give us a simple FFB patch.All it would have to do is tighten up as
speed increases.Forget about loosening when oversteering or when the
fronts lose their grip.I dont care about bumps and jerks from
impacts.What I would like is a stifness to the wheel so that I dont
over compensate at full speeds.If not then I really feel they should
overdo the reduce with speed effect that is implemented now.Twitchy as
it is now when your at low speeds and getting less and less movement
at higher speeds will mimic the fact that as speed increases so does
the tension in the wheel.This way at top speed we will have to turn
the wheel alot more for a given amount of llock and this will give the
impression of tightened steering since our wheels get tighter the more
you turn them.I apologize to all if this was brought up many times
Another thing.Does GPL not model the fact that when you go past your
maximum slipangle by truning the wheel to far that you will lose grip
at the fronts.It seems they dont and I feel this is a very good thing
that they added since we cant feel the grip losin the wheel.