I think the ff is fantastic!
On Sat, 10 Jul 1999 00:47:18 +0800, "Roger Lai"
>Got the patch, played with the force feedback. What do the different forces
>actually mean? I can't figure out what each wheel shake means what.
Except on those $1000 ECCI wheels. Or even $300 TSW/TSW2 wheels. ;)
You'll always be happy with your Yugo until you try a Ferrari. When you do
you'll realize what you've been missing:)
>> Andre
>Except on those $1000 ECCI wheels. Or even $300 TSW/TSW2 wheels. ;)
Joe McGinn
Staff Writer for the Sports *** Network
But, man oh man, you ought to feel the force once. You'll be all over ECCI
to get them to implement. It's sensational.
>You'll always be happy with your Yugo until you try a Ferrari. When you do
>you'll realize what you've been missing:)
>>> I think the ff is fantastic!
>>> Andre
>>Except on those $1000 ECCI wheels. Or even $300 TSW/TSW2 wheels. ;)
BTW, my first wheel was a TM Nascar Pro, good wheel, just not as good as
ECCI. Sorry if that upsets you, the facts are the facts.
Hmmm. Just to play the devil's advocate (since the devil is apparently
too cold to do it himself), which would give you a better driving
experience; a fully operational Yugo (whatever that may be :-), or a
Ferrari that has no engine?
I have access to a Saitek R4 Force wheel, but I find myself seldom
using it -- my TSW/TSW2 wheels are far more precise, and I can turn in
consistently better lap times (and better race times, too). The FF
effects are neat, and in Viper Racing, they do add an immersive
quality, but there are too many other sensations missing for FF to be
anything more than a neat gimmick, as far as I'm concerned. Adding in
the Aura Interactor helps fill in some of the blanks left by a FF
wheel, but even with that added in, I'm still not ready to trade in my
TSW. All in all, I really enjoy sims more with my TSW wheels than I
do with a FF wheel.
I don't have access to the Saitek wheel today (it's out on loan to a
friend -- lucky guy!), so the jury is out on GPL and FF for me, but I
imagine I'll think it's neat up to a point, and slowly drift back to
using the TSW2 full-time (my TSW2 has a nicer wheel than my TSW <G>).
-- JB
On Fri, 9 Jul 1999 14:06:51 -0500, "Scottie Smith"
>You'll always be happy with your Yugo until you try a Ferrari. When you do
>you'll realize what you've been missing:)
>>> I think the ff is fantastic!
>>> Andre
>>Except on those $1000 ECCI wheels. Or even $300 TSW/TSW2 wheels. ;)
And a low blow in return. :)
Music to my ears.
A) "I can drive if you'd like -- let me bring my Yugo around front."
B) "Can you drive? My Ferrari's in the shop."
-- JB
I'm sure that you guys did an excellent job with the FF in GPL. Papy is the
best. My point is that the FF wheels on the market today are no where no the
quality of a ECCI wheel. Yes, I would like to have a FF wheel but I'm not
willing to trade quality for one feature.
Now, may I ask you a question? Would you trade a Gremlin for a Ferrari just
because the Gremlin had a radio and the Ferrari didn't? Same concept. In the
question you presented to me my choice was a working car or a non working
car and what we're really talking about here is a feature(i.e.. my ECCI
works but does lack a feature).
devil is apparently
Now, may I ask you a question? Would you trade a Ferrari for a Gremlin just
because the Gremlin had a radio and the Ferrari didn't? Same concept. In the
question you presented to me my choice was a working car or a non working
car and what we're really talking about here is a feature(i.e.. my ECCI
works but does lack a feature).