I general I disagree w/ any *racing* rule not enforced by the sim
because how else are we gonna enforce it? Take away points?
Suspension. Many of the rules below are not black and white and I can
give special circumstances for most of them.
On Mon, 28 Jul 2003 16:56:40 -0400, "grub"
>Here goes pandoras box.
>I have seen these rules help out. Consider them if you will. I would prefer
>though that there be no rules except what the game provides.
>1. no passing before the first turn. I actually like this one. the hotdogs
>hated it.
Dont think it would work. What happens when a guy spins his tires in
front of me... should I slam on my brakes? I think the only thing
that would happen is someone would get a real bad start the field
would bunch up behind him and we would all wreck in T1 or if we made
it through we would all wreck in T3.
Good idea to do, bad to make a rule. At pocono a couple of cars were
spinning in front of me and the yellow came out. The guy in front of
me went low to avoid the accident and hit the brakes, I went high and
stayed on the gas (not trying to gain positions, just trying to clear
the wreck). As a result I passed the guy in front of me... should I
be penalized... should I have stood on the brakes and probably been
punted by the guy behind me?
Use common sense people. If you haven't passed the guy in front of
you for the last 40 laps, what makes you think you will get him coming
back too the flag. I usually do let up and maintain my position...
gotta have a car to finish the race.
Yes, it does suck and anyone who gets a lap down will probably just
bail since there will be little hope of getting the lap back.
This could be good. Only 2 a fault incidents and you are gone. Still
gonna have problems though. Say me and another guy go into a turn
side by side and we touch doors and do to micro-warp he goes flying
into the stands. He thinks it's my fault, I think it's his fault...
its really just one of those racing deals...
Yup, some variation on this could be good as long as an incident only
counts against you if it is determined it was your fault.
Brian Oster