Whatever blows your skirt up Mitch. But keep in mind that I never
once claimed that people who drive in the***pit and thinks everyone
else should too are narrow-minded realism nazis with a feeble grasp
on what's truly important to a given individual. :)
How's that? Have I demonstrated any less ability than a driver who
drives in-car? Tim is most certainly faster than me, and is fatser
than you, yet he's pretty much accident-free in RASCAR events and he
wins more often than not.
Okay, let's see... I saw several accidents in time to slow down and
avoid them at NH and at Chicago. How many of the people that weren't
able to see the accidents in time were driving in-car?
Further, watch me in the replays at chicago and louden. There were
several times when I backed off because I didn't like the look/smell
of an overtaking situation (with me doing the overtaking). I'm
pretty sure that you'll see as much give as take on my part. But
damnit - I'm a roof-rider, so that doesn't matter, does it?
One more thing - go back to the replay at Papy Motorsport Park and
watch that last lap again. It was you and me through the last three
turns. At the time of the race, you said you backed off because you
got a little confuised about how many more laps were left or
something. That didn't sound like you were nervous about my driving.
You don't go into avoidance mode around me (and I have several
replays from this season and last season to prove it). In fact, I
rather enjoy racing you Mitch because you're not afraid to mix it up
and race close.
I don't know if it does or doesn't. But let me ask you - have you
ever driven a real stockcar at speed? I have, and this sim is so far
from realistic it's laughable.
I do want realism, but we're never gonna get what I consider enough
realism to warrant the vilification of people who are simply more
comfortable driving their car a certain way. I'm certainly not
ashamed to say I ride the roof, and I think more people in RASCAR
would be more competitive and drive better if they did it too.
However, I'm not gonna stand up and proclaim that anyone that doesn't
is as moron.
Little secret (or maybe not) - I drove two full seasons in GPL in
chase mode, and have been driving the papy sims in roof mode since
NR4. In previous versions I drove in-car.
I *do* regularly urge/insist that people practice before they show up
for a race. I don't care if the practice online or offline, but they
most certainly should put in about a hundred laps at the next track
on the schedule - EVERY WEEK.
Well, since we're in a fixed setup league, I think the aids are fine.
Simply put (and demonstrated on a weekly basis) some folks just can't
get a grip on the fast setup. If they need to use aids to make it
drivable, that's fine with me.
In fact, I'm using aids right now primarily because of my diminished
physical capacity. It's tough to drive these setups with one hand
(and the one I don't normally use, at that) and not being able to
shift. I use auto trans (and believe me that's HELL on pit entry)
and stability control, and sometimes, a little bit of steering
Once again, I don't mind saying I use aids, and I never have.
That will have absolutely no bearing on RASCAR races since we use
fixed setups.
Absolutely not. If you want ***, find it in another league, but
RASCAR will not be using *** mode, at least not while I have any
input on the subject.
I'm not trashing the desire for "realism" - god knows I'd like to see
more of it - but I want everyone in RASCAR to drive better and if
that means using aids, more power to them.
IMHO, Eldred should at least try roof-riding (for a while) to see if
it makes him more competitive.