On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 14:10:53 GMT, "Michael E. Carver"
>% I have seen no slow down in Frame Rate after upgrading. The force
>% feedback is the best to date. I still see nothing below 35fps while
>% driving at any track. Current system is:
>Well, I could have said the same thing until late last night, when 2
>hosts in a row I joined and I suffered major slow downs in the frame
>rate. Until then I had only experienced it once in a minor way.
>However, there was one thing I changed before I experienced the slomo's
>and I don't know if it's related. But it's worth looking into. When I
>was lucky and didn't have any slomo's I had the "don't sync buffer swaps
>with monitor refresh rate" checked on the setup for my Voodoo2 card.
>For some reason I unchecked this box and 2 races in a row, I suffered
>MAJOR slomo's. I don't know if this is related to the problem or not,
>but it's worth looking into.
If you sync buffer swap to the monitor refresh, ofcourse this is going
to downgrade (in almost all situtations) your framerate. The swap must
wait for the display beam to reach to vertical blanking zone (not
entirely true, actually the program can go on, but at the next drawing
operation this wait must occur). So if you run at 70Hz, and JUST don't
reach 35Hz for drawing, for example, you get a 70Hz/3 frame rate.
Not binding swaps to vertical retraces gives better frame rates, but a
messier screen.
Ruud van Gaal
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