Are you still trying to compare a flight simulation to a racing simulation?
Or are you trying to mask an intentionally silly post behind some "not
so bold" words of criticism?
After reading your post(s), I feel like I should go out and compare one of
Jane's combat sims with Interstate '76 or something like that. Don't get me
wrong, I think MS FS and the like have potential and for a FLIGHT sim seem
fairly realistic, but...
In 1967, you had no pit to car radio, no on-board telemetry, I doubt you
could here the P.A. while your engine was running, and they weren't too keen
on driver amenities and pit stalls. What you should really do (if you're so
inclined) is compare a '67 flight sim to a '67 racing sim and THEN come back
to us with a revised apples to oranges comparison. :-) All the best and
happy racing...
Sent: Saturday, November 07, 1998 2:11 PM
Subject: GPL - where's the sim part?
>As good as GPL is, it sure is missing alot of things; as are all other
>racing sims. Its more like 3/4 of a sim than a full sim. Why? Glad you
>asked. :)
>If you compare todays flight sims to todays race sims, racing sims are
>missing quite a few details.
>In a good flight sim like MS FlightSim98 or Flight Unlimited 2 you get
>virtually a complete sim. You have to talk to the tower, taxi, request
>landing permission, adjust flaps and even start the plane up. Most of
>the details are there that a pilot has to go through.
>In GPL you start off in pit lane when it would really be more
>interesting to start in the paddock or garage.
>In GPL the car is already running when to be more real one should have
>to flip a few switches and press the start button to fire the car
>up.(They did have starters right? <shrug>)
>Also making ones way from the paddock to pit lane should be implemented
>just like you need to taxi in a plane to the runway.
>More yet, one should have to wait for visually view permission from the
>pit marshal or crew chief to exit pit out.
>And how about a few people in pit lane for once doing normal pit thing.
>I guess what I'm trying to get at here is racing sims usually only have
>driving and some mechanical tweak things in them. How about a full
>complete racing sim for once that can come to or exceed todays flight
>sim standards for realism and driver responsibilities.
>Any comments are welcome.