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(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Eldre » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

>I wonder. I know little of this, but I wonder whether the gun lobby is so
>vociferous that they drown out the very many silent Americans who object to

I'm a 'sort of' silent American who's not against gun ownership.  I'm against
'***', 'semi-automatic' gun ownership.  I'm not a hunter, but I don't see
anything wrong with it, if you're not doing it JUST for sport.  I wouldn't be
against anyone having a handgun for 'protection', or even target shooting.
But, why does ANYONE need a rapid-fire weapon that can put 20(or more) bullets
in a man before he hits the ground?  I don't get it... :(


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(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Eldre » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

>US Firearms Age-Adjusted Death Rate: 13.0 deaths per 100,000 population
>(Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 46, No. 1 Supplement 2)
>***s in which the victim and killer are of same sex and unrelated 0.37
>per 100,000 population per annum in England and Wales and 21.63 in Detriot.
>Iceland that's 0.05. (Daly and Wilson 1990)

Geez, you just HAD to mention Detroit, didn't you...? :(
Can you guess where *I* live? <g>


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(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Eldre » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00


It would be easier for me to solve the world's PROBLEMS... <g>


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by Eldre » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00


Ok, OTHERS have mentioned censorship.  Pardon me for grouping you with THEM...


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by Eldre » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

Ok, so he used an old term, so what? <---- that's NOT a flame...

So what happened to the principal?  Did HE get arrested?


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(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Eldre » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00



Someone *finally* admits the parents should be the good influence on these


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Mark C Dod

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mark C Dod » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

The US doesn't have privacy laws? You can legally search through your kids drwaers
and cupboards? I don't think so.

By the way. I have spoke to Cottage Parents from many different countires and the
rules are the same. If a child is under your protection their bedroom is protected
by the sme rules as your house. Nobody can search your house without the proper
authority and so we wern;t allowed to enter the State Wards bedroom without an
invitation and certainly could not search it.

It iis far better to use the influence you have by keeping the kids under the ame
roof as you. If you upset the kids by doing Nazi type hit and run searches they
will leave home. Then what influence do you have?

> >> Not our kids, State ward kids. We were "Cottage Parents", something akin to
> >> Foster Parents. In Australia any "child"over 15 can complain to a state
> >funded
> >> social worker abou their parents and get funding to move out of home. The
> >> parents crime could simply be to put curfews on their activities or show
> >concern
> >> about their choice of friends etc. The basic rights of parents to be
> >parents is
> >> being taken away. As for searching an 18 year olds room for weapons or
> >> ***...that is viewed as basic violation of the kids privacy.

> >This is complete bull. If the kid is living under my roof I don't care
> >if they are 35, it's still MY house and the room they are living in is
> >MY room. Therefore if I suspect illegal activity I WILL search the room.
> >If I find what I don't want to find then the proper people will be
> >informed, *** or no ***. The ultimate authority lays with the
> >parents. NO ONE in my house has complete privacy if I suspect
> >lawlessness. After all I could also be charged in the event the cops
> >break down my door because they suspect someone who lives in my house.

> That's what I would think.  There's no WAY I'm gonna let someone do illegal
> stuff in MY house.  But, he IS in a different country, right?  Maybe they just
> have stranger laws...

> __

> Put your message in a modem, and throw it in the ***-sea...
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John Walla

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by John Walla » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

Call me a bluff old traditionalist, but isn't tht why we have a police
force, courts, why law-abiding people pay taxes etc etc?



(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Woodie » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

>I'm a 'sort of' silent American who's not against gun ownership.  I'm against
>'***', 'semi-automatic' gun ownership.  I'm not a hunter, but I don't see
>anything wrong with it, if you're not doing it JUST for sport.  I wouldn't be
>against anyone having a handgun for 'protection', or even target shooting.
>But, why does ANYONE need a rapid-fire weapon that can put 20(or more)
>bullets in a man before he hits the ground?  I don't get it... :(

That's why it's illegal to own one.  Automatic weapons are very strictly
Semi-automatic means it fires one round when you pull the trigger, then reloads
itself.  No different than a revolver.  *** in it's current usage means
that it looks like a military weapon.

Don McCorkle
Libertarian Motorsports

Paul Jone

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Paul Jone » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

> Okay, make it impossible for Joe Regular to get a gun.  Nothing is
> impossible, trust me.  If you are going to outlaw firearms, then how about
> bomb making materials.  It just keeps getting biger and bigger.  It makes
> no sense to outlaw firearms, since a person who wants to do this will find
> a way.

> Addtionally,  These two individuals broke so many laws already, making
> firearms illegal to posess alltogether would have made no difference to
> them.  Take a look at Colorado law and you will see how many laws were
> broken, besides the ***.  We need enforceable laws not more laws.
> Banning firearms is not enforceable.

You are creating two false dichotomies, here.
In the first place, it is not the case that you have to ban everything
associated with *** (weed killer, kitchen knives etc.) in order for a
full or partial gun ban to make a difference. Your reductio ad absurdum
argument has a broken link. We can approach the issue of bomb making as a
separate subject and it can be backed up with separate legislation.
In the second place, it does not follow that because laws get broken, laws
have no effect. Of course laws get broken. If no one felt an urge to break a
law then there is little point in having a law. If people are tempted to break
a law then I would maintain that irrespective of the severity of the
punishment, some people will break that law. This does not mean that having
the law does not discourage many people from breaking that law. As John
Wallace says further down, this is "why we have a police force, courts, why
law-abiding people pay taxes". People will have to hide their guns if there is
a gun ban, because otherwise they will suffer the consequences under the law.
Bad guys have to pay more for "black-market" guns if there are no more legal
ones. They will need gun suppliers etc. etc. Sure they will still be able get
guns if they are determined but it will be harder and thus fewer people will
get hold of them. With each new illegal gun found by the police, the illegal
gun stockpile will be decreased. As time goes on still fewer people will have
them until eventually almost no one has them. Additionally, the few guns that
we get in the UK (and I guess other countries) will vanish completely because
almost all the illegal guns that get into the UK are originally sourced in the

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Eldre » Mon, 10 May 1999 04:00:00

(Woodie 83) writes:

>>I'm a 'sort of' silent American who's not against gun ownership.  I'm
>>'***', 'semi-automatic' gun ownership.  I'm not a hunter, but I don't
>>anything wrong with it, if you're not doing it JUST for sport.  I wouldn't
>>against anyone having a handgun for 'protection', or even target shooting.
>>But, why does ANYONE need a rapid-fire weapon that can put 20(or more)
>>bullets in a man before he hits the ground?  I don't get it... :(

>That's why it's illegal to own one.  Automatic weapons are very strictly
>Semi-automatic means it fires one round when you pull the trigger, then
>itself.  No different than a revolver.  *** in it's current usage means
>that it looks like a military weapon.

>Don McCorkle
>Libertarian Motorsports

Ok, thanks.  Not being a gun afficianado, I didn't know the various
So, why dod the term 'semi-automatic' seem to be a recent one?  They didn't
call revolvers that in the '20s and '30s, did they?


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(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Eldre » Mon, 10 May 1999 04:00:00


Why not?  It's in your HOUSE.  If the police raid you and find something you're
damn well going to be RESPONSIBLE for it...


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Mike Laske

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mike Laske » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

>Call me a bluff old traditionalist, but isn't tht why we have a police
>force, courts, why law-abiding people pay taxes etc etc?

You bluff old traditionalist you....


Chuck Kandle

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Chuck Kandle » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

>  If the kid is living under my roof I don't care
> if they are 35, it's still MY house and the room they are living in is
> MY room. Therefore if I suspect illegal activity I WILL search the room.

I absolutely agree with the emotion of this statement.  However, having just gone thru
the "system" with a troubled *** myself, I can tell you he's not pulling your leg.
Although most kids are not street-smart enough to try, they can basically tell you
they'll be home in a day or two, whenever they feel like it.  What you gonna do?  You
touch them, you go to jail in this crazy society.  I know of a parent who grabbed the
arm of their child, they wrenched away & purposely slammed their own face into a
doorjam, then called the police.  Guess who went to jail, & is probably going to lose
the rest of their kids?

I can agree with holding parents responsible, but *ONLY* if they are also allowed to
also discipline!  As things are now, you better not do anything to try & stop your
kids, & if they perform some illegal activity then you're goin down too.  Crazy
American society we live in!


Chuck Kandler

Chuck Kandle

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Chuck Kandle » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

> the US has a huge amount of ***'s when compared to the rest of the
> world. approximately 5-6 more per 100,000. hard to argue with this. i do
> have a suspicion about these (don't worry - it's not a *** theory),
> that being there is no distinguishing between a *** act by a baddie or a
> life-saving defensive action by an goodie. for example, a couple of baddies
> holds up a goodie at gun point. the goodie then blows away thre baddies
> after being accosted. result: two ***s. the definition of "***, by
> the way, is:

> a person who kills another.

> this is very different.

> if my example holds any water at all, i am glad that the world is rid of 5-6
> more baddies. yes, this freedom does have a cost. if that cost is 1 out of
> 100,000 kids having an accident with daddy's gun - then that is a small
> price to pay for a better society.

Sounds like the "goodie" who just ***ed the "baddie" just became a "baddie"
himself.  Its wrong for anyone to kill another human being.  If you kill my
wife, YOU are wrong,  If I, in turn, kill you for it, *I* am just as wrong.  But
some people just can't see that.  This attitude of I can do it & it's OK but if
you do it then its wrong is just like the US Government itself.  In Yugoslavia
they mow down innocent civilians & its called war crimes.  We say that is
wrong.  Then we go over there & do the same.  Only this time, its an
"accident".  Its OK, its us.  Baloney.  Hipocrites each & every one.


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