Arghhh!!! I guess what you're seeing and I am seeing are not the same
thing. There's no link at all ... I even did a search for rastogl in that
thread just to see if I'm going blind but none of the 'finds' were a link
Could you possibly post the link to the rastogl.ZIP
ps. This is what I see when I look at the given link to the forum:
Last time OGL ?
Hi GPL-friends,
today I used the OpenGL-driver once again
and the menues and driving on the track was OK.
Then I leaved the track and CrashToDesktop
with an windows error message. I looked into
the details and once again I started the Disassembler
to look into the programcode of rastogl.dll
I found the right programcode and I changed
the conditional jump command in front of it.
Now all seems working right. But I want someone
else to test the modified dll.
Maybe if you change the tracks very often
or run other software after GPL your memory
runs out. This is because I patched the
My system is running with win98 and a nvidia
card with drivers 29.xx (Edited on 31.07: and
NVOPENGL.DLL from the 30.30 drivers.)
Please backup your original rastogl.dll file.
David Mocnay