My dad came over, and we decided to play GP2 with a null modem cable. I have
a PII 300 with 128mb SDRAM, and my wife's computer is a P5-200 MMX with 64mb
SDRAM. I made the PII the host and the 200 connected. I had the same
graphics detail settings on both.....very low. Both ran in SVGA, with only a
couple of things turned on in the detail, and in mirrors, only track and
curbs. set frame rate to 18 with estimated being >25 on both machines.
Medium detail. Problem is, although the occupancy was 25% on my PII, it was
so choppy I missed every turn. Sometimes, I would be going completely
straight, and the car would turn fully to the left, into the wall with no
input on my part. I double checked the calibration, reinstalled GP2 on both
machines, tried everything. Still no luck. We never got a complete lap in
because we were so disgusted. What was wrong?
Craig Marcho