Papyrus a simple FFB patch please


Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Skeet » Fri, 19 Mar 1999 04:00:00

  I posted this before but as usual nobody took to it.Why cant Papyrus
give us a simple FFB patch.All it would have to do is tighten up as
speed increases.Forget about loosening when oversteering or when the
fronts lose their grip.I dont care about bumps and jerks from
impacts.What I would like is a stifness to the wheel so that I dont
over compensate at full speeds.If not then I really feel they should
overdo the reduce with speed effect that is implemented now.Twitchy as
it is now when your at low speeds and getting less and less movement
at higher speeds will mimic the fact that as speed increases so does
the tension in the wheel.This way at top speed we will have to turn
the wheel alot more for a given amount of llock and this will give the
impression of tightened steering since our wheels get tighter the more
you turn them.I apologize to all if this was brought up many times

  Another thing.Does GPL not model the fact that when you go past your
maximum slipangle by truning the wheel to far that you will lose grip
at the fronts.It seems they dont and I feel this is a very good thing
that they added since we cant feel the grip losin the wheel.

Jack Ramb

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Jack Ramb » Fri, 19 Mar 1999 04:00:00


With all due respect, by referring to the addition of force feedback to GPL
as just a "simple FFB patch", you seriously underestimate what's involved in
such an undertaking. With its many subtleties, reproducing road feel and
variations in traction at the steering wheel, in a realistic manner, is not
the veritable child's play that you seem to suggest. Your implication that
Papyrus could produce the desired effect with a "simple" patch is tantamount
to saying to a racing game developer, "Well that's a great physics engine
you have there. Now how about just *** up a good visual interface to go
with that?"

No one has really pulled off the force feedback trick yet. Look at SCGT.
They have force feedback. But force feedback road feel? None, that I could
discern in my limited exposure. Think they wouldn't have liked to have
implemented it? It's not there because 1) they didn't have the expertise to
implement it or 2) its implementation would have taken too long or been too

As a mechanical engineer, familiar with the physics being modeled, and as a
software developer, I'd suggest that anyone anticipating force feedback in a
1.1 version of GPL not hold their breath. Which, incidentally, is by no
means a criticism of Papyrus. My experience suggests that force feedback is
a GPL 2.0 feature, at earliest.

Finally, you seem to say that GPL does not model excessive slip angles
accurately. Have you ever powered through a high speed sweeper sawing at the
wheel from side to side while maintaining a relatively steady path along the
racing line? The accurate modeling of excess slip angles is exactly what
you're experiencing as you maintain control while madly flailing at the

Jack Rambo

Ronald Stoe

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Ronald Stoe » Fri, 19 Mar 1999 04:00:00


> No one has really pulled off the force feedback trick yet. Look at SCGT.
> They have force feedback. But force feedback road feel? None, that I could
> discern in my limited exposure. Think they wouldn't have liked to have
> implemented it? It's not there because 1) they didn't have the expertise to
> implement it or 2) its implementation would have taken too long or been too
> costly.

Buy ViperRacing, then you know what's possible...

Oh, I'd even buy a second copy of GPL to get FF in that sim!


          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

Jack Ramb

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Jack Ramb » Fri, 19 Mar 1999 04:00:00

I have it, Ronald. Having done some SCCA campaigning a number of years ago,
Viper Racing doesn't stir any responses in my old and feeble mind.

Jack Rambo


Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Skeet » Sat, 20 Mar 1999 04:00:00


>> No one has really pulled off the force feedback trick yet. Look at SCGT.
>> They have force feedback. But force feedback road feel? None, that I could
>> discern in my limited exposure. Think they wouldn't have liked to have
>> implemented it? It's not there because 1) they didn't have the expertise to
>> implement it or 2) its implementation would have taken too long or been too
>> costly.

>Buy ViperRacing, then you know what's possible...

I believe that Viper has great FFB but I really dont feel that FFB
wheels are up to simulating what the front tires in GPL are going
thru.It seems that GPL is all ready to go in terms of FFB.Have you
noticed that at times the virtual steering wheel moves while you keep
your wheel straight.Catch a wheel off the side of the road and your
virtual wheel jerks.While going really fast turn your wheelfrom left
tand then hold it still and your virtual wheel moves in response to
the weight of the car transfering back and forth.

  theres some new things out in the FFB scene and you can read about


Ronald Stoeh

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Ronald Stoeh » Sat, 20 Mar 1999 04:00:00

> >Buy ViperRacing, then you know what's possible...

> I have it, Ronald. Having done some SCCA campaigning a number of years ago,
> Viper Racing doesn't stir any responses in my old and feeble mind.

Who would compare real life force feedback to simulated FF? ;^)
But to me the (maybe lacking) feeling of the car fighting back is such
an immersion improvement that I don't want to miss anymore.


Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
to take effect. Reboot now?
          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

Ronald Stoeh

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Ronald Stoeh » Sat, 20 Mar 1999 04:00:00


> >Buy ViperRacing, then you know what's possible...

> I believe that Viper has great FFB but I really dont feel that FFB
> wheels are up to simulating what the front tires in GPL are going
> thru.It seems that GPL is all ready to go in terms of FFB.Have you

Loosing grip in GPL is NO different to loosing grip in VR, isn't it?
The steering wheel goes loose, if you do loose grip. If it's possible
in VR, it's possible in GPL. Another question is the effect of lag, as
the physics engine of GPL is "finer" (granularity) as VR's.


Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
to take effect. Reboot now?
          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

Daxe Rexfor

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Daxe Rexfor » Sat, 20 Mar 1999 04:00:00

>Loosing grip in GPL is NO different to loosing grip in VR, isn't it?
>The steering wheel goes loose, if you do loose grip. If it's possible
>in VR, it's possible in GPL. Another question is the effect of lag, as
>the physics engine of GPL is "finer" (granularity) as VR's.

Yes, I know how obnoxious this is..but with this paragraph I can't restrain
myself anymore.

"Loose" and "Lose" mean different things and they are spelled differently.

You "Lose" grip, you are "Losing" grip.

The steering wheel does go "Loose", but it is if you "Lose" grip.  The car
can be tighter or "Looser".

A person who does not win is a "Loser"

"Loose" is the opposite of tight.

"Lose" is the opposite of win.

As long as I am setting myself up to get flamed for knowing how to spell, I
might as well add that the middle pedal is the brake.  Contrast that with
something else that folks seem to have trouble getting...

It's not a "Break" pedal.

It's not a brake "Peddle"

The readme for SCGT even uses the misspelling "Peddle".

I'm sure the people who can't spell correctly don't think it matters, but I
own a business, and if you come in to apply for a job and your application
looks as good as someone else's but they can spell and you can't, guess who
gets the job?


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Daxe Rexfor

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Daxe Rexfor » Sat, 20 Mar 1999 04:00:00

>He, Schlaumeier, sprichst Du noch 'ne Sprache ausser Englisch?
>Hey, smartass, you talkin' another language besides English?

No, You definately have me there.  I can speak about 2 useful phrases in
about 5 other languages and can't spell them correctly at all.   The real
probelm is that I see people who have English as their native language
spelling it the same way.

Yeah..there's a million of 'em.  I tried decaf and everything, but I still
can't stop getting worked up over this junk.  Something in my upbringing, no

Thanks for having a sense of humor and humoring me.


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Ronald Stoe

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Ronald Stoe » Sun, 21 Mar 1999 04:00:00

> Ronald Stoehr wrote

> >Loosing grip in GPL is NO different to loosing grip in VR, isn't it?
> >The steering wheel goes loose, if you do loose grip. If it's possible
> >in VR, it's possible in GPL. Another question is the effect of lag, as
> >the physics engine of GPL is "finer" (granularity) as VR's.

> Yes, I know how obnoxious this is..but with this paragraph I can't restrain
> myself anymore.

He, Schlaumeier, sprichst Du noch 'ne Sprache ausser Englisch?
Hey, smartass, you talkin' another language besides English?

Here's another one for you:
"Would you BORROW me your ***?"

Have fun... ;^)


          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

David G Fishe

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by David G Fishe » Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Ronald is German. I own a company too. If he applied for a job with me and
made such a tiny mistake in his spelling, I'd be impressed.

David G Fisher

>I'm sure the people who can't spell correctly don't think it matters, but I
>own a business, and if you come in to apply for a job and your application
>looks as good as someone else's but they can spell and you can't, guess who
>gets the job?

David G Fishe

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by David G Fishe » Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:00:00

As you say, good ff has been done already. It's coming in other sims. Since
it wasn't in GPL, the GPL fans insist it can't be done. Surprise, surprise.

David G Fisher

 >Buy ViperRacing, then you know what's possible...

Brett Resch

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Brett Resch » Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:00:00

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 15:42:33 -0500, "David G Fisher"

>As you say, good ff has been done already. It's coming in other sims. Since
>it wasn't in GPL, the GPL fans insist it can't be done. Surprise, surprise.

>David G Fisher

Hi David,

I think GPL is, by far, the most awesome racing sim yet.  Consider me
a fan of GPL.

I insist that good FF can be done, because I've seen it.

So much for sweeping generalizations...


Brett Resch

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Brett Resch » Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Hi Skeeter,

Now that I've stopped to consider your point, it makes a whole lot of
sense.  While I don't have a difficult time staying straight at high
speeds, it would be nice to have even the most basic feedback that you
describe.  Good point.

As for your second point, it seems to me that I could never turn far
enough (at high straight speeds) to loose grip at the front.  The lock
just doesn't seem great enough, then the back end just breaks loose.
At low cornering speeds, I definitely get understeer.  At least,
that's how I remember it right now...


Matthew Birger Knutse

Papyrus a simple FFB patch please

by Matthew Birger Knutse » Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:00:00

> >  I posted this before but as usual nobody took to it.Why cant Papyrus
> >give us a simple FFB patch.All it would have to do is tighten up as
> >speed increases.Forget about loosening when oversteering or when the
> >fronts lose their grip.I dont care about bumps and jerks from
> >impacts.What I would like is a stifness to the wheel so that I dont
> >over compensate at full speeds.If not then I really feel they should
> >overdo the reduce with speed effect that is implemented now.Twitchy as
> >it is now when your at low speeds and getting less and less movement
> >at higher speeds will mimic the fact that as speed increases so does
> >the tension in the wheel.This way at top speed we will have to turn
> >the wheel alot more for a given amount of llock and this will give the
> >impression of tightened steering since our wheels get tighter the more
> >you turn them.I apologize to all if this was brought up many times
> >before.

I definitely see your point here, but as for me I think it is just fine
the way it is.
From my experience in real racecars, steering is much heavier when going
so for me, this would be a bit weird...
Faster turns demands less steering wheel movement. Racing was relatively
easy on the hands at a open, fast track, while at my local Micky mouse
the wrists were really punished after 5 laps.(Mostly 2nd gear stuff).

I'm not following you here :-)
I definitely get understeer when adding exessive lock, while I was
delighted to find
that if I gave the wheel a good 'ol twist on a straight, I got into BIG
This was the most annoying thing about ICR2 and N2, you could just
swerve like
a maniac on the straights without spinning!

I would love to see really good feedback implemented into GPL, but
that would be really difficult to get right. Somehow, I think I am
sensing what the car is doing anyway! GP2 also got this right, apart
from a
few of G.Crammonds ideas (reaction to kerbs..ugh, just like REVS!)

All best,

Matthew Knutsen

"The Art of Legends" - GPL add-ons
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