> A manual car will give you more control over the engine, because
> you're in
> direct contact with it. You have to select when to shift gear and use
> the
> clutch to do so. However, all that gearing shifting and clutch
> pressing
> takes away from your overall control of the vehicle, because you're
> having
> to use one less hand on the wheel and you're having to concentrate on
> more
> than just the driving. An automatic gearbox removes the need for it.
I disagree with loss of overall control by only using one hand on the wheel.
Even when I drive our "automatic" mini-van, I find myself only using one hand
on the wheel. After 18+ years of driving manuals using one hand on the wheel,
I've found that driving with 2 hands on the wheel just feels unnatural now. I
have much better control of the wheel with one hand than with 2. I even only
use one hand on the wheel for racing sims/games. I'll sometimes try 2 hands
and I just feel like I'm always trying to overcorrect because my right hand
wants to do more than it should... go back to one (left) hand on the wheel and
I'm more precise and less constant jerking of the wheel.
IMHO you have more total control of the car with a manual over an automatic.
My personal preference is to be in control. This is why I always have to be
the driver, not a passenger. I was going crazy when my wife drove me home from
the hospital after out-patient wrist surgery recently. She just doesn't get
the fact that situational awareness (always knowing where every other car is
around you) is crucial to driving, and enhances the experience... :-)
Try this once... learn to drive a manual correctly, then take an American
muscle car (oh... say a Cobra Mustang) out for a test drive. First try one
with an automatic, then one with a manual... then report back which was a
better "driving" experience... ;-)