I've tried Alison's INI file ... no matter what I do I get MASSIVE
warping of other cars under GPL 1.1 online (this system worked
perfectly with 1.0). Cars beaming in and out all over the damn place.
This is even with sweet sub-100 pings.
I also get a bizarre "stuttering" problem. Every 10-20 seconds my own
car flashes out of existence for a split second (it's easy to see in
chase view and replays). Even if I stop racing entirely and just
watch, the replay screen still has this stutter.
If anyone had any other suggestions please post them here. I'm writing
a little article on GPL 1.1 and GPaL this week (probably be posted on
the net next Monday) and I'd really, really like to get this worked
out before I have to submit it.
My system: P2 300, 128 MB RAM, 12MB Voodoo2, Logitech FF wheel, and a
fast cable modem.
Joe McGinn
Staff Writer for the Sports *** Network