Last post by Tim McArthu « Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00
I have version 1.22 of "BURNOUT" (got it as a gift) and having a
BLAST with it.
I have seen some postings that there are patches and an update to
version 1.
just got PCzone magazine issue #68 oct1998
and on the coverdisk there is NO demo of Colin mcrae rally!
Is there any other version of this mag exepct the UK version?
Last post by Robin Lor « Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00
eah, here in the south (meridian region) they showed a couple of the races
on sunday afternoon there was a great sportscar scrap between Martin
Brundle in a D-type (which apparently had no int
How do you connect by modem, I've been trying for three days now, even went out
and bouth a direct connect cable, and dragged the computer to a friends house.
Can someone help me out and send the NASCAR1 paintkit.exe file( located in the
main Nascar1 directory). My paintkit file has become corrupt.
Thanks in advance.
Tom Smith
downloaded the demo from here:
When I try to run the directx6 version, I first get a black screen, then
get the Ubis
Last post by Rafael Medeiro « Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00
I've had N2 on my hard drive for about 2 or so years...I installed a demo of
GPL the other night off a cd, and it totally erased my N2!!!!! So, after quite
a few hours getting everything ba
3 Replies
Last post by Rafael Medeiro
Need N2 sound help Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00
ello, all.
I have obtained The Need for Speed III, and I have to say, all things
- This Is The Best Racing Game I Have Ever Owned For Any System -
Sure, other ga
just installed the new body shape by Cory Walker I downloaded from
the pits and it is without a doubt the most realistic winston cup body
shape that I have seen yet.
I dashed out earlier today to buy PC Zone for the CMR demo which
I've been gagging to play.
It just will not work! After clicking the icon to run the game, the
3dfx (rig
thought I'd see a crapload of NFS III posts by now. I guess everyone is
playing it, instead.
I've had the playstation version since day one, and have spent many hours
enjoying this terri
o start off with I'm still not real happy EA left the different modes of
play out. But after playing NFS3 all day, I think it is the best arcade
racing game out.
Last post by Matthias Fla « Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00
have had no luck buying a copy of this movie. It sounds cool and I read
posts here referring to that film, but it is so old that no places I've
found sell it.
Last post by Tim McArthu « Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00
n interview of Brent Erickson, (the lead designer of Burnout: Championship
Drag Racing and Burnout: Players Choice Edition), and part 1 of a preview of
Burnout: PCE have been posted at http://
ow do you delete joystick setups from the listing in the control panel. I
only use 3 of them and would like to remove the rest so I don't have to scroll
down to the T2 setup.
Last post by Bart-W. van Lit « Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00
as anyone else had any luck receiving the full ICR2 to N2 track converter
that is at the pits? I mailed a money order two weeks ago and have received
no response.
2 Replies
Last post by Bart-W. van Lit
Ripped Off ??????? Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00
he great and intrepid Anthony Lo <> wrote:
>I found some old copies of GP2 but the minimum requirements are
>1995 Version:
y new GPL site is nearing completion. you can expect regular updates, and
lots of info/downloads (which i noticed is lacking from GPL sites in
Last post by Speed Race « Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00
omeway I managed to screw up and delete my configuration in win95
joystick for my T2. Now when I try to add it as "Thrustmaster T2"
and/or "2axis 2button" it says "not
Last post by Peter McMill « Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00
ey folks,
I am trying to get motoracer working but without success. I keep
getting an error message that says the following :-
No DirectDraw struc
Last post by Robert Kimbe « Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00
i all,
anybody got some info on MIP file structures as in GPL???
Any help on the format of the files or directing me to a site with info on
them would be a great help. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.