great device for GPL. The wheel provides resistance, configurable through a
control panel from none to heavy, which gives the driver a great sensation
of contact with the road. I must say I question Papy's omission of support
for this device.
The reasons given for not implementing force feedback were certainly valid
arguments. As of right now, there simply is no way to give the driver the
feeling of over or understeer. Without these sensory inputs, the case can be
made that there is no benefit to the sim enthusiast. However, MS' CPR,
leaving its shortcomings aside, is a good example of what force feedback can
do. The feeling of rumble strips, of entering a sand pit, and even collision
with a wall all provide the driver with an extra dose of immersion.
Immersion is an essential component of a convincing simulator.
The overhead of adding FF effects can't be that large as CPR runs at the
same framerate on my machine with or without FF enabled. So, if the above
facts are true, then why not implement force feedback?
In moving forward, I think we can all agree that Force Feedback will to at
least some extent be a factor in future sims. My cause here is to suggest
that we begin now with testing and further experimentation. The sooner we
implement Force Feedback, the more we can learn and improve on this
up-and-coming technology
-/- Walk Walker