There are 16-bit 486's out there too! <- That was just in case
some one thought that all the 486's were 32-bit.
Indycar will run on a 386SX albeit with greatly reduced detail, but the
game still drives about the same as it does on a 486DX2 with full
You wri
You wri>>>> I have a DELL 333p, it has a 386SX, 8mb ram, has anyone tried runnig
You wri>>>>the NASCAR game on this setup yet ? I would like the game or one like it
You wri>>>>any ideas?
You wri
You wriI don't believe it's even possible to run the game on a 386SX, if you
You wrihad a 386DX it would run but albeit very slow. If I am correct the
You wri386SX is only a 16-bit processor where as the 386DX and up are mostly
You wri32-bit. Nascar & IndyCar ONLY run in 32-bit mode, Sorry :-(
You wri
You wri
You wri There are 16-bit 486's out there too! <- That was just in case
You wrisome one thought that all the 486's were 32-bit.
You wri