>Ok, thanks. Not being a gun afficianado, I didn't know the various
>So, why dod the term 'semi-automatic' seem to be a recent one? They didn't
>call revolvers that in the '20s and '30s, did they?
When I said "no different than a revolver", I meant that one trigger pull
delivers one round and leaves the gun ready to fire again. Mechanically, they
are very different. A semi-automatic, often referred to as an automatic
pistol, uses the left over gas from firing to eject the spent cartridge and
load a fresh one from a magazine. The magazine holds more cartriges than a
revolver and is easier to reload, so in a prolonged firefight, the semi-auto
would have an advantage, but for six, seven, or in some cases eight firings,
they would be equal in speed. The press uses semi-automatic, and in some cases
automatic, because it fools some people into thinking someone was using a
machine gun. As you now know, this little scam works quite well.
Don McCorkle
Libertarian Motorsports