I don't have a wheel and pedals yet, and i was thinking of buying a FF
I was leaning towards the Logitech Wingman Formula Force.
I would be buying it primarily for GPL. I understand Papy chose not to
FF in the initial release of the game as they didnt think it provided any
driver aids
and could be an active hindrance.
Does supporting FF in a patch mean there has been a change of attitude about
Is this more about simply increasing the selling power of the game, or have
been impressed by the performace of the present range of FF wheels in GPL.
If they were
impressed, which wheel impressed them the most?
An Internet review suggested that there can be problems with the Logitech as
it connects using
a serial port instead of the game controller port. Is this correct? What
experiences have people
had with the Logitech?
Steve Cova