(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

Trey Beh

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Trey Beh » Fri, 30 Apr 1999 04:00:00

>The kids could come in the front door with a plastic bag, a tube of glue
>>announce they were going to get high. As soon as they entered their bedroom
>>there was nothing we could legally do to stop them. On occasions we knew
>>were weopons and/or hard *** in the room but we couldn't confiscate them
>>even report the matter to the police.

>>Why? Because kids have a right to privacy backed up by legislation and law.

First, you can't even SPELL "weapon," like most owners of them. Second, you are
unaware that your entire house can be confiscated under law for permitting it
to be used in this way.

Who authorized you to house foster children, and (more importantly) for what
rea$on did you volunteer?

If you are so naive or negligent as to allow minors to use and house WEAPONS
and hard *** because of your alleged misunderstanding of the law, you have no
bu$ine$$ posing as "foster" parents. You are part of the reason high school
students are now afraid to attend high school.

I'm not usually so harsh in my judgments, but I will post here and now
that--from what you've written--you are an irresponsible idiot. You would
knowingly allow a nuclear weapon to be stored in your attic, because you feel
powerless to do anything else. Pathetic.

Mark C Dod

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mark C Dod » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

Not our kids, State ward kids. We were "Cottage Parents", something akin to
Foster Parents. In Australia any "child"over 15 can complain to a state funded
social worker abou their parents and get funding to move out of home. The
parents crime could simply be to put curfews on their activities or show concern
about their choice of friends etc. The basic rights of parents to be parents is
being taken away. As for searching an 18 year olds room for weapons or
***...that is viewed as basic violation of the kids privacy.

> <snip>

> >The kids could come in the front door with a plastic bag, a tube of glue
> and
> >announce they were going to get high. As soon as they entered their bedroom
> >there was nothing we could legally do to stop them. On occasions we knew
> there
> >were weopons and/or hard *** in the room but we couldn't confiscate them
> or
> >even report the matter to the police.

> >Why? Because kids have a right to privacy backed up by legislation and law.

> <more snipped...>

> Is this because they weren't your kids? I can't believe parents don't have
> this right. And isn't 'their' room actually yours if you own the house?

> Not arguing, just curious...

> Keith


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Woodie » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

Perfect example of how little most people know about the facts of the issue.
All of the scientific studies done show that the more guns there are in the
hands of law abiding citizens, the lower the rate of *** crime.  Criminals
are not stupid, just immoral.  Any gun law passed affects only the lawfull,
criminals will ignore it and be emboldened by it, and the statistics bear this
out, without exception.  An armed society is a polite society.  Remember, the
first thing done by both Hitler and Stalin was to outlaw private ownership of

Don McCorkle
Libertarian Motorsports


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Woodie » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

Made by Oliver Stone, a human with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Don McCorkle
Libertarian Motorsports

Francois Dubu

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Francois Dubu » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

And you (willingly, I presume) forgot to add:

All of the scientific studies done show that the more guns there are
in the hands of law abiding citizens,

- the higher the rate of accidental gunshot wounds or deaths;
- the higher the incidence of familial disputes ending in a shooting;
- the higher the number of gunshot wounds due to "trigger-happy"
people who think the milkman is trying to come inside their house;
- the higher the number of children learning that the only way to
protect yourself is to get a gun;
- and lots of other things that wouldn't happen if normal people
weren't as uneducated as you are...

I know I said I'd killfile this thread, I forgot...  It's done now...
Sorry again for the off-topic post...


Francois Dubuc,

Simulator ***world,***world/

Mark C Dod

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mark C Dod » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

What a***head! What made my wife and I qualify? Try many interviews, tests and
probes into our backgrounds. Try a 100% concern for children that made us give up
our nice comfy house and move in with kids who have severe problems caused by
parents who***, bash and abuse them in many other ways.

I held children down while they wer trying to reach for knives to kill themselves.
I was forced, by law, to allow parent access to some of these children when the
kids were terrified of them and literally hid under the bed. My wife has been
bashed and held at knifepoint by these kids. We gave these kids love and
understanding. What have you done to help these children?

BY LAW we were not allowed to enter the childrens bedrooms without express
permisssion of the children. We did the only thing we can do, intercept them before
they got to their room or contacted the social workers who, sometimes, got the kids
to see sense.

The houses we stayed in were not our property. They were government property and
under a completely different set of rules you think you know about.

I am part of the reason kids are afraid to go to schoo?. I have never had to answer
to such an ignorant and totally innacurate piece of ***in my lifetime. My wife
and I, by giving up our comfy nightime vigil in front of the TV and confronting the
problem are part of the solution to the problem, not the cause.

I suggest that you not comment on STATE LAWS IN AUSTRALIA concerning State Ward
Children unless you know the facts.

I also suggest that until you live with drug ***ed, abused, suicidal, homocidal
(two of the children my wife has looked after HAVE commited ***) for 24 hours a
day then shut up and stop making the most stupid and ill informed statements in the
history of newsgroups.


> >The kids could come in the front door with a plastic bag, a tube of glue
> >and
> >>announce they were going to get high. As soon as they entered their bedroom
> >>there was nothing we could legally do to stop them. On occasions we knew
> >there
> >>were weopons and/or hard *** in the room but we couldn't confiscate them
> >or
> >>even report the matter to the police.

> >>Why? Because kids have a right to privacy backed up by legislation and law.

> First, you can't even SPELL "weapon," like most owners of them. Second, you are
> unaware that your entire house can be confiscated under law for permitting it
> to be used in this way.

> Who authorized you to house foster children, and (more importantly) for what
> rea$on did you volunteer?

> If you are so naive or negligent as to allow minors to use and house WEAPONS
> and hard *** because of your alleged misunderstanding of the law, you have no
> bu$ine$$ posing as "foster" parents. You are part of the reason high school
> students are now afraid to attend high school.

> I'm not usually so harsh in my judgments, but I will post here and now
> that--from what you've written--you are an irresponsible idiot. You would
> knowingly allow a nuclear weapon to be stored in your attic, because you feel
> powerless to do anything else. Pathetic.

John Walla

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by John Walla » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

I'm sure all the studies funded by arms companies probably do show
that, in much the same way that McDonalds claim their burgers are a
health food. Meanwhile, back here in the real world, the premise that
increasing the number of weapons somehow makes the world safer is
obviously nonsense.

Go study your statistics and somehow manage to show me that the USA
has a lower level of *** crime than Japan, UK, Germany - countries
where people don't have guns.

So when Scottish tourists drive out of the airport in Florida and have
a gun shoved in their face at the first intersection the natives ar
being "polite"? When someone's car breaks down, they knock on the
front door of the nearest house and are gunned down by the landowner
for being an "intruder" he's just giving them the good ol' Texas

There is _no_ statistic, properly researched, that can uphold gun
ownership in the US as a means of historically keeping down ***
crime - it's a fallacy. Gun ownership in the US is the residue of
frontier law, where formal law was minimal. At that time it was
necessary to protect yourself, and it has become part of the fabric of
society from there. Without it anarchy would doubtless have prevailed,
but that _shouldn't_ hold true now. As I mentioned though, ironically
in a sense it does - if I were to break into a house in Japan I
wouldn't even think to carry a gun because the guy inside wouldn't
have one. If it was the US you can be damn sure I would, and I'd shoot
anyone who came near me since chances are the home-owner will be armed
to the teeth. You can see how the thinking changes.


Keith Meye

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Keith Meye » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00




Keith Meye

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Keith Meye » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00



Let me get this straight... You're saying the majority of ***s in this
country are people defending themselves against bad guys?!?!?!?!?

What color is the sky in YOUR world?

Keith (no longer wondering why this country is so f'ed up...)

Keith Meye

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Keith Meye » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

Ummm... show me those *** statistics again?


- Show quoted text -


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by mhear » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

> Not our kids, State ward kids. We were "Cottage Parents", something akin to
> Foster Parents. In Australia any "child"over 15 can complain to a state funded
> social worker abou their parents and get funding to move out of home. The
> parents crime could simply be to put curfews on their activities or show concern
> about their choice of friends etc. The basic rights of parents to be parents is
> being taken away. As for searching an 18 year olds room for weapons or
> ***...that is viewed as basic violation of the kids privacy.

This is complete bull. If the kid is living under my roof I don't care
if they are 35, it's still MY house and the room they are living in is
MY room. Therefore if I suspect illegal activity I WILL search the room.
If I find what I don't want to find then the proper people will be
informed, *** or no ***. The ultimate authority lays with the
parents. NO ONE in my house has complete privacy if I suspect
lawlessness. After all I could also be charged in the event the cops
break down my door because they suspect someone who lives in my house.

A SAFE gun owner

P.S. Anyone who breaks into my house while I'm home better plan on dying
because I'm NOT!

David Ewin

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by David Ewin » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

> oh, yeah? lemme about this:
> if jim clark was confronted by a ticked off sartee, would he within legal
> bounds to stab him with a sharpened taco if he was indeed threatened with
> great bodily harm?     ; -)

Now I understand where Jay is coming from.  He has a hard time distinguishing
between real life and the movies.  Jim Clark was a real person, Jean Paul Sartee
was a character in "Grand Prix" played by Yves Montand.  Jay probably thinks he
is Rambo (and I don't mean Jack).

Dave Ewing

John Walla

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by John Walla » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

On Thu, 29 Apr 1999 12:24:06 -0700, "Jay Wolfe"

>if my example holds any water at all, i am glad that the world is rid of 5-6
>more baddies. yes, this freedom does have a cost. if that cost is 1 out of
>100,000 kids having an accident with daddy's gun - then that is a small
>price to pay for a better society. chalk it up to natural selection at work.
>a kid that stupid would've pissed on a light socket eventually anyway.

What is a "baddie"? If your girlfriend breaks down by the freeway late
at night and I stop to help, when she thinks I'm coming to attack her
and pops one in my head with that Glock I guess I'll go down as a
"baddie" in those statistics?

Jeez, the Good Samaritan never had that sort of stuff to contend with!

That is anarchy, not democracy.

Well, that may qualify if Sartee died later from botulism...


Jay Wolf

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Jay Wolf » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

>Now I understand where Jay is coming from.  He has a hard time
>between real life and the movies.  Jim Clark was a real person, Jean Paul
>was a character in "Grand Prix" played by Yves Montand.  Jay probably
thinks he
>is Rambo (and I don't mean Jack).

oh, boy. you sure got me, huh? i should've said "the *** in the honda",
right? besides, i'd take jack rambo over the movie version any day. a lotus
doing 190 would plow sly under like cabbage!
Tony Rickar

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Tony Rickar » Sat, 01 May 1999 04:00:00

>On Thu, 29 Apr 1999 12:24:06 -0700, "Jay Wolfe"

>if my example holds any water at all, i am glad that the world is rid of
>more baddies. yes, this freedom does have a cost. if that cost is 1 out of
>100,000 kids having an accident with daddy's gun - then that is a small
>price to pay for a better society. chalk it up to natural selection at
>a kid that stupid would've pissed on a light socket eventually anyway.

A small price to pay?

If that "stupid" kid happens to "have an accident with daddy's gun" and
blows away your own child who is playing with him - will a 1:100000 ratio be


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