On Sat, 10 Jul 1999 11:54:53 -0400, "Sean Graham"
>It says in the readme for GPL 1.1 that the force feedback settings were designed with the Microsoft wheel in mind. I have the Logictech Wingman USB and was wondering if anyone with the same wheel has found a setting in the core.ini that maximises the effects.
>Other that some increased steering resistance, the effects seem very minimal to me.
>thanks in advance
>Sean Graham
Hi Sean,
I've realized an important setting to check when running the Logitech
wheel. I was running with "Enable Centering Springs if Force Feedback
Games" set to on. Turn this off, in the Game Controllers applet in
your control panel. (...or from a right click on your systray "W")
I was a little bewildered yesterday when I had my first run with the
patch and FF, with the same dismal results that you describe. Then I
checked here in RAS and saw everyone raving about the FF effects!
I'm pretty confident that you have this setting "on" and killing it
will yield much more satisfying results.
Q. Why the heck did I have that setting active, anyway?
A. Because it's there! "Ug, me set ON. ON good, OFF bad."
Now I can agree, GPL is on top of the FF list with Viper. I still
think I need to do some fine tuning with the core.ini settings,
especially the latency, but this is definitely some good FF.
AND! The day after I get our home network set up behind a Linux NAT!
What more could a guy ask for?!
Thanks, Randy and Papy! Your initial product was much better, in many
ways, than most patched games, yet you gave us this improvement. It's
refreshing to see this type of rabid commitment to improvement from a
Have a great day everyone!