running a Pii 450Mhz, 128Meg ram Creative Voodoo 2 12 Meg).
I loaded the latest Voodoo 2DX6 drivers from the 3dfx page, and now I get
lockups usually in the menus. When I move between the menu pages,
sometimes the cursor appears to "stick" in a flashing patch
of the screen, but the cursor becomes available, leaving the fashing
patch on screen.
Sometimes the lockups occur immediatly, sometimes I can race, and
return to the menus to log out, and then it will lock.
I've made sure that in the v2 properties the triple buffering (glide) is
un-checked, but stll with no joy.
I'm running the Direct3D v2.18 & Glide v2.54 Voodoo 2 drivers, (part
of the Software Kit v3.01- Release Candidate 1)
When I go back to the D3D v2.17 & Glide v2.53 the problem goes away,
but the graphics are just slightly "lighter".
I was hoping it was something else other than the drivers that was
causing the problem, but it looks like I'll have to go back to the
older drivers.
My machine is brand new and I was wondering if this problem had been seen
before, or whether it is just me...!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated