I couldn't even get LWFF to install under W2K RC2, even though the OS
detected it on the USB port and started the New Hardware Wizard. I just
couldn't figure it out... May be the problem will be solved in a few
months when the new Profiler is released for W2K.
Here is the response I got from the Winman Team when I inquired about
the installation problem:
"The drivers included in the OS for the WingMan Formula Force supports
force feedback. Which game are you using? There a few games which try to
create Force Effects for all the force types it needs and if any fail,
will disable the ff feature. The drivers included in the system do not
support Ramp, force type. It could be that you are using a game which
needs this force.
We are working on releasing the WIngMan Software on W2K platform. There
are numerous issues involved with updating of drivers on W2K. Tthe
current driver has no significant differrences in features compared to
the one included in the. So you may want to wait until we release the
Software which will have an elegant way of upgrading the drivers and
also provide the profiler functionality.
with best regards,
can find> it when I get home) some games want to initialise all force
effects when the> game loads, and if they can't they disable FF. Note
that this probably isn't> Logitech's official statement.
effects in> I-Studio work fine. Personally, I bet Logitech's drivers
aren't up to speed,> and we'll probably have to wait until they port
Profiler to W2k.
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Before you buy.