered ego controlled side of him.. The truth is
ymenard thinks he is "da shit" because he posted the indy track and posts a
lot in this newsgroup..  He lives on the power from posts like this that
make him look helpless..  The truth is this newsgroup has never had and
does not need a "leader".  Especially not ymenard.  He tries to run things
the way he likes it and will be very contolling.  He see's himself as the
most influencial person in computer racing when he really isn't.  Please
stop the insanity and ymenard "power high" by letting him know you don't
want him as our leader..  

Cowen Wilson
Head Car Designer

AJ's Nascar Garage

Outlaw A

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Outlaw A » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

I do not normally post in this group I only read it. In this instance I
choose to post. I would like to know why YMENARD feels he is the leader
after aledgely being chosen by the "top 15 simracers on the net". If i am
not mistaken there are more than 15 simracers here ! I do respect each and
every name that he selected as the top 15 but even if they had voted him
in they do not speak for the other people here. So YMENARD your are not my
leader !!!!!!
Outlaw Alf

Go 24 Straight to victory Lane
Outlaw Designs Nascar Sim Page

Jeffrey Jo

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Jeffrey Jo » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

>I'd like to see a show of hands of just exactly who asked our friend
>ymenard to be the offical leader of r.a.s.  

>>First of all, I was named by the Top 15 SimRacers on the 'net, so I
>>didn't elected myself as the leader of r.a.s.  It was inside a chat of
>>those important people that they decided to have an official leader of
>>r.a.s.  They discussed on who it should be, and they arrived at the
>>conclusion that it should be me, but with restrictions.  Eric T. Busch
>>and Micheal E.Carver don't have time now like me to spend on r.a.s., so
>>I said yes when they proposed me the "job".

I would like to now this answer as well
Jeffrey Jo

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Jeffrey Jo » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

>Who the hell are these top 15 SimRacers he keeps talking about?

>>Leadership is something I will have to do, and the top 15
>>SimRacers are giving me until July first to proove this.
>>If not they will let this job to nobody.

This is from a old ymenard post

1.  Alex Santantonio
2.  Don Wilshe
3.  David Sparks
4.  Eric T.Busch
5.  Micheal E.Carver
6.  Tor Nygren
7.  Pieter von Dieren
8.  Steve Ramirez
9.  Ty Byrd
10. Mark J.Nelson
11. Peika Heino
12. Alex Koziol
13. Chas Bornemann
14. ymenard
15. Alex Koziol

I guess you must have missed the election.

Barton S. Brow

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Barton S. Brow » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

BTW, his email address is listed under the name "Yves Mnard", not
Fran?ois (maybe it's his dad's account?), and he lives in or near
Montral-Nord, Quebec.


Jan Koh

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Jan Koh » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

My question is, who's the top 15 SimRacers?  Are they written in a book
somewhere?  Did we vote and I missed out on this one?  Was Bobby
Labonte and Steve Park on this list?

Hmmm...guess I must've been playing hooky when this came out...

**do not reply to email address in header**

??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**

Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL

Castle Graphics -
The Pits -


Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Kel » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> > >His attitude is typical French arrogance. Didn't the French...(yadda yadda yadda) <major snip>
> > I don't know about the French, but M. Menard is from Montreal, PQ,
> > Canada -- not France.
> French or French-Canadian. Same thing.

Yep!! Distinct Culture. Ha! what a joke. What makes French better that
anyone else? Snobby attitude!
I think people can figure out the spam filter to reply to me..

Calgary, Alberta  CANADA

Franck Murg

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Franck Murg » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

On Sat, 07 Jun 1997 16:00:49 +0000, "Barton S. Brown"

Thanks for pointing this out Barton. <VBG>

>>His attitude is typical French arrogance. Didn't the French...(yadda yadda yadda) <major snip>

>> T.

>I don't know about the French, but M. Menard is from Montreal, PQ,
>Canada -- not France.


Franck Murger (Buzz Racing)
Le Pr Saint Gervais, France
ICQ user # 410115
Franck Murg

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Franck Murg » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Oh, this message is signed. Very courageous!!!

Generally, people like you are hiding behind their Ku Klux Klan hood,
and are generally only able to shit in their trousers when they speak
without hiding their face.

Franck Murger (Buzz Racing)
Le Pr Saint Gervais, France
ICQ user # 410115

Franck Murg

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Franck Murg » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

You probably thing that everything that comes outside of your country
is just shit.

It's because of people like you that this world is as rotten as it is

Get lost ***ing racist, you suck.

>> >His attitude is typical French arrogance. Didn't the French...(yadda yadda yadda) <major snip>

>> > T.

>> I don't know about the French, but M. Menard is from Montreal, PQ,
>> Canada -- not France.

>> BB

>French or French-Canadian. Same thing.

Franck Murger (Buzz Racing)
Le Pr Saint Gervais, France
ICQ user # 410115

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by SimRaci » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Geez...this is full of more ***then ymenard...

>I must say for the most part I'm a lurker when it comes to this
>newsgroup. But I guess this would be a good time to thank all the people
>that have contributed to my greatly enhanced enjoyment of sim racing.
>Now having said that I must take the time to flame master Ymenard. His
>attitude is typical French arrogance. Didn't the French hide behind U.S.
>troops during WWII, didn't the French back out of Vietnam, didn't the
>French refuse to let our (U.S.) fighter jets fly through their airspace
>to get to Gadafi. Isn't Ymenard hiding behind his monitor? I know that
>most of this stuff is unrelated but I just couldn't resist. Again thanks
>to all who have made my simracing life more enjoyable(excluding Ymenard
>who won't go away and who'll probably say I have no right to say what
>I've said because I don't post here as frequently as him).

Gary Bro

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Gary Bro » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

>You probably thing that everything that comes outside of your country
>is just shit.

>It's because of people like you that this world is as rotten as it is

>Get lost ***ing racist, you suck.

Hey watch the language, he is entitled to his point of view, which
seems to me very reasonable. It is the attitude of Liberals like you
that has caused much of the racism in modern society by denying that
differences exist between the races. I consider it racist of your
nation to boycott British Beef, blockade British lorry drivers and
steal British fish. Time you people realised that we CAN'T all live
together in sweet happiness and dealt with that.

Somebody will remind me who it was that said 'I do not agree with you
position, but I will defend to the death your right to express it'.

You are the facist for attempting to silence a valid observation.

Anyway, this is getting WAY WAY off topic now (like about 30% of all
the posts in this group).

Jesus, that W*nker Menard has a lot to answer for, he has us all at
each others throats....What a great start to his term of office :-(

** Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spammers **

I am Homer of Borg. Resistance is....Ooooh, donuts.

Franck Murg

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Franck Murg » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

HI Marc,

Thanks a lot, I didn't expected something else from someone like you

You'll see that I'm taking all this very seriously, but as I've never
seen someone from France posting such things about american people, I
CAN'T AND NEVER accept the same coming from people in USA.

Thta's call racism, and believe me, you know me since enough time now,
if they were just beside of me, they'll surely not talk this way, or
they'll get seriously buttkicked, and I'm not joking now.

BTW, after all this, I'm thinking about completely leaving the NET
community. I'm disgusted today, some people worth to be known here but
it seems a vast majority are just ***ing ***s.

Best to you.

>Geez...this is full of more ***then ymenard...

>>I must say for the most part I'm a lurker when it comes to this
>>newsgroup. But I guess this would be a good time to thank all the people
>>that have contributed to my greatly enhanced enjoyment of sim racing.
>>Now having said that I must take the time to flame master Ymenard. His
>>attitude is typical French arrogance. Didn't the French hide behind U.S.
>>troops during WWII, didn't the French back out of Vietnam, didn't the
>>French refuse to let our (U.S.) fighter jets fly through their airspace
>>to get to Gadafi. Isn't Ymenard hiding behind his monitor? I know that
>>most of this stuff is unrelated but I just couldn't resist. Again thanks
>>to all who have made my simracing life more enjoyable(excluding Ymenard
>>who won't go away and who'll probably say I have no right to say what
>>I've said because I don't post here as frequently as him).

Franck Murger (Buzz Racing)
Le Pr Saint Gervais, France
ICQ user # 410115
Franck Murg

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Franck Murg » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Who are you accusing of facism you SON OF A ***!

My grandfather was 5 years POW (prisoner of war) duringWW2.

Anyway, I have a lot of friends among German people, and you wanna
know why

Because you can't judge a nation on a generality point of view, but
simply on the valour of individuals.

It seems that people like you haven't the single idea of what can be a
world community.

Personnaly, I don't think I'll sdtay long in that place, I've seen
enough to make my opinion.

>You are the facist for attempting to silence a valid observation.

Franck Murger (Buzz Racing)
Le Pr Saint Gervais, France
ICQ user # 410115

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by DRedick8 » Mon, 09 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Forgive me if you have already answered the subject in the quote above,

Mike Eric Busch has already challenged you point out who did (other than
yourself) appoint you "leader".

You have done nothing different from what Eric T. or Mike Carver has done
the past.  That is, all they have done is post to offer ideas, and
encouragement.  No 'management' of the group, as it were.

If I were you, I'd get the hint that there is NO leader of this group (it
has to be
moderated, which it isn't), and do some more growing up before you tout
as a 'leader'.

DNR Enterprises
Home of the #1 BGN site on the 'Net...50 cars, utilities, and more! is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.