Just by way of contribution to this GPL frame rate investigation
that seems to be going on.
I too have slow down from the normal 36fps to 24 when playing
GPL 1.1 irrespective of any other core.ini files. BUT, if I connect
my dial-up connection to my isp, the game runs at 36-37 fps
constantly with no slow downs. Disconnect from my ISP, and
the game slows down to 24fps again. It's definately a slow down
as well - it's not dropping frames, it's actually running slowly - as
though it it capped differently.
This is after trying all the suggestions mentioned here and on
forums around the place, the only variable which affects my
GPL performance is whether the PC is online. This includes
offline practice with the internet connection active.
I have a local TCP/IP network as well as my dial-up connection.
Hope this snippet means something.
Jason Harrison
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