> How can i ever go back playing F1RS, Gp2 , N2 ..
> Now that Ive tasted the "feeling" of real driving.
> I have never EVER experienced this kind of thrill
> in a diving sim !!!
> The way the car respnds to my T2 is just exacly
> the way i expect it to do. :)
> The framerates on my PII300 Voodoo2 64meg ram machine,
> just flies in 800x600...(exept in the last right turn)
> (BTW. can anyone help me out?...im driving in "16:9"
> format on screen)
> This is THE racing sim.
> Regards
> Thomas
Thomas, the sim also flies on a P2/300 V1, I too can vouch for that.
As for the widescreen view, that's the way it's supposed to be. If you
go into the options.ini you will see it is set to fill the whole screen,
it just uses black bars at the top and bottom. Exactly like widescreen
movies on a 4:3 TV set. I like the effect alot, I feel it allows you to
see more of the sides of the track than if Papy had tried to use the
normal full screen viewing angle. Less of a tunnel vision effect. In
fact I kinda hope it catches on and they use it for N3.
All the best, Mike
Michael S. Davis
Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."