Master Menard (and lest you get the wrong idea, the prefix "master" is used
in the sense given in usage #20 in the 1976 edition of The American
Heritage Dictionary--"A prefix to the name of a boy or youth not considered
old enought to be addressed as Mister."),
You have completely missed the point of what I was trying to say. Since
you sign your posts as not English-speaking, it's probably my fault. Since
I have from time to time been accused by coworkers of not being very
tactful, it's time to see how tactless I can be.
Your posts are a joke. Most people probably only read them to get their
daily flaming fix. I tried to suggest that you cool it and "lead" by
example by making a legitimate effort to answer questions and offer timely
information, if you have any. Instead, your self-serving drivel has only
served to alienate the very ones you would "lead".
Simply stating "respect is something I now have" does not make it so,
saying "I am a leader" does not make you one, and achieving age 18 does not
make you an "***".
As for age not having anything to do with being an "***"--Kid, I've known
people who were twelve years old who by their actions epitomized ***hood.
Based on your posts, it's doubtful you could be considered to be an
"***" even if you were 75 years old.
To put it as simply as I can--Respect, leadership and ***hood are not
things you give yourself; they are granted to you by others. As long as
you continue in your current vane, I fear you won't have any of them.
If you really want to be taken seriously by this newsgroup, then I suggest
you start by doing this:
1) Offer help to those that request it. Do so without expecting a pat on
the back. For god's sake, don't pat your own back!
2)Don't make a post at all unless you have something legitimate to offer.
Your "I am the leader" ***DOES NOT have anything legitimate to offer.
And yes, this means that you, like me, will do much more lurking than
posting, if you take this advice.
3)Lose the self-serving, ten line plus signature--I think simply signing
your name would serve nicely.
Believe it or not, I'm not trying to be ***. If I didn't think you have
some redeeming qualities, I wouldn't have taken the time to write this--I'd
simply laugh at your posts like 99% of the other folks that still take the
time to read them.
Jerry Morelock