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(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by DAVI » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

Yes that is wrong and against the law.  But a person defending himself or
his wife it is not wrong.  Addtionally if someone came into my house or was
going to kill me or my wife I would much rather be judged by 12 then
carried by 6.  We do have the right to defend ourselves,  in Fact the US
consititution recognizes this GOD given right.



(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Woodie » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

>Ok, thanks.  Not being a gun afficianado, I didn't know the various
>So, why dod the term 'semi-automatic' seem to be a recent one?  They didn't
>call revolvers that in the '20s and '30s, did they?

When I said "no different than a revolver", I meant that one trigger pull
delivers one round and leaves the gun ready to fire again.  Mechanically, they
are very different.  A semi-automatic, often referred to as an automatic
pistol, uses the left over gas from firing to eject the spent cartridge and
load a fresh one from a magazine.  The magazine holds more cartriges than a
revolver and is easier to reload, so in a prolonged firefight, the semi-auto
would have an advantage, but for six, seven, or in some cases eight firings,
they would be equal in speed.  The press uses semi-automatic, and in some cases
automatic, because it fools some people into thinking someone was using a
machine gun.  As you now know, this little scam works quite well.

Don McCorkle
Libertarian Motorsports

Chuck Kandle

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Chuck Kandle » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

 We do have the right to defend ourselves,  in Fact the US

Well, just remember that you were the one that brought this point up.  I
believe God said it best when he stated, "Thou shalt not kill".  He did not say
"except when you or your loved one's lives are in danger".  There are no
exceptions to that law.  And Christ said "You shall love your neighbor as
yourself".  Drop the paranoia and realize that, no matter how much it may give
you mental comfort, that gun will not really save your life.  If your number is
up today, there is nothing in the world you can do that will change the fact.
On the other hand, if your number is *not* up today nothing is going to take
your life no matter what.  Which is where tales of *miracle* survivals in times
of crisis come from.  The only thing that gun will do for you is to condemn you
before The Man.  Have a nice life.

Chuck Kandler

N. Coke

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by N. Coke » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00


I hate to interject into this fruitless, off-topic thread, but I have to
say that for someone seem to be knowledgeable about guns, you are not being
completely truthful.

It is NOT true that revolvers and semi-automatic guns "for six or eight
firings would be equal in firing speed."  Revolvers and semi-automatics are
also generally referred as double-action and single-action guns,
respectively, for the way they operate.  That is, in a revolver the action
of pulling the trigger first***s the hammer and then releases it to drop
as the second action.  Whereas in a semiautomatic gun part of the gas
pressure is used the*** the hammer and ready it for the next round.
Therefore it is much faster to pull the trigger consecutively on a
semi-automatic gun, because very little travel and effort required on the
trigger to drop the hammer.

For the same reason, it would be very easy to modify any semi-automatic
weapon to fully automatic action

Nafi Coker

>>Ok, thanks.  Not being a gun afficianado, I didn't know the various
>>So, why dod the term 'semi-automatic' seem to be a recent one?  They
>>call revolvers that in the '20s and '30s, did they?

>When I said "no different than a revolver", I meant that one trigger pull
>delivers one round and leaves the gun ready to fire again.  Mechanically,
>are very different.  A semi-automatic, often referred to as an automatic
>pistol, uses the left over gas from firing to eject the spent cartridge
>load a fresh one from a magazine.  The magazine holds more cartriges than
>revolver and is easier to reload, so in a prolonged firefight, the
>would have an advantage, but for six, seven, or in some cases eight
>they would be equal in speed.  The press uses semi-automatic, and in some
>automatic, because it fools some people into thinking someone was using a
>machine gun.  As you now know, this little scam works quite well.

>Don McCorkle
>Libertarian Motorsports


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Woodie » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

>Well, just remember that you were the one that brought this point up.  I
>believe God said it best when he stated, "Thou shalt not kill".  He did not
>"except when you or your loved one's lives are in danger".  There are no
>exceptions to that law.

Wrong, the original saying was "Thou shall not commit ***".  Got kinda
changed in the translation.  Do you really think god wants you to stand by and
do nothing if say, a child is being***d?  If so, then anything god has said
goes right out the window.  That's no one I would listen to.

Don McCorkle
Libertarian Motorsports


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Woodie » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

>It is NOT true that revolvers and semi-automatic guns "for six or eight
>firings would be equal in firing speed."  Revolvers and semi-automatics are
>also generally referred as double-action and single-action guns,
>respectively, for the way they operate.  That is, in a revolver the action
>of pulling the trigger first***s the hammer and then releases it to drop
>as the second action.  Whereas in a semiautomatic gun part of the gas
>pressure is used the*** the hammer and ready it for the next round.
>Therefore it is much faster to pull the trigger consecutively on a
>semi-automatic gun, because very little travel and effort required on the
>trigger to drop the hammer.

True, but here we're talking about fractions of a second difference.  I was
explaining the difference to EldredP who was under the false impression that
semi-automatic meant machine gun.

I've never in my life heard of someone modifying a semi-automatic pistol to
operate fully automatic.  Seems that if it was so easy, you'd have them

You are quite correct that this is off-topic and probably quite annoying to the
others here.  I think I'm going to let it go.  If I've screwed up again, take
it to e-mail.
Don McCorkle
Libertarian Motorsports


(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by DAVI » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

Well I would think the reason would be you would not be able to hit the
broad side of a barn with a pistol made to operate fully automatic.  I
think you would would encounter a bunch of muzzle lift.


Chuck Kandle

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Chuck Kandle » Wed, 12 May 1999 04:00:00

>  Do you really think god wants you to stand by and
> do nothing if say, a child is being***d?  If so, then anything god has said
> goes right out the window.  That's no one I would listen to.

I don't know.  Would he want me to stand by as you ***ed its rapist? Or should
I protect his (also) sacred life?  Then who would stand by as I take you out?   It
goes both ways.  He's wrong for his actions, but you'd be wrong in yours.  There
is only one to settle the score.  And its not you or me.

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by DAVI » Wed, 12 May 1999 04:00:00

A person saving anothers life is not in the wrong.  He has a very good
reason for what he is doing and God will not punish him.  Additionally I
would venture to guess there is not Court on the Earth that would punish
him either.  

This is starting to get stupid.  Killing a rapist if its the only way to
stop the*** is justified.


> >  Do you really think god wants you to stand by and
> > do nothing if say, a child is being***d?  If so, then anything god
has said
> > goes right out the window.  That's no one I would listen to.

> I don't know.  Would he want me to stand by as you ***ed its rapist?
Or should
> I protect his (also) sacred life?  Then who would stand by as I take you
out?   It
> goes both ways.  He's wrong for his actions, but you'd be wrong in yours.
> is only one to settle the score.  And its not you or me.

Mark C Dod

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mark C Dod » Wed, 12 May 1999 04:00:00

I think you had better bone up on the privacy laws. Are you saying if I rented
somebody the room or the house I would have the right to enter and search? The
Police have to prove you knew the "illegal" items were stored in your kids room.
Respect for their privacy is a legal defence.

> writes:

> >The US doesn't have privacy laws? You can legally search through your kids
> >drwaers
> >and cupboards? I don't think so.

> Why not?  It's in your HOUSE.  If the police raid you and find something you're
> damn well going to be RESPONSIBLE for it...

> __

> Put your message in a modem, and throw it in the ***-sea...
> remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

John Walla

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by John Walla » Wed, 12 May 1999 04:00:00

Perhaps you can point me to the evidence of this? It is clearly "Thou
shalt not kill", unless you are better able to translate the originals
which popped down from Mt. Sinai. It has _been_interpreted_ as thou
shalt not commit ***, but that was probably when being translated
by Uzi....

Do you really think God wants you to second guess him and read what
you want into what He said? You either invole God's words or you
don't, but he's not a guy who's words I'd want to be twisting.


John Walla

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by John Walla » Wed, 12 May 1999 04:00:00

On 11 May 1999 10:40:23 GMT, "DAVID "

>A person saving anothers life is not in the wrong.  He has a very good
>reason for what he is doing and God will not punish him.  Additionally I
>would venture to guess there is not Court on the Earth that would punish
>him either.  

So Mr. Wolfe's girlfriend's car breaks down - I stop to help - she
thinks I'm stopping to*** her and "glocks" me one in the head.

Does God punish me, punish her, punish Glock or what? Or is it all a
big misunderstanding with me the "dead" unlucky one?


Jay Wolf

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Jay Wolf » Wed, 12 May 1999 04:00:00

>On 11 May 1999 10:40:23 GMT, "DAVID "

>So Mr. Wolfe's girlfriend's car breaks down - I stop to help - she
>thinks I'm stopping to*** her and "glocks" me one in the head.

>Does God punish me, punish her, punish Glock or what? Or is it all a
>big misunderstanding with me the "dead" unlucky one?

uh...nope. there ain't no dang deities a-flyin' 'round, matey. whatcha wood
be is done dead. chalk it upta an accident. as the lady said herself:
"i'd rather be in jail for killing an attacker, than him be in jail for
killing me."

your scenario above is terribly slanted. allow me the same consideration:
her car breaks down and the entire roster of crips and ***s have united in
thier attempt to do horrible nastiness. she unpacks her glock (which she has
had specially modified to take a 1000 round magazine and be fully automatic)
and does up a #6 on the lot. all gone.
result: *** crime rates go up for the year. *** crime rate drops
following year by 4000%. girlfriend not attacked. jay happy. world a better
place to live. johnny wallace comes to BBQ without fear of being shot by
baddies. future generations of idiots do not appear since the baddies were
not allowed to spread thier evil seed.   ; -)

p.s. - special credit given for correct answer on the "#6" reference.

John Walla

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by John Walla » Thu, 13 May 1999 04:00:00

On Tue, 11 May 1999 14:54:04 -0700, "Jay Wolfe"

>uh...nope. there ain't no dang deities a-flyin' 'round, matey. whatcha wood
>be is done dead. chalk it upta an accident. as the lady said herself:
>"i'd rather be in jail for killing an attacker, than him be in jail for
>killing me."

Or "I'd rather gun down the good samaritan in case he***s me".

On the other hand the world is a worse place overall since Jay, heaven
forfend, may manage by some quirk of nature to spread his evil seed.
Oh lord though art truly a fickle master, and thy tortuos ways are
impossible to understand... :-)


Three "number twos"?


Mark C Dod

(really) *VERY* IMPORTANT: PC Games are 100% positive CAMPAIGN

by Mark C Dod » Thu, 13 May 1999 04:00:00

Don't worry about it. You would probably go to heaven and get to play GP3 on
a Pentium IV 2000 with a 128MB Voodoo 6 card at 350FPS for the sresto of


You would probably go to hell and get to play GP3 on a Pentium IV 2000 with a
128MB Voodoo 6 card at 350FPS for the sresto of eternity!

> On 11 May 1999 10:40:23 GMT, "DAVID "

> >A person saving anothers life is not in the wrong.  He has a very good
> >reason for what he is doing and God will not punish him.  Additionally I
> >would venture to guess there is not Court on the Earth that would punish
> >him either.

> So Mr. Wolfe's girlfriend's car breaks down - I stop to help - she
> thinks I'm stopping to*** her and "glocks" me one in the head.

> Does God punish me, punish her, punish Glock or what? Or is it all a
> big misunderstanding with me the "dead" unlucky one?

> Cheers!
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