I cannot stand modern F1, for example, and the Aussie V8 series is a
travesty of what touring car racing used to be like back in the late 1960's
through the 1970's and into the 1980's. Once again, as we old blokes have
seen, it's motor racing tailored for TV.
Because F1 of the mid 1950's through the 1960's is part of my real world I
associate very strongly with it. That was the time, after all, when I
developed an interest in motor racing - F1 in particular.
Jack Brabham becoming world champ also helped to amplify that interest.
It is a known fact amongst those who study human behaviour that the things
and events with which we are most comfortable and with which we have the
closest associations all stem from our formative years, particularly those
between the ages of 10 and 25. After that period we settle into a groove
and, even as the years pass, we look back on our youth with mostly fond
memories....rose coloured glasses, for sure, but that's the way our brains
So that's why I love that period in motor racing, because that's when my
association started.
Now, if N2003 could spin off mods for F1 of the 1950's when those glorious
Lancia, Mercedes, Ferrari, Maserati, BRM, Vanwall etc cars were in the
forefront, I'd become a drooling fool (or drooling more than I do at the
Or if mods such as the Can-Am of the 1960's and the Trans-Am of the 1960's
were developed, I'd become a gibbering idiot.
I love most of the technology of the present day and if that can be put to
good use in giving us historical simulations, that's fabulous in my book.
> Or did you mean that you like the fact that GPL takes place in the past
> (when things were more interesting in some respects), instead of
> referring to current "GPL2" developments?