circuits...which aren't over 5 miles, either (except for conversions like
the Nurburgring). All I meant to imply is that nobody's going to expend a
lot of time and effort to create any new tracks with a whole set of (free)
tools supposedly right around the corner. Thereafter, I reckon, we'll
quickly discover what limitations are built in. I'd hope for a 24-hour race
with GT Prototypes and production GTs, but who knows?
> most of these scratch built tracks won't exceed the 5 mile limit because,
> well, because ovals don't get that long? :-)
> Achim
> > There have only been a couple of scratch-built N2003 tracks. Most are
> > conversions. I'm guessing most track designers are waiting for the
> > track-building tools alledgedly part of the forthcoming N2003 patch.