I have recently got myself a new PC (Athlon 2000 Pro + GeForce4 MX440) so
for GPL now I'd using the D3D rasterizer. Game runs absolutely awesome but
there are a couple of things that are annoying me ... maybe one of you has
seen this and can help?
a) First problem is that the 'text' in the black header/footer of the screen
gets corrupted ... almost like it's loosing definition/resolution and over
time you can't read it at all. By header/footer I mean the areas that shows
the framerate in the 'race' and position, laptime, best laptime etc in
'replay'. Also, I've notice the 'text' on the screen that shows all your
laptimes/positions getting corrupted. Any idea how to 'fix' this?
b) Second problem is that when I exit GPL and come back to the my Windows
(98) desktop, all my Windows are moved as if my windows resolution was
turned down. This is not really a problem but it is annoying. Any idea how
to stop it doing this?
ps. I'm running Windows at 1280x 1024 resolution while GPL as 1027x768.
Thanks for any/all the helps and tips in advance.
David Mocnay