What a***head! What made my wife and I qualify? Try many interviews, tests and
probes into our backgrounds. Try a 100% concern for children that made us give up
our nice comfy house and move in with kids who have severe problems caused by
parents who***, bash and abuse them in many other ways.
I held children down while they wer trying to reach for knives to kill themselves.
I was forced, by law, to allow parent access to some of these children when the
kids were terrified of them and literally hid under the bed. My wife has been
bashed and held at knifepoint by these kids. We gave these kids love and
understanding. What have you done to help these children?
BY LAW we were not allowed to enter the childrens bedrooms without express
permisssion of the children. We did the only thing we can do, intercept them before
they got to their room or contacted the social workers who, sometimes, got the kids
to see sense.
The houses we stayed in were not our property. They were government property and
under a completely different set of rules you think you know about.
I am part of the reason kids are afraid to go to schoo?. I have never had to answer
to such an ignorant and totally innacurate piece of ***in my lifetime. My wife
and I, by giving up our comfy nightime vigil in front of the TV and confronting the
problem are part of the solution to the problem, not the cause.
I suggest that you not comment on STATE LAWS IN AUSTRALIA concerning State Ward
Children unless you know the facts.
I also suggest that until you live with drug ***ed, abused, suicidal, homocidal
(two of the children my wife has looked after HAVE commited ***) for 24 hours a
day then shut up and stop making the most stupid and ill informed statements in the
history of newsgroups.
> >The kids could come in the front door with a plastic bag, a tube of glue
> >and
> >>announce they were going to get high. As soon as they entered their bedroom
> >>there was nothing we could legally do to stop them. On occasions we knew
> >there
> >>were weopons and/or hard *** in the room but we couldn't confiscate them
> >or
> >>even report the matter to the police.
> >>Why? Because kids have a right to privacy backed up by legislation and law.
> First, you can't even SPELL "weapon," like most owners of them. Second, you are
> unaware that your entire house can be confiscated under law for permitting it
> to be used in this way.
> Who authorized you to house foster children, and (more importantly) for what
> rea$on did you volunteer?
> If you are so naive or negligent as to allow minors to use and house WEAPONS
> and hard *** because of your alleged misunderstanding of the law, you have no
> bu$ine$$ posing as "foster" parents. You are part of the reason high school
> students are now afraid to attend high school.
> I'm not usually so harsh in my judgments, but I will post here and now
> that--from what you've written--you are an irresponsible idiot. You would
> knowingly allow a nuclear weapon to be stored in your attic, because you feel
> powerless to do anything else. Pathetic.