(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

John Walla

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by John Walla » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

Ask anyone with even a modicum of genetic lineage or hereditary
behavioural traits and they will inform you that actually your
statement is utter crap. The ratio is entirely open to question but
both of the so called "nature and nurture" play a large, perhaps
equal, role in determining behavioural patterns.

The child might - it depends also on other factors. You equally can't
say a child WILL listen if you DON'T light up two minutes later.

Rambo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kurt Cobain et al don't play a part?

This is one of the areas of discussion that absolutely doesn't lend
itself to simplification, since every subtle nuance plays a critical
part, however small.


Keith Meye

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Keith Meye » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00



This is the point that the pro-gun people keep making that I just don't
understand... If you ban guns altogether, then how are bad guys going to get
them? Why can't you people see that it is the easy availability of these
things that allows bad guys to get them?


Mark C Dod

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mark C Dod » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

Well replied and I apologise for the "crap" remark. Yes, chemical imbalances are a factor in
some anto social behavior but that is easily tested for and often fixed with suppliments. This
argument is similar to the "are they born gay" vs ?re they made gay"debate that never has an
ending and no middle ground.

lets get back to something moremeasurable, like SCGT vs Viper or EA Superbikes vs AMA

> Nature versus nurture - a very old subject that's been debated without any real resolution.
> My statement is not "utter crap" - it's what I believe and, obviously, what you do not
> believe. I personally think that our genetic make up determines the vast majority of our
> personality and our behaviour patterns. The chemicals that occur in relatively low doses in
> the brains of people who like to take risks are there because they have relatively low
> amounts of the relative proteins which in turn are directly coded for in their DNA. I
> believe that learning will affect some chemical pathways just as *** can as well, but I
> still believe that sociopaths are born and not made. You take another view, that is your
> right, and you can cite much supporting evidence for your view (as can I). In the end, as
> with all the really keenly fought debates, which side of the fence you opt for is largely
> value judgement. Mark, I respect the work that you do with kids and respect your views on
> kids. No, there's no such thing as an evil kid, but then again I don't believe that there's
> such a thing as evil anyway. Some kids are born with short attention spans and immunity to
> fear. Chances are their parents are as well and putting the two together is a good bet for
> deliquency. "Born innocent" - bit theological for me. Many children love to learn, almost
> all love to be loved, some need "strong examples" others rarely require discipline. (My son
> has been lecturing me for a couple of years to quit smoking and 2 weeks ago I finally did.)
> I respect my sons and they respect me. We seldom fight and discipline is seldom an issue.
> They appreciate the need to learn and take things in with open eyes and open arms. I know
> of other children where that just isn't the case. As far as I can see they were born like
> that. I guess we have to agree to differ.
> Cheers,
> Paul

> > I thought I would stay away from this argument but this statement is utter crap.

> > There is no such thing as an evil child. All children are born innocent. Their
> > personality is moulded by those around them and the events they experience.

> > A child requires guidance and strong examples. A child will not listen to a parent
> > telling them not to smoke when the parent lights one up two minutes after the lecture.

> > Most "good" parents who end up with problem children are victims themselves of not
> > having the required skills or guidence. These parents aren't bad people. In our society
> > the parents are the child's only *** influence apart from teachers. In other
> > societies the extended family is a good role model and the cases of delinquency are
> > decreased. Advice from in laws who have been there/done that can help parents.

> > I have seen some of the most cunning, *** street wise kids become model citizens
> > not through discipline but what they mostly need and respect, advice from ***s who
> > treat them as equals and pratice what they preach.

> > > It's easy to blame parents. I have 2 kids who are generally very well behaved
> > > (except with us :-) ). This is not because we are particulary good or strict
> > > parents. It is because these little spirits are usually good little spirits. I have
> > > seen many ***y-minded and often downright evil little spirits, and I wonder to
> > > myself how on earth the parents cope. Personalities are born and not made. You can
> > > guide them but not mould them.
> > > Cheers,
> > > Paul

> > > > >I have an even beter suggession lets blame the comms. or how about the
> > > > >democrats; republicans, liberals. do you like placing the blame? this is
> > > > >completely rediculus the blame if any is on the american society

> > > > Sounds as though you're disagreeing with me, and then agreeing with me. Either
> > > > way, we have a serious situation on our hands. I wasn't "placing blame;" I was
> > > > establishing RESPONSIBILITY for this tragic nonsense.

> > > > I happen to be around quite a few parents and their children every day. I've
> > > > wondered for the past few years how these parents can idly stand by and let
> > > > their children run riot without any correction or supervision whatsoever. The
> > > > mystery was cleared up when I heard a parent utter the most ridiculous
> > > > philosophy imaginable: "They're little spirits, and shouldn't be inhibited in
> > > > any way." Well, spirits come in all stripes, and some are downright evil unless
> > > > taught to respect the "spirits" with whom they share the world. Hell, even
> > > > puppies are trained not to pee on the carpet.

> > > > To nudge this thread back on topic, we stand to lose our rights to uncensored
> > > > media and video games (and to own firearms, if that's your thing) if idiots are
> > > > going to use them as re-enforcement of their unchecked ***s on society.

> > > > It all starts with parents' obligation to RAISE their kids---not just allow
> > > > them to reach ***hood  with the mentality of children.

> > > > Back to my Lotus,
> > > > Trey Behan

Mark C Dod

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mark C Dod » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

Yeah, the "Crap"part was uncalled for and alread apologised for elsewhere.

Both factors are a part of any human beings personality.What ratio each factor has is a
continuing debate that can't be served by agrguing the points on this forum

As for Rambo, Duke Nukem etc having an influence, that is the argument that originally
started this never ending thread.

> >I thought I would stay away from this argument but this statement is utter crap.
> >There is no such thing as an evil child. All children are born innocent. Their
> >personality is moulded by those around them and the events they experience.

> Ask anyone with even a modicum of genetic lineage or hereditary
> behavioural traits and they will inform you that actually your
> statement is utter crap. The ratio is entirely open to question but
> both of the so called "nature and nurture" play a large, perhaps
> equal, role in determining behavioural patterns.

> >A child requires guidance and strong examples. A child will not listen to a parent
> >telling them not to smoke when the parent lights one up two minutes after the lecture.

> The child might - it depends also on other factors. You equally can't
> say a child WILL listen if you DON'T light up two minutes later.

> >Most "good" parents who end up with problem children are victims themselves of not
> >having the required skills or guidence. These parents aren't bad people. In our society
> >the parents are the child's only *** influence apart from teachers.

> Rambo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kurt Cobain et al don't play a part?

> This is one of the areas of discussion that absolutely doesn't lend
> itself to simplification, since every subtle nuance plays a critical
> part, however small.

> Cheers!
> John

Paul Jone

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Paul Jone » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

> lets get back to something moremeasurable, like SCGT vs Viper or EA Superbikes vs AMA
> Superbikes.

Ah, but GP2 versus F1RS. Now there's a "debate that never has an ending and no middle ground."
Jay Wolf

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Jay Wolf » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

>>i still maintain that the bad guys will have access to
>>these guns anyway, so why allow only them to carry them? <


>This is the point that the pro-gun people keep making that I just don't
>understand... If you ban guns altogether, then how are bad guys going to
>them? Why can't you people see that it is the easy availability of these
>things that allows bad guys to get them?

how about the following, keith?

1.  in california, to be able to carry a firearm in your car, you must have
a concealed weapons permit. these have been very difficult to get in LA
county. if it is clearly against the law to carry a gun, then how do you
explain the many drive-by shootings?? it would appear that the criminal
element is not following the laws. result: criminals have a clear cut
advantage and are exploiting it by attacking unarmed drivers either through
drive-bys or car-jacking. the county to the south, orange county, has a
sheriff that is in favor of more lenient concealed weapons permits. result:
less drive-bys and less car-jacking.

2.  banned weapons, you say? how about sawed-off shotguns? those are clearly
illegal, yet every evil gunster seems to carry one, right? how about the
guys in the north hollywood bank robberies last year who used fully
automatic weapons? those are illegal, too, yet the bad guys had them. the
cops admitted to being outgunned there.

the point is, the bad guys don't worry a snitch about following proper gun
laws. they don't have to. they are bad guys and above the law, according to
"hey, bob. should we have our guns shipped to us at the bank after we clear
the 10-day required waiting period since we can't have them in the car with
us on the way to the bank robbery?"
keith, do you really believe that guns won't exist if they are banned?
making them illegal doesn't make them disappear, just illegal to carry.

a quote last night from my glock 17 9mm carrying girlfriend last night:

"i'd rather be in jail for shooting someone in a possible self-preservation
shooting, than have someone else be in jail for shooting me."

with this, i let the topic die here. feel free to respond, but i am
returning to the world of eating virtual hay bales.


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by DAVI » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

Okay, make it impossible for Joe Regular to get a gun.  Nothing is
impossible, trust me.  If you are going to outlaw firearms, then how about
bomb making materials.  It just keeps getting biger and bigger.  It makes
no sense to outlaw firearms, since a person who wants to do this will find
a way.  

Addtionally,  These two individuals broke so many laws already, making
firearms illegal to posess alltogether would have made no difference to
them.  Take a look at Colorado law and you will see how many laws were
broken, besides the ***.  We need enforceable laws not more laws.
Banning firearms is not enforceable.


David Kar

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by David Kar » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

Why set up such a straw-man, Don?  No reasonable person thinks passing a law
in and of itself is the panacea to the USA's ***y epidemic.

The idea that "ONLY LAW ABIDING PEOPLE ARE AFFECTED BY LAWS" is itself a bit
cute, a bit naive.  Laws, combined with other forces, (whether they be
*real* commitments to addressing inner-city poverty, whether they be *real*
commitments to helping strengthen families caught in a downward spiral of
joblessness, and even--gulp--dependency, or what not) shape a culture, help
express and shift its collective aims, goals.

Of course, some libertarians find the notion that there should even be
collective goals a bit totalitarian.


> >This is the point that the pro-gun people keep making that I just don't
> >understand... If you ban guns altogether, then how are bad guys going to
> >them? Why can't you people see that it is the easy availability of these
> >things that allows bad guys to get them?

> Same way they get ***.  It's kinda cute the way naive people think they
> pass a law and fix everything just like magic.  ONLY LAW ABIDING PEOPLE

> Don McCorkle
> Libertarian Motorsports


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Woodie » Sat, 08 May 1999 04:00:00

>This is the point that the pro-gun people keep making that I just don't
>understand... If you ban guns altogether, then how are bad guys going to get
>them? Why can't you people see that it is the easy availability of these
>things that allows bad guys to get them?

Same way they get ***.  It's kinda cute the way naive people think they can
pass a law and fix everything just like magic.  ONLY LAW ABIDING PEOPLE ARE

Don McCorkle
Libertarian Motorsports

Mark C Dod

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mark C Dod » Sat, 08 May 1999 04:00:00

GP2 will always be regarded as a classic. F1RS earns the RS part of its name.

> > lets get back to something moremeasurable, like SCGT vs Viper or EA Superbikes vs AMA
> > Superbikes.

> Ah, but GP2 versus F1RS. Now there's a "debate that never has an ending and no middle ground."
> Cheers,
> Paul

Keith Meye

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Keith Meye » Sat, 08 May 1999 04:00:00

>>>i still maintain that the bad guys will have access to
>>>these guns anyway, so why allow only them to carry them? <


>>This is the point that the pro-gun people keep making that I just don't
>>understand... If you ban guns altogether, then how are bad guys going to
>>them? Why can't you people see that it is the easy availability of these
>>things that allows bad guys to get them?

>how about the following, keith?

>1.  in california, to be able to carry a firearm in your car, you must have
>a concealed weapons permit. these have been very difficult to get in LA
>county. if it is clearly against the law to carry a gun, then how do you
>explain the many drive-by shootings??


Okay, one more point, then i'll let this drop...

I'm not talking about the ability to CARRY a gun... I'm talking about the
ability to get them in the first place. Everyone argues that bad guys will
still be able to get guns, completely ignoring the *** statistics in
other countries where guns are banned. The bad guys aren't getting them

Okay, I will concede that the cat is probably already too far out of the
bag... there are so many guns in this country that it would be next to
impossible to get rid of them all. However, I think it is something worth
shooting for (no pun intended...). I will also agree that as long as they
exist, trying to control guns using laws won't work. It is their existance
that I have the problem with.


David Ewin

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by David Ewin » Sat, 08 May 1999 04:00:00

> heck, no, i can see why. i'm not blind (although i attempt to be, at a near
> graeme nash rate!). my point, along with dang near every other pro-gun
> person, is:
> where do you draw the line?

Rocket launchers?  Bazookas?  Mortars? Anthrax? Nuclear weapons?

I have never understood this logic.  We draw the line in every other area of
consumer products - you can't legally drive a Formula One car on public roads
but you can drive a high performance sports car.  It is this absolutism which
make the NRA come across as a bunch of lunatics.  Perhaps this is a good thing.
If they seemed like a reasonable bunch of folks who really gave a rat's ass
about anyone else, they would be even more powerful in American politics.

Mass proliferation of these weapons is how the bad guys are getting armed in the
first place.  Allowing gun manufacturers to produce specific weapons with no
legitimate purposes is insane.

Jay, you have postulated that a substantial number of people in our ***
rate are actually bad guys who were shot in self defense.  Here are some actual
stats ....

From the New England Journal of Medicine -

For every self-defense or legally justifiable shooting there are 4 accidental
shootings and 7 criminal ***s or ***s (plus 11 attempted or completed

Our *** rate due to firearms is 10 times that of Canada (the second highest
rate) and about 200 times that of Japan.

Stop it ... I'm getting a woody.  ;-)

Unlike smoking cigarrettes or viewing ***ography, this issue doesn't boil down
to personal choice because of the inherent dangers presented to the rest of

It's a deal.


Dave Ewing

Graeme Nas

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Graeme Nas » Sat, 08 May 1999 04:00:00

Is this to be the end of the longest thread in r.a.s history? :-)

Graeme Nash
ICQ# 11257824
                        "Sorry, my eyes were on screensaver"

                                (Calvin & Hobbes)


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Eldre » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

>Let me get this straight... You're saying the majority of ***s in this
>country are people defending themselves against bad guys?!?!?!?!?

Boy, I wish THAT was the case.  Somebody mentioned natural selection...?
Then, we wouldn't have to SUPPORT these mis-wired carbon-units in jail for


Put your message in a modem, and throw it in the ***-sea...
remove SPAM-OFF to reply.


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Eldre » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

>> Not our kids, State ward kids. We were "Cottage Parents", something akin to
>> Foster Parents. In Australia any "child"over 15 can complain to a state
>> social worker abou their parents and get funding to move out of home. The
>> parents crime could simply be to put curfews on their activities or show
>> about their choice of friends etc. The basic rights of parents to be
>parents is
>> being taken away. As for searching an 18 year olds room for weapons or
>> ***...that is viewed as basic violation of the kids privacy.

>This is complete bull. If the kid is living under my roof I don't care
>if they are 35, it's still MY house and the room they are living in is
>MY room. Therefore if I suspect illegal activity I WILL search the room.
>If I find what I don't want to find then the proper people will be
>informed, *** or no ***. The ultimate authority lays with the
>parents. NO ONE in my house has complete privacy if I suspect
>lawlessness. After all I could also be charged in the event the cops
>break down my door because they suspect someone who lives in my house.

That's what I would think.  There's no WAY I'm gonna let someone do illegal
stuff in MY house.  But, he IS in a different country, right?  Maybe they just
have stranger laws...


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