somebody after losing a game of Ludo than after playing 100 hours of Quake of
watching any of the movies I listed. My point was that these movies are more
disturbing. Seeing a real person, even if it is an actor, being beaten to death or
shot or burned alive has a bigger adverse effect than blowing away a bunch of pixels
that, in most games, don't even represent normal everyday human beings.
Graphic *** that makes a point in a movie, such as in Saving Private Ryan, is
perfectly acceptable to me. *** for the sake of it, as in those four movies,
without making any valid point is, in my opinion, very disturbing.
> >Natural Born Killers, Resevoir Dogs, Romper Stomper, Clockwork Orange etc. All
> >glorify *** with no balance. One viewing of any of these movies will do mor
> >harm than months of Quake.
> Oh shit, I've watched all of those movies AND played months of Quake -
> someone better lock me up before I do something mental and it is
> conveniently blamed on the games.
> Movies, games and indeed *** acts themselves are only the symptoms
> or, if you like, the results. What has caused such movies to be
> popular and *** to be common is where attention needs to be
> directed. You could well find that games like Quake are in fact a
> channeled outlet for pent-up urges and desires, and in banning such
> products people may find rather more public ways to vent these.
> Knee jerk reactions without understanding a problem are more likely to
> be a quick fix to keep people happy rather than doing any actual good.
> Unfortunately that's almost a dictionary definition of "politician".
> Cheers!
> John