Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

Gary Bro

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Gary Bro » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

>Good race at the Brickyard,  (-o-)      ________________________

>                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>Respect from majority of sim racers?  where? in your school?
>I cannot believe you are continuing to post shit in here.
>Why don't you make a list of what you've done for simracing and post that.

>  You are just an obnoxious boy to me,  wasting bandwidth in this

He seems to have zero respect from anybody around here.

Come on, you 15 top sim-racers (WOW, can I join your club big boys!),
let's hear something in favour of this total rat-arse. Let's hear from
whoever is responsible for his delusions.

** Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spammers **

I am Homer of Borg. Resistance is....Ooooh, donuts.

Michael E. Carve

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Michael E. Carve » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

: Thank you very much for being with me.  It's more easy to flame me than
: to say good things on me, like we all do to N2 and Gp2.  Probably
: because words are more easy to find when you don't agree with someone's
: philosophy.  I will manage to do my best and to respect the great
: traditions of the past leaders, such as Eric T. Busch and Micheal E.
: Carver.  But please remember that it is the Top15 SimRacers that have
: choosen me, not myself.  With great respect,

: Good race at the Brickyard,  (-o-)      ________________________

This message is directed to anyone who may not understand the way an
unmoderated usenet newsgroup operates.  There are no "official" leaders.
This newsgroup is not a working democracy or dictatorship.  Eric and
Michael were not past leaders.  There are no Top15 SimRacers.  And even
if there is, they did not choose anyone to be a "leader".  This is a
piece of pure fiction.  

This has only been a test.  Had this been an actual coup d'etat, you
would have been instructed to subscribe to the newsgroup for further instructions.  Remember, this has
only been a test.

We now return you to your normally scheduled wild and crazy leaderless
usenet newsgroup.

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by chainbreake » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Master Menard (and lest you get the wrong idea, the prefix "master" is used
in the sense given in usage #20 in the 1976 edition of The American
Heritage Dictionary--"A prefix to the name of a boy or youth not considered
old enought to be addressed as Mister."),

You have completely missed the point of what I was trying to say.  Since
you sign your posts as not English-speaking, it's probably my fault.  Since
I have from time to time been accused by coworkers of not being very
tactful, it's time to see how tactless I can be.

Your posts are a joke.  Most people probably only read them to get their
daily flaming fix.  I tried to suggest that you cool it and "lead" by
example by making a legitimate effort to answer questions and offer timely
information, if you have any.  Instead, your self-serving drivel has only
served to alienate the very ones you would "lead".

Simply stating  "respect is something I now have" does not make it so,
saying "I am a leader" does not make you one, and achieving age 18 does not
make you an "***".

As for age not having anything to do with being an "***"--Kid, I've known
people who were twelve years old who by their actions epitomized ***hood.
 Based on your posts, it's doubtful you could be considered to be an
"***" even if you were 75 years old.

To put it as simply as I can--Respect, leadership and ***hood are not
things you give yourself; they are granted to you by others.  As long as
you continue in  your current vane, I fear you won't have any of them.

If you really want to be taken seriously by this newsgroup, then I suggest
you start by doing this:

1) Offer help to those that request it.  Do so without expecting a pat on
the back.  For god's sake, don't pat your own back!

2)Don't make a post at all unless you have something legitimate to offer.
Your "I am the leader" ***DOES NOT have anything legitimate to offer.
And yes, this means that you, like me, will do much more lurking than
posting, if you take this advice.

3)Lose the self-serving, ten line plus signature--I think simply signing
your name would serve nicely.

Believe it or not, I'm not trying to be ***.  If  I didn't think you have
some redeeming qualities, I wouldn't have taken the time to write this--I'd
simply laugh at your posts like 99% of the other folks that still take the
time to read them.  

Jerry Morelock

Eric T. Busc

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Eric T. Busc » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

I'd like to see a show of hands of just exactly who asked our friend
ymenard to be the offical leader of r.a.s.  


Eric T. Busc

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Eric T. Busc » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Who the hell are these top 15 SimRacers he keeps talking about?



Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Dave » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Psst.. Fran?ois, I believe he was being sarcastic...

> >    Why thank you, I'm sure we'll all follow you through
> > thick and thin!  It's an honor to have you as my self
> > appointed leader.

> > Rich K.

> Thank you very much for being with me.  It's more easy to flame me than
> to say good things on me, like we all do to N2 and Gp2.  Probably
> because words are more easy to find when you don't agree with someone's
> philosophy.  I will manage to do my best and to respect the great
> traditions of the past leaders, such as Eric T. Busch and Micheal E.
> Carver.  But please remember that it is the Top15 SimRacers that have
> choosen me, not myself.  With great respect,

> Good race at the Brickyard,  (-o-)      ________________________

>                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> SPEED- Public relations director
> SPEED- Cars, WC, BGN, Trucks, IROC, utilities and more...

> Flight Cadet Nien Numb, Gold squadron NSWL
> May the force be with you, always!!

> - *Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking) * -


Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by TOlson94 » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

That guy who thinks he is our leader made up a list of the people
who he thinks are the top 15 SimRacers. He also says that they
told him to be the new leader of r.a.s. and that he had a meeting
with them, but that is apparently just a bunch of BS.


Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by GARY CAR » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> First of all, I was named by the Top 15 SimRacers on the 'net, so I
> didn't elected myself as the leader of r.a.s.  It was inside a chat of
> those important people that they decided to have an official leader of
> r.a.s.  They discussed on who it should be, and they arrived at the
> conclusion that it should be me, but with restrictions.  Eric T. Busch
> and Micheal E.Carver don't have time now like me to spend on r.a.s., so
> I said yes when they proposed me the "job".  With the upcomming NROS in
> the next month, this newsgroup will grow really fast, and some person
> speculates that It will double in size.  So they decided to elect me as
> the leader.  But they wanted me to change, and I accepted it.  They want
> me to be more mature, and It's OK.  They want me to be more serious,
> perfect!  They all think I will do my best, and I have until the first
> of July to proove it.  I also respect each one in r.a.s. and I will not
> do ANY moderation.  I will only do restrictions and prevent excessing
> flaming.  Only this.  My job, as the people who engaged me wanted, is to
> only direct the newsgroup in a certain direction.  Only.  Some people
> think that I'm a sort of dictator and I will manipulate all the posts.
> Untrue.  People will not even see the difference.  They will only see
> that flaming will be less frequent.  If you know StarWars,
> rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc is the perfect exemple.  I was engaged for
> NROS and to protect each one here in r.a.s.  Freedom of speech is very
> important for my eyes.  I am the type of person who wouldn't hurt a fly,
> so I will do all I can to make r.a.s. better.  I've never done something
> bad to all of you and respect each person.  I also think that I know my
> stuff, it's just that I'm more interested into philophical threads than
> the technical part of SimRacing.  Your list contains very great people
> and I resect them.  Finally, you can't say that Simulation Racing is a
> video game.  For many people, it's a second life, an unreal world were
> you can realize dreams you couldn't do in real life.  Each one here
> dream to race a real F1, CART or Nascar, but I will probably never
> happend.  I don't know very much a game that is this close of the
> reality, were you can race against 38 real humans.  You will, when you
> grow up, learn a great lesson about the SimRacing Community.  You will
> all learn fraternity, charing and helping others.  You will be more able
> to express yourself and you will be more positive about the real life.


  Parlez vous B.S. ??   Oui !

Darin Carr

Goy Larse

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Goy Larse » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> I'd like to see a show of hands of just exactly who asked our friend
> ymenard to be the offical leader of r.a.s.

> --

Hi Eric
The only reason I can think of is that he has been the target of a
practical joke, and since english is not his native language (like
myself) it can sometimes be difficult to "get it" when somebody is being
sarcastic. If not, this is a very sad person without any grip on reality
at all IMHO.

By the way, thanks a lot for the advice about running my ASUS board at
83 mhz, it works like a dream with every Bios settings at normal, needs
no tricks of any kind.

Beers and cheers

Chuck Stuar

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Chuck Stuar » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Maybe its all that wine.

> > >    Why thank you, I'm sure we'll all follow you through
> > > thick and thin!  It's an honor to have you as my self
>                                                 ^^^^      
> > > appointed leader.
>     ^^^^^^^^^

> > > Rich K.

> > Thank you very much for being with me.  It's more easy to flame me than
> > to say good things on me, like we all do to N2 and Gp2.  Probably
> > because words are more easy to find when you don't agree with someone's
> > philosophy.  I will manage to do my best and to respect the great
> > traditions of the past leaders, such as Eric T. Busch and Micheal E.
> > Carver.  But please remember that it is the Top15 SimRacers that have
> > choosen me, not myself.  With great respect,

> IDIOT!  

> He just did flame you!!!!

> Read his post again, and if you still don't get it, then continue to not
> say anything.

> Craig Jacobson


Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by amirr » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

I must say for the most part I'm a lurker when it comes to this
newsgroup. But I guess this would be a good time to thank all the people
that have contributed to my greatly enhanced enjoyment of sim racing.
Now having said that I must take the time to flame master Ymenard. His
attitude is typical French arrogance. Didn't the French hide behind U.S.
troops during WWII, didn't the French back out of Vietnam, didn't the
French refuse to let our (U.S.) fighter jets fly through their airspace
to get to Gadafi. Isn't Ymenard hiding behind his monitor? I know that
most of this stuff is unrelated but I just couldn't resist. Again thanks
to all who have made my simracing life more enjoyable(excluding Ymenard
who won't go away and who'll probably say I have no right to say what
I've said because I don't post here as frequently as him).



Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Rick » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> I'd like to see a show of hands of just exactly who asked our friend
> ymenard to be the offical leader of r.a.s.

> --

Hi All!

I think we should all give this guy a break!

He is honest and forthcomming about his feelings and he deserves a
chance to lead this group.  He has spent countless hours preparing a
helpful website devoted to sim racing, not a site that features a
cut-off hand or some guy peeing on #24--that should tell us something
right there!!!

Eric!!!  Remember, someone gave you the benefit of the doubt when you
chose to lead this group. You have a m***obligation to YMenard, to
"take him in" as his mentor.

He has my vote,


Jim G

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Jim G » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> Ok, let me see if I have this've made a list of the top 15
> sim racers.
> Some of the people who are on the list are telling you to shut up, get a
> life, take a hike, etc, yet you claim you had a chat with all of them and
> that they gladly accepted you as the leader of r.a.s.? I bet the only
> person on that list who told you to become the r.a.s. leader is yourself!
> No, I don't recognize you as the leader r.a.s., and I think that there are
> many other people out there who feel the same way.

 Is this maybe just one of the best trolls this ng has seen in a long
time? I wish he lived close, I would grab his neck, lean close, and
softly say "WAKE THE *** UP" Then slap him five or six time to make
sure he heard. <g>
 Better to rule in hell, then follow Yemtard in R.A.S.

Jim G.

This is getting as good as the T.A.S. thread over in flight sim ng.:-]

Eric T. Busc

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Eric T. Busc » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

I hope I'm just missing the sarcasm here and you aren't being serious.  I
have never had any role in leading this group, other than posting what I
deemed to be helpful contributions.  Any posts be myself or others claiming
some official position were tongue-in-cheek, and were never meant to be
taken seriously.  As an open discussion neswgroup there are no leaders, nor
could there be:

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea -- massive,
difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of
mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it."

- Gene Spafford


Alec A. Flor

Please read this for the good of r.a.s.

by Alec A. Flor » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

I would be extremely interested to know the names of the top 15 SimRacers!
Are they self appointed too<G>

Alec A. Flory
Virtual Velocity Racing

> Who the hell are these top 15 SimRacers he keeps talking about?

> >Leadership is something I will have to do, and the top 15
> >SimRacers are giving me until July first to proove this. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.