So long as the agreement is legal. It is legal to sell your software you
know, just like a used book, no matter what the EULA says. At least up until
the DMCA.
You are dead wrong about your belief about the legality of warz and the
reason for it's illegality. Dead wrong. Here, I'm afraid, you simply don't
know what you are talking about. By your view you could by a legally
released game from the store, change a file, and put it on the web?
Go ahead, give it a try. Buy N4 when it comes out. Make a car set. Put all
of N4 with your carset on a web site. Make sure you have metatags to make
the web site easy to find. See how long it takes for you to recieve a cease
and desist letter. Refuse to cease and desist. See what happens to you.
You don't get it. IP is property. Distributing it without permission is
ALWAYS theft. It isn't yours. Period.
Go look it up.
Because such terms are legal.
Copyright law is not shakey, and this particular area is WELL tested.
Look it up.
The DMCA is an abomination. It is counter to the the whole idea of
copyright.This aspect of it may live however. You see, it dosn't forbid
HAVING such a utility, or USING it. Just distributing it. Just as
prohibition didn't forbid possesing or consuming ***, just distributing
It's horrid. It's anti consumer, but it may just be legal. Right now it
hasn't hit the federal courts at all. The NY Supreme court is the higest
it's gone, and they upheld it. We'll just have to wait to see what the feds
do with it.